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Everything posted by glegolo18

  1. "lost year", for who? Yes for the "new ones", being unable to cut their winnings out of corruption. But maybe a winning year for Thailand????
  2. Yes, I can mention that Woman World cup in football (soccer) is now being played. And when I look at these 22 woman playing football, I must admit that I am thinking... "There is 22 men now suffering, no dinner on the table"...
  3. This is a perfect ending for this damn <deleted>ty pitbull. They should really forbid stupid people to own that kind of a dog, Pitbulls that is......
  4. You are making a complete mess out of your life by even thinking of leaving the country while under consideration. It is plainly said; Stupid really..... Stay in Thailand during the process, and leave after it is finished. Be clever not dummer... No matter whatever "important" thing you have to do back in England...
  5. Cannot agree more to what you write. woman are actually better in most stuff in life then thaimen..
  6. THIS was the absolutely most strange post I have ever seen. You contribute nothing, while you criticize everything. The guy you are badmouthing is actually right in my opinion, but as he says, maybe it takes people who actually lives here, and have been living here for a while, to understand it....
  7. My advice is that you EXTEND your marriage up till your 50th birthday and just apply for retirement as reason for extension and then you can divorce your old lady. Can you hold her calm in 3 more years????
  8. I wonder which hospital in Chaiyaphum province this was??????
  9. May I ask, what kind of problem do you mean you develop with lack of Vitamin D???
  10. I dont know if you´re correct??? I live in Chaiyaphum, Isaan that is. And here EVERYBODY, no matter who really, stay away from the sun. No matter if they are rich,. well off´s or farmers or house-wifes. Even the farmers cover up themselfs... They have these bandanas (?) wrapped round their heads. Longsleeved shirts, and always long pants, and on top of that almost always gloves..... This is NOT a fashion-thing among the well-offs´, this is a fashion-thing among the whole thai population almost.... It is terrible to see on some of them, their blue blood-venes on their legs showing... Like we said back home when I was young, they look like they either spent long time in jail, or being sick and indoors for a long time, or both.... Sad thing is that as a falang I expect to find these beutiful girls with their copper-coloured skin here, instead I find the very same skin (or even worse) that I find home in falang-land.....
  11. AND on top of that all the damn black loans out in the villages for even worse percentage, with full collapse of families....
  12. Highlights just an hour after end of game here, very short like 4-5 minutes only,.. but better than nothing... https://hoofoot.com/
  13. Alright, me bad, thanks for the lesson, BTW you write wonderful english, pity though you had such a hard time to understand it...
  14. I have out in my hallway a so called thai computer that I bought here.. In the end the message I got regarding the ev upgrade was that the support now have ended for Window 7 and it ended also with a free upgrade to windows 10.... That is what happened here, why we have different experience in this I have no clue at all..... I live in Thailand, you?????
  15. Me too, but unless you have an american card, you are not helping this guys situation...
  16. I am NOT claiming to be a computer-wizard, but this has happened to me earlier for a few years ago. I had Windows 7, I disregarded every damn message from windows regarding upgrade, and eventually all offers of free upgrade, was out the window, and I have to start all over and buy a new version of windows. So now when Windows 11 came and I was sitting with Windows 10, you can imagine that when offer come to upgrade to window 11 - I took it in a heartbeat... So just remember , The offers of free upgrade is NOT forever. so do it as soon as you get one of these offers.. Good luck Glegolo
  17. Maybe with that opinion about a open forum, it is the very wrong place for you, If you are so afraid about peoples reactions than do not write anything at all. It is still kind of pissing people off when sending general info via PM......
  18. Yes her name is Palleja or Mia whatever you prefer in your family..
  19. This was really a great deal of "bull" in that article. Why write "around" the subject and not spell it out in clear words, what these thugs were doing?????
  20. Do you really care????????????????????????????? Or are you just boared??????????????????????????????
  21. 1 - I have done that, but I always in order to comfort me pick up more recent photos of them and then I am cured in a beat of my heart. They are OLD now.. So I do not care any more 2 - I would easily go to one of Greece islands and just relax in a small village..... 3 - I would choose Cambodja if I have to.... Nepal is way too hard for me I guess and also too close to China..
  22. It is NOT about tolerance at all.. You shoot over the goal completely... There is 2 gender nothing more nothing less. We are a 2 armed being nothing more nothing less. No matter if just YOU or ME are on armed......
  23. Are all of you guys in here democrates or????? Are you all supporting this poor excuse of a human being (J Biden)???
  24. My suggestion is, that you will NOT listen to of course, download again your movies and music and delete the old files...... Easy enough... Something have to "give" and it must be you....
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