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Everything posted by V8M8

  1. Ha ha yeah I know, thanks Stoner. I thought I had done quite well under the circumstances. Don't drink and type.
  2. Attacking me as an angry drunk? Oh what a wonderful sense of showmanship you have. No, my sense of humour is still intact. The quotation from your text that you may have over looked. "I am almost certain to more intelligent" is my point in fact.
  3. What is a troll? I see them getting a lot of credit here so please enlighten me.
  4. I am a native speaker, of which language you may ask? "I am almost certain to more intelligent" is also excusable if you are dyslexic, Sort your crap out and stop trying to appear smarter than you are.
  5. The "just over3000 posts" says it all. No illusions at all then.
  6. That;s Sick Nick! Too creepy just <deleted> off!!
  7. You are not wired up right. Seek help.
  8. All off topics aside, you may have a point there Bday. However, your overall demeaner, expertly garnered from your relentless regularity of an almost incalculatable amount of posts, comes across as demeaning, aloof and with a sense that you think that you are more intelligent than eveyone else on this forum. So, please, desist and reighn in your wild aspirations of being God's answer to forums and especially to Thailand's miriad complex issues. Because, despite your illusions of grandure, you are not Gods or anyone elses answer.
  9. A couple of quiet Captain Morgan Sodas and a generous dash of a sense of humour Mr. TorquayFan
  10. Another lost soul whom has stumbled into the wrong post. If you are so offended, just read the subject/title of the post before entering and save yourself you HO's. Did you know that you will be struck down by lightening if you offer too many?
  11. Depends if you bat with your left foot or not Britman. Going on my own experiences, many woman have been influential in my well being, to the point of me being extremely satisfied. Only Mick Jagger said "I can't get no"
  12. I was unfortunately stuck on a project in India during the lead up to Trumps election. The only english speaking tv programe that I could get was CNN. Dog Whistling and Gas Lighting were the great homo, Don Lemon's favourite put downs of Trump and the Republicans. I'm not American but looking from the outside in can see quite clearly that you have some serious issues. I would suggest getting that wall finished ASAP!
  13. Wow! Calm down brother. You may do yourself an injury carrying around all of that venom. Put on some looser shorts, take an aspirin and chill. Oh, and innuendose trump euendos.
  14. Getting you canines sharpened are you Warlock. Oh no, sorry that was Dracula.
  15. Come on people! Does anyone actually belive this crap. An obviously terrorist inclined fool dressed up in Arabic type dress, spouting conspiracy theories. Get real.
  16. Implants are good Jim. I have had a few. Not sure how the bridge thing works though.
  17. Oh, now we know where to go. Somewhere between BKK & Pattaya
  18. Normally you could probably think informant, but this doesn't add up. Sounds like someone the police have used to do the dirty deeds for whatever twisted reasons they may have had.
  19. All done via ATM according to the original news, so should be traceable.
  20. Hint, don't yell with capitals unless you can spell. It just makes you look more dim than you probably are.
  21. not so much of a prize hotchilli! More like a rooster with bird flu. What a mongral looking piece of deleted.
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