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Everything posted by glegolo18

  1. Wifey here have bought 50 palm-trees and shall plant them and produce palm-oil in a couple of years, she says.... Considering that there is so much knowledge here at this forum, I like to ask you guys who knows, if there is any chance to make any money producing and selling this Palm-oil???? Very grateful for your input. Thank you...
  2. Have anybody experienced any difficulties with their reporting via the computer your 90 days now just recently???
  3. Thank you so much guys for your help
  4. May I ask you guys who know this. Must I have a yellow house book in order to apply for a Thai ID-card??? Or do I have to be married to apply for either????? Thank you for your help..
  5. So far, thank you so much for your help, really needed...
  6. What is the rules and demands for being able to apply for an extension based of having a thai child. What do I need to "show"??? Thank you for your help
  7. Thank you guys, you are great Glegolo
  8. I have a friend (for real), that is coming here to Thailand in may-2024 now. In short... He have bought a Non Immigrant O retired single entry, and he asked me if he must have a return-ticket??? Reason for asking is that he do not intend to go back to Sweden again, he will stay, and apply for an 1 year extension of stay.... He must have a return ticket - Or not?? Thank you guys for your help Glegolo18
  9. Thank you again, very valuable.. just to notice that in Chaiyaphum during all my years here they have never demanded, always followed the law thar the combo-money in the bank, just have to be in the bank on the day at application and can be dealt with in whatever way to owner prefer.... So maybe they have changed now. OK I shall go there to find out.....
  10. Fantastic good service - many many thanks you are so helpful glegolo
  11. Red Phoenix, many many thanks for your great explanation. Of course I will remember what you stated. Just as a small notice concerning my office in Chaiyaphum immigration. Now when I went there to help out a friend, it seems that the combo-method who before had no need to be seasoned att all, now have changed into a 2 month before/3 months after of the combo-money.... AND the most "funny" They demanded from my friend photos, yes photos just like they wish to have for marriage-extension... even though this was based on retirement... I asked them (politely) and got replied that for 1st timers you need to have photographs from kitchen bedroom livingroom outside house..... wanted to inform you... Thanks for all your help glegolo
  12. To some degree yes, but I am swedish and like most of the rest of the world oustide you 3 small countries of England USA and Australia we all can present a income-letter to the immigration as you now... And if that income is not up to 800.000B yearly we can make a combo with money in the bank for the remaining amount up to 800K..... I can not see in that policeorder anything at all mentioning this our incomeletter, only the procedure for 3 countries out of 250 other countries......
  13. May I plse ask you guys, does anyone have a copy of that policeorder where it stipulates the demand for extension of stay 1 year based on retirement...... Would really like to have that if possible, the one I have is old already by many years. Thank you, Glegolo
  14. Love you Sheryl, many thanks and will of course follow your advice. Glegolo
  15. I have a question about helping wife and her menopause-problem which is: she is gaining weight, She is Isaan, of course they are gaining weight, but this is a bit too much for her. I do not know how to help her more than to find a doctor or a hospital who can advise her about weightloss. problem is NOT food, she is eating like she always has, but still gaining weight. She is in june only 49, seems to be a pity to start to be too "big" at such an age. You guys can you recommend please any hospital or doctors in and around Chaiyaphum, Khon Kaen or Khorat-area, that would be highly appreciated by me. Thank you Glegolo
  16. thank you so much, does 12/7 means he can not enter Thailand...
  17. Does that mean he cannot enter Thailand now???
  18. Oh <deleted>, Ok then forget it...
  19. no she was not poor in any sense of the word. She was drunk like a maniac and so was he... I do not know the exact details, but they were on it both of them..... The police were called and broke them up. The sister to the lady was married to a policeman, and he came and took the falang with him to the police-station... They kept him there, tried to squeeze him for money, and he paid them 200.000 baht and then he was escorted out of the country 4 months later....... In short this was the sto9ry, since then just after 3 months about after the deportation the lady died from a brain-stroke or something like that.... So I am interested to help this guy to come back to Thailand and take care of his properties Condo and bank-account. Besides that i do not care a <deleted> about the future of the man... But I am happy if you guys could be of help for me... I have a better copy of a earlier form that was a bit blurry..
  20. Here is 2 photos, whereas 1 is bad, but if you zoom in maybe you can read....
  21. He is not only married, but the girlfriend has also later died, so she is no longer "here"......
  22. Not married, just long time girlfriend
  23. For him, it is quite important. He got his condo in Pattaya and also some cash in the bank Thank you so much for your input..
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