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Everything posted by V8M8

  1. your's likewise and I do truely apologise to the forum for getting caught up in your utter nonsense of your baiting and constant accusations of trolls and trolling. You are actually the worst. Take your own advise and give it a rest.
  2. You are wiered man. Or are you a man? More female traits being displayed here.
  3. Lucky you Sonny.
  4. Why do you do that? Are you paranoid, insecure or just want someone to talk to? Please seek help.
  5. Very good quality and lasts for years. I do know a lot about bags desppite your derision to the fact.
  6. Not trolling. Seems like you have a fear of trolls. Please seek help. Especially if you can see an argument over luggage quality being worthy of attacking me.
  7. Lame posts are your forte, as proven by you saturating every topic with your one liners. I have done enough traveling to know what a good suitcase is sonny.
  8. What a lame suggestion, maybe ok for a back packing hobo. Durable, high quality were the pre requisets.
  9. I've seen first hand, baggage handlers don't give a flying toss about heavy, light, top or bottom of the pile. It's just pure bloody luck if your bags come through unscathed. Samsonite, through and through!
  10. We are blessed to be here at the beach, with no need for or desire to travel on trains, To those promoting the idea of increasing or yet, doubling the fares, please feel free to carry on and bicker all you like, espout your intimate knowledge of the fare structures, running lines and schedules of this obviously necessary yet villified by many, transport system.... Just remember that the most important function of the BTS is to get Thai workers to their places of employment and back home again. Secondary consideration and probably not even contemplated when the initial concept was drafted, was getting drunken tourists, resident Expats to or from their drinking holes or anywhere else.
  11. What a riveting conversation. I'm just enthralled and can't wait for the next comments to be posted!
  12. Singapore's in bound auto passport lanes are only for Singapore citizens or resident visa holders.
  13. How many gates do you think they have. Farang, tourist, O visa, what ever have automated immigration departure. Be happy!
  14. Originally from a temple in Suan Luang, the two amulets have garnered a significant reputation. The same temple recently witnessed a steady influx of devotees, wishing to pay their respects and seek blessings from the revered Pee Jook and Phee Junthima. What were they doing in "an upscale home"? Surely theft of said amulets should be charged, as the amulets were originaly from a temple in Suan Luang.
  15. 1 more jerk exposed. I'll say it again, juvinile, assenine comments are degrading and making a complete nonsense of this forum.
  16. Hardly an arousing prospect, refusal to have sex completely justified!
  17. One of my favorites is one my Mrs reserves mostly for people driving like complete idiots, Which as eveyone will know is everytime you are driving any where. "Samong Ma banya Kwai", I think that loosely translates into "the brain of a dog and acts like a buffalo"
  18. I think this is an excellent idea and while they are looking in the riule book, why don't they do away with the stupid law that prevents alcohol sales from 2.00pm to 5.00pm? It is a pain in the arse if for example, you plan on picking up some beveys whilst grocary shopping and then realise that it's just after 2.00pm when you get to the check out. If I remember correctly, it was one of Taksin's stupid ideas but I can't remember what it was suppossed to achieve. Does anyone else remember what it was for.
  19. Not a great marketing stratergy, as they mention coming in at a higher price than the established breweries Some interesting sounding brews there which I will give a try when they arrive in our neck of the woods. And as they say "will be delivered after yesterday" so that should be soon lol. They won't have to taste too good to be better than Singha or Chang!
  20. Just back and catching up. Now I remember why I didn't bother to follow any threads when I was out of Thailand.
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