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Everything posted by ronster

  1. Done a urine test from the photo.
  2. Stick a kilo of heroin in his suitcase and put him on a one way flight to Singapore or Bali . 👉🤯
  3. Who's fees ? The governments or dornas ? The private sponsors already coughed up 300 million of the 500 total this year . So they basically want private groups to pay for it all while the government take all the credit .
  4. Seems to be a lot more drug arrests and busts since new PM took over. Wonder if daddy is pushing this .
  5. Lol they can hardly convince or get people to pay their licence nowadays as it is 🙈
  6. I never applied for a visa and went for a week with my wife arriving in da nang.
  7. But I can spell laughing 🙄🙈
  8. So some guy gave him a line of powder to sniff and it made the internet ? 🤔
  9. Broader economic benefits ?? So all the money going into chains like Tesco , 7-11 etc is a benefit 😂
  10. Probably off his head on the drugs judging by the size of the amount he had in police photo.
  11. So some scruffy skinny guy was running around dressed as a Thai cop pretending he was russian mafia and people believed him ? 😂
  12. I went a few years ago with Thai wife and my UK passport , both visa exempt as far as remember because of ASEAN rule they made for Thais and UK not needing visa .
  13. Don't really benefit most of the island as they are taken to same places over and over and rushed onto the next one before back on the ship . Not to mention the F1 minivan races that will be happening everywhere at Mach 3 !!
  14. So he only gets a 3000 bht fine and that's ok ? No thinking of kicking the undesirable out of the country 🙄
  15. So he had 187,000 . Where is the rest of the money ? 🤔
  16. Well a few people are now definitely getting to keep their high end cars and whatever else was taken when they raided his house .
  17. But harsh saying that about Israelis . They are here waiting till trump builds their new resort in Gaza .
  18. The rich were heard chanting " we want casinos, we want casinos ! "
  19. Why buy clothes when you can just nick them 🤣
  20. So would he be charged with drug dealing as doesn't seem so unless they missed that bit out.
  21. Give him 2 life sentences, one for the one he took and the one for the one he intended to take .
  22. Still seems pretty low considering the amount of pills that were in the room when arrested. Should have pinned them on everyone in the room .
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