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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Everything posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. Corruption, surely not in this`pristine enclave even Thais are being scammed. Mon dieu whatever next , cannopt be Thais they NEVER do this, must be Foreign Workers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bit difficult to arrest / caution or even chastise your second/third wife is it not !!!!!!!!
  3. This incident I fail to understand why a medical Doctor DID NOT take a blood sample after the accident , there appears to be ZERO medical reasons why it was not asked for or taken. RTP hav a lot of questions to answer .
  4. After years of living here and complying with all Covid requirements, I thank the Govt for making sure Thailand reamains as far asa is possible Covid free. Complain if you want but they ar doping something to protect the peo0ple, those Anti Maskers/Vaxxers take note .
  5. Royal Thai Navy cannot jeep a ship afloat that is why they want submarines is it !! Poor seamanship bottom line , court martial ahead !!
  6. UNTIL Thailand adopts best practice in Blood donations there will ALWAYS be shortages . Their rules are archaic ruled by the Red CVross which is so set in its ways it puts people off. Being O Neg is rare here, but they refuseaccpet my blood, why I am over 70. If I die because they have no blood, my relatives will SUE !!
  7. You can change the laws to improve Road Safety and drivers obedience, BUT you cannot tell stupid people how to drive as here, they think they know it all !!
  8. Ah , now please explain How is it that Officers caught cheating are still officers , who execute the law in fining and prosecuting offenders ( the gullible public who are ignorant ), , while they are also cheating. Good lesson, if you cheat and get promoted you can cheat more , says a lot about the SENIOR RTP chaps.
  9. Why is HE still a Captain ? Disgraceful behaviour for anyone, even more so for a Serving ROYAL THAI POLICE OFFICER .
  10. Whatever and however it happens, sorry only an IDIOT leaves CASH out in the open !!!!!!
  11. We forget at our peril that the CURRENT PM, stated quite clearly hat Thai will be spoken by many nations soon. That word soon must mean in 2100 ..
  12. Amazing a LAW and still they cannot spell LICENCE corectly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Sadly in this country of unaccountability together with the RTP, Monks are the other major problem in Thailand . breaking the laws of the land with impunity and NO-ONE says anything because they are MONKS. Like the Catholics in many other countries, hiding behind the misguided respect the Rel;gion has earnt over the years.
  14. No as no-one with at least ONE brain cell will trust the Thai Government to keep its word .
  15. Because opf their undergand p[ronises and the abiliy to cancel any DEAL because they feel like it, no-one with a brain who is a foreigner would even contemplate investing in a SMALL piece of l;and, as a friend said to me, they are completely stupid 11
  16. You Expect Immigration Division of the RTP to act logically, that sadly is AGAINST Thai Culture !!
  17. Although the op has a valid point, I would be more worried about driving standards and the penaltes incurred and the enforcement of drivers by the authorities`. Which to my7 mind after 30 years a Police officer is lacking in all sections`. by sadly the RTP you know THOSE charged by the Government to Enforce the Laws and PROTECT the Public something they fail it seems on a daily basis !!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. OMG the offers ( under the table offers ) must have been extensive to allow this. Now see how much it will cost o meet the legal Criteria to making alcoholic beverages, under Thai Officials overseeing it .
  19. Xenephobia at itts best,now many many foreigners will see the TRUE Colours of many Thais and wponder. Hop[e AQLL other countries will STOP Thais from buying their land . haha
  20. It needed a Police Chief to FLY in to announce that .truly amazing and such a WASTE of Public Money !!!
  21. Ha ha ha ha ha, Thailand and safety arfe an oxymoron, talk good action bad !!
  22. The fourth stategy cleaning up the Royal Thai Police of all corruption......never 1111`. Thailand will fail in the other three then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Did anyone expect a different outcome especially here in Thailand where it is known probably all of the casinos operate with full knowledge of the police
  24. I understand Disney is looking to remake Pinnochio , will be coming soon to find all these people with LONG noses .............hahaha
  25. Being a WOMAN in the RTP she WILL DO exactly has she is told. Might have beauty but BRAINS well being Thai, no logical thought or even critical thinking . But normal subservience to her boss in most ways
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