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Doctor Tom

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About Doctor Tom

  • Birthday 01/01/1962

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    Chon Buri Province

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  1. The Thais are still dangerously incompetent, sxxt drivers, so instead of making the foreign drivers, who are, one hopes, of a better standard, jump through their stupid processes as detailed by the OP. they should try to train their moronic National drivers the rules and techniques that they so clearly lack.
  2. An IQ of 50. The dog probably had a higher IQ than this idiot.
  3. No improvement on W 10, in fact, its annoying. The MS geeks move stuff around, so that what was simple and obvious before no longer is. This seems to be the case with all MS update versions. stick with 10 if you can
  4. The Elite Visa was never worth the money and it was always plain that Thailand's longer term goals would need a much more relaxed set of visa processes within a more advanced digital age. The latest move to attract digital nomads to LOS is sensible and will enhance the country's attractiveness to a wider age group of working people, as well as tourists. All good moves, so I don't see where the anger comes from, except from those who were fooled by the Elite Visa terms.
  5. My dear late Mother was a Civil Servant. In her later career, she developed many of the symptoms of early stage dementia, forgetting stuff, unable to really function well at all. During this period, the Civil Service promoted her, twice !! . Enough said I think.
  6. As I have rehired I have slowly shrugged off any firm commitments and professional and Commercial relationships that made demands on my time and my brain. Now I find that life's trivia occupies me more, but I don't mind. Deciding whether to have another coffee takes time now, but who cares. There should be a time in life when nothing much really matters, bar getting through the waking hours enjoyably and satisfyingly, however that pans out. Chill is the word.
  7. I understand, but lets face it, we should live life in the most comfortable way that makes us comfortable and happy, regardless of conventional thinking. We are expected to sit outside in the tropical evening, listening to the jungle sounds , drinking Singapore Slings. Well getting bitten to death is not my idea of fun and I no longer drink alcohol, so not much evening outside for me .
  8. We bought a huge fan for the veranda/patio that we built. Hardly ever sit outside now, so never use it. Its too hot most of the time and too many flying things trying to eat you. I would rather sit in aircon to read my book, listen to music or just chill out.
  9. Can of worms mare. Its not often here that competent and professional can be used about Thai tradesmen. Having said that, I have found that asking around, especially among workers on bigger projects, such as hotels, you will soon hear of small gangs of independent folk that take up smaller jobs. I found the chap who does my minor stuff when he was the resident tradesman on my resort. Too far away for you, but asking the locals around you for recommendations works.
  10. Only in the US system. Actually to the rest of the World, their qualification is a First Degree, maybe followed up with a specialization Masters. The core tenant of a doctorate, is that it is awarded for original research, that adds to the sum of knowledge in that field. It is not awarded for time served learning.
  11. The US get it wrong, as they do about so many issues in academia. They throw the title 'Doctor' at anything that moves, Vets, Chiropractors, Dentists, none of whom hold a true Doctorate. I ended up with mine after a 3 year BSc, one year MSc and 5 years of original research for the PhD. You can possibly see why the US system irritates me and those like me. As an aside, lots of things in Delaware are very questionable.
  12. Thats what I said. Read before typing my friend. Your last sentence is not correct.
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