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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. Listen to the Tourists, even when Thailand pays for experts they ignore them as they do not understand Thailand. I have been told that many times, therefore I stop complaining . One conference and soundbites form a Police Chief will never change the RTP or even Thailand itself.
  2. It is simple Mr Prawit. 1 Ensure the Police not only know the law but enforce it. 2 Ensure all drivers pass a stringent test 3. Remove all permits of lorries caught breaking the law 4 Fine all drivers accordingly 5 Get the Insurance companies to make ASLL types of insurance invalid following a ban issued``.
  3. TATs comments are in fact truthful, why pay to heat when the sun does it ....HOWEVER what the illogical minds in TAT forget that in winter, many EUROPEAN houses need to maintain warmth to keep the home warm , dry and prevent damage from not being heated. That cost is REQUIRED so after your warm holiday you actually have a HOME to go back to !!!!!!! Nice idea illogically thought out as one expects from TAT
  4. Like many things here it will require a complete change of the current mindset to do anything, more so when you have the Military and the Police openly in some places involved in this GUN problem.
  5. Now let me guess who will be doing the enforcing, hopefully NOT the RTP Officer I saw using his phone while driving a POLICE CAR the other day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. AH the ROYAL Thai Police again involved truly amazing and yet so PREDICTABLE . WE Are the POLICE unaccountable and can do what we like !! And want to Police to enforce GUN LAWS.....a JOKE surely
  7. Deep problems, so many and as such very hard to deal with, firstly Thai culture regarding loss of face and Thainess, allowing those who were legally allowed to own guns to continue to continue even after loss of that job. Lax enforcement of Gun laws, but they also applies to ALL laws. Althpough they trumpet reactions, rarely do you see accountability many RTP think they are above the law and that has not changed in over TWO decades. mental health left mainly to the Villages to police their own with minor medical help, nothing concerted and no-one willing to act constructively. Compromise and more compromise to try to make people adhere for the sake of the General Public those HIGH Ideals are now lost in the myuths opf time , as peop[le become more informed, something judging by ecucational skills the Thai Government has been hoping to repress for centuries since evolving from an Absolute Monarch to a Constitutional Monarh . Peoples general attitude, Not my problem, not my land, does not affect me , therefore un til it does they do liottle to assist or help to maintain peace and harmony
  8. The ideas are good, but as we ALL know ( except the RTP it seems) kids running away probably screaming cause more problems than anything else in the confines of a school probably dangerous to even younger ones. Fight with what do they think the children will fight with...truly amazing. Good idea toi school the children but more to educate the staff and the general population in general . More than once in my time here I have alerted a Police officer to a suspicious person and guess what looked at me and then completely ignored me. AND yes he understood , never mind, sadly the Public get what they are given and that friankly is insufficent
  9. Too little too late, as usual a KNEE JERK reaction to show the public they care.............!!
  10. They may mourn, but I NOTE not one word of comment about the ROLE of the RTP incompetence over this matter , regarding a KNOWN Drug offender and EX Police Officer still being allowed to keep a gun !! Why not they need to RTP to retain control !!
  11. In the land of the blind the one eyes man is king. In the land of the stupid a man with little intelligence rules ... Welcome to Thailand !!
  12. Many of the problems stem from the entitlement many exercise who are LEGALLY allowed to carry guns . AKA police, Soldiers others employed by the Government. Whose egos are fragile and loss of face causes the mental implosion internally in their thought processes.
  13. I will continue to bang this particylar drum, instead of trumpeting all the often flawed ideas, why not pocncentrae on ridding the Tourism Industry of Scams and Corruption this includes the many over-priced and often poorly serviced Tourism venues, where a single foreigner has to pay ion some cases 300 baht to visit a place. If WESTERN countries did that for example it would cost you nearly 3000 baht just to visit Windsor castle. Hust how greedy are Thais ....apparently VERY GREEDY.
  14. No electricity that will certainly help in telling people that THERE IS NO ELECTRICITY BECAUSE OF A SEVERE FLOOD . !!!!!!
  15. Thai laws lack what it has always lacked Proper Enforcement with a Transparent Police Service and the TRUTH !
  16. Oh dear how sad, BUT NOT an excuse to mitigate what he did. A callous act. !!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. A man who supposedly speaks to many many farangs advocating NO MASK wearing contary to advice from the Thai Government. Congratulations about being a man who puts others at risk due to your attitude`. But asa you are American I can understand your stance, One level below intelligent !!
  18. They say no Motive, how about Loss of Face and Bruised EGO = Thainess.
  19. RIP to the children but Thainess is the cause, loss of face, dented EGO and as well as Ex-RTP ..
  20. To quote our newly re-instated Prime Minister. Thais never do bad things. Well Mr PM even the bloody COPS are corrupt and crimi9nals, so your promise to reform the Police did npt happen. I wonder why ??????????????
  21. Sanctimonious twit, suffers from delusions of grandeur, I will ignore all and every written piece by this person ion future and ensure all my Friends do the same. Why ASEAN Times or even BKK Post put up with his ramblings is beyond me Maybe he likes being poisoned by the POLLUTION in Bangkok. !!!!Up where I am fresh air would probably kill him, now there is an idea .........hahaha
  22. Another day in the life of the RTP believing the LAW does not apply to them, the FACT that other Police Officers have to be told to conduct the investigation without bias is more telling to me.
  23. Maybe if he stayed away from water the levels would go down. .....hahaha
  24. NOW ???? The question should be if no more heavy rain was forecast would they even think about cleaning the Storm Drains/ Other drains at all. ? Answer please on a small postage stamp !!
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