In Terry Pratchett's Diskworld he describes a land called 4X (nothing like any country in our round world of course) in which it is the standard procedure to lock up all politicians as soon as they get elected; as the jailor explained to Rincewind The Wizzard: "it saves time".
· the airport was juggling between 5,000 to 6,000 passengers per hour.
· Airports of Thailand (AOT) and Immigration Division 2 are joining hands to tackle a pressing issue
Y'see - when you're juggling it's best not to join hands
Last month I had to contact Amex Card Services about a matter, which I dealt Ith through their online Chat quite successfully. Afterwards the CSR sent me a message " we note you have had an Amex card for 46 years. Thank you so much for being a long-term customer". I wrote back that their thanks was not appreciated when they had just advised me they would be cancelling my card because I lived outside UK. I got a boiler plate reply that it was changed business practices....
(UK) Last time I looked at this (for a job prospect) it had been farmed out to a private company and they required a post code ie UK residence, as they simply checked court judgements against the address. I gave up but will no doubt have to deal with this in due course.
but all the non-chain takeaway restaurants were cash only when I was there this year. And the post office would only take cash for certain transactions.
It appears that this was a precast concrete segment bridge erected using a gantry; similar to the picture.
Whether the gantry failed or a previously placed unit on which the gantry sat failed first is difficult to identify from the pictures I've seen. Failure of these erector gantries was not uncommon 20 years ago when they were fairly novel.
Quotes you provided are misleading. Did you read the conclusion?:
"We propose that mRNA vaccination is associated with cardiac endothelial inflammation, which may lead to arrhythmia, including AF."