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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. Any Naval Officer worth the name would KNOW submarines are a pointless exercise as the Gulf of THailand is TOO shallow ,but then since when did COMMON-SENSE ever creep in TOYS FOR BOYS PURCHASES
  2. Minibus with 20 students overloaded, many injured, hope they fine the driver of the minibus as well as deal with the lorry driver. People who put any child at risk are dangerous in my book
  3. Information very quiet, was this MKonk arrested and put before a Court, if not why not !! Again we see one law for some and one law for another section of society . Kudos top the man for removing the keys to stop him fleeing
  4. Ever since HAMAS kicked out the Government in Gaza there have been problems, West Bank is NOT Gaza. Hamas funded and assisted by iran same as hezbollah . Now those who sup[port HAMS justify the 3000 rocketsd firimnto Israel and the nurdering and killing of unarmed civilians. Then you tourt p[eac. ,, Real world alert Hamas cares little for fellow palestinians as they care even less about Jews !!
  5. Simple logically A submarine is just a TOY , a Frigate is far more practical, only a Naval person would understand that though most government ministers will not have a clue !!
  6. Respect has to be earned, years ago when in the military, you respected the Rank but sometimes NOT the holder. Same here in Thailand teachers, POLICE ETC DEMAND REspect, well from my point of view they do not get it, I am always polite but never submissive or fawning . That may lead to a problem but remaining politely distant is a way of dealing with that. THIS CULTURE IS changing but oh so slow as those who used to get respect automatically no longer receive the sam e reverence and they do not like it . I find ignoring them ios the best way to deal with them.
  7. Good idea, touited a few years ago but then most books have American English, but it is not the English that is the propblem, it is the inablity of manmy Thai Teachers to think outside the book, zero experience in the real worl of speaking English foloow the book for fear of being criticised, unable to hold long conversations are but a few of the problems coupled with the fact that many THAI Teachers who teach English refuse help or assistance in English as and as one said to me I studied at University I know what is correct. despote showing him he was wrong. Fragile egos and lack of knowledge showing there, and most NEVER let students ask questions.
  8. A turncoat and a bobolyne.........Do not forget to ARREST this INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMINAL
  9. A newly promoted Police Cgief and yet wants to interfere in wondering if someone is feigning an illness, theregorte showing us all the RTP believe no-one not even Medical experts. AMAZING
  10. Obviously one of the GUNS the RTP failed to find .Interesting
  11. Naturally, do not think for one moment that JUSTICE will be done in this country, more so if you are an APPOINTED Senator
  12. Sadly as usual Thai Face and Egos lost or bruised. If guilty should lose licences to operate .
  13. Typical conciliatory sound-bites with little meaning and certainly zero action.
  14. Although in principle I agree with a Fee for the original reasons given. But to fast track it due to incompetence, lax enforcement and to state a reason because a 14 year old boy shot people in a Mall is unacceptable.
  15. I note the remarks regarding Core Values and would add, the core values remain the same, sadly their implementation has been somewhat lost from the top down and one wonders if this NEW man will be able to steer the RTP back to its core values which does not include scamming loads of money from the general public and running dubious places and companies
  16. Headline should read the Endemic corruption in the RTP and local agencies is now under the spotlight and so it should be , every problem with Nightclubs, restaurants etc involve the RTP in some way or another. Wake up Thai GOVERNMENT >>at least you are now acting.
  17. First order of BUSINESS remind the Military, the public pay their wages so cut or be fired simple. As for weapons, who the hell are they going to fight, a little down south and north anyone else will not bother. Submarines in shallow water, the crass stupidity of the Navy has yet to be acknowledged. a fleet of fast smaller ships more beneficial . As for conscription do away with young men suffering the indignities' of being bullied by older men and forced to do menial tasks.
  18. Another story of a DRUNK foreigner ( nationality immaterial ) behaving stupidly most drunks do, it would appear he dealt with the shop successfully, yet fragfile egos coupled with also possible drinking upset young men who got upset. The Two on one scenario is to be expected here , however Foreigners should learn that their behaviour does have repercussions `and to behave accordingly, something many never learn.
  19. Ah the unaccountable being sued by a mere citizen, ignore them it will go away customary RTP response. Criminals in Uniform
  20. Agree so-called shows expressing sexuality unacceptable for foreigners but mum and dad at a local temple show anything goes . Plus no money to be made by corruption at temple shows but in Pattaya, thousands to be made. Xenephobia at its best .
  21. Caveat emptor always springs to mind , but great to see Thailand strict Buddhist traits being shown to the world, the cult of scam and fraud... You come into the world with nothing and if your a Buddhist they make damn sure you leave with nothing
  22. That means 505 of the Monks will need assistance not only ALCOHOL BUT Also Drugs
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