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Everything posted by V8M8

  1. Much better than live cow. Although beef is normally butchered from Steers not Cows...just saying.
  2. And let's just say that you, you the nOOdle were actually, intelectually agile enough to know this, were you still stupid enough to pay full price?
  3. Duh! More fool you, Cowboy
  4. Agree Jack but I wouldn't even bother with remains repatriation. There are no reasons that I can think of, to bother. Seen too much blood shed and bodies with absolute hopelessness to think that giving rest to a poor soul even matters.
  5. Some what condecending there. I'm guessing that because you are making it sound like you are the perfect human being, that you are completely flaw free, accent and all? Curious to know your motivation in runnng someone down just because of their locality?
  6. I thought it was 2006? Sorry, correct me if I am wrong and that does not takeaway anything from the terrible degree of tragedy from that event.
  7. I remember the guy you are taliking about but also haven't seen him around for a long time. Lately, we have been getting the whole, Rotiserary roast chickens from the lady outside the Lotus Express, at the Pala end of the Banchang - Pala Road (Eastern Star Golf, Garden International School) Road. Always perfectly cooked, nice and juicy and just that hint of brake pad dust & diesel fumes that make them unique to Thaialnd. I do try and block those particular negatives out and really enjoy a great feed.
  8. Yep. Proabaly a miniature concept version but never mind. Has the world gone completely, obsessively mad? All of the big money, brain washing advertising has seemingly loossend everyones grip on reality here. Who doesn't now remember the huge environmental rammifications of the mining of (not to mention by way of child slavery) lithium, cobalt and all of the other precious metals that are required to manufacture batteries. Stary eyed EV vehicle manufacturer champions, spouting about saving the world are all full of <deleted>e!
  9. Sorry Swissie, NO! We have to sort out 7/11 scamming first. Then slowly graduate to the adult section of money management.
  10. Ok, forget I said that. I had missed some earlier posts about polution sources. Thanks to those posters for that info.
  11. I have been following the news and the levels of PM 2.5 maps etc but I haven't seen any explanation for the dust either. Your theory about the unbinded concrete certainly is plausable Smedly. Crop burn offs, vehicle polution, rubbish fires, and God knows what else must all contribute but why does it all of a suudden come to a head with the whole country being affected? I am certainly no scientist so am very open to any learned opinions.
  12. Someone else that has stumbled in to the wrong thread. Have some respect for the people who have passed away and their grieving families.
  13. A ruthless noodle shop owner went on a stabbing spree, Nothing worse than ruthless noodels!
  14. Was not Mrs was it?
  15. It was always my big brother that scoffed the whole lot after I had gone to sleep. It took me years to catch on to the scam and now i have a lifetime anxiety about milk and cookies! No there is no bloody santa!!
  16. No, not EU and never heard of it. Thanks for the clarification nglodnig.
  17. Well, now there is a statement, What an incredible rock of the expat foundation in Thailand you are! Absoulute incredible history of dealing with the Thai immigration system yet....friggin zero contribution from you, to a fellow man's request for a little advice. Pillock!
  18. I'm not familier with "visa - exempt", can you please explain? Otherwise I would feel compelled to hit my "confused" button
  19. How on earth did you crack this Chris, amazing, please let us know?
  20. I suspect sheer luck so far. Lot's of stabbings and terroist attacks there from what I have have read. We in little old sleepy, self indulgent, smug New Zealand were thinking the same as you until not long ago.
  21. No contradiction. The laws are being broken and need to be reigned back in to assist with a bit of control. There are no legitimate resons for a private citizen in Thailand to hold a firearms licence. That in it's self creates a stronger black market demand for illeagle weapons and given the propensity of the police and armed forces in this country to succumb to coruption there does not seem to be any limit to the supply.
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