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Gottfrid last won the day on October 2 2024

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About Gottfrid

  • Birthday 08/02/1965

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  1. I don´t know, but I assumed all immigration offices put a note in your passport. I always get a new day on a paper in my passport.
  2. Why??? Because they tried to cover up things to protect his legacy. Like it stands, probably asked for and paid for by Australia or influential Australian people. But, darn, it´s like since 2022
  3. You are not very good at translating, are you? 🤣
  4. And the complaining never stops, huh! Must be nice to have a lot of things you see as wrong on a daily basis. Nice retirement.
  5. What is more primitive with Muay Thai, than other fighting sports? Also, it´s quite normal to be proud of a sport were a country do very good in it. If you think it´s boring, doesn´t make it so. It´s just a personal opinion.
  6. Doesn´t matter if I compare, it wont make you better.
  7. Sure, dude! They have a focus on you. I am pretty sure the insurance company would have objected if something was wrong, or do you think they like to pay up and shut up. If something was wrong, your wife would also have opposed. But never mind, you are just unlucky. 😂
  8. Darn! You have serious problem understanding, right? You know, the police took a report of a stolen motorbike 3 days before. How is it in your country? Do they all run out looking for a stolen motorbike? In every other country the police always find stolen properties in less than 3 days, right? Is it fluffy or your clouds?
  9. Maybe we should actually ask who is trump obsessed? Might it be you, that are starting thread after thread about the guy, or is it the people trying to correct your faulty facts and blind one-sided beliefs?
  10. Yep, or school. 😉
  11. I agree, as it´s the most sensible reason. However in the land of smiles, there are also a few mysteries. 😉
  12. Please, it´s hurting to read your comments. Did you understand what I wrote in the comment you quoted. Just because I don´t send you or publish a business plan for you, I don´t have one. Are you that deluded? I always have a solid plan when starting a business, built on a solid market analysis. After that comes the financials and balance calculations to always know what´s needed to break even. Putting all that together you can find the worst case scenario as well as the best. If you can live with both alternatives, you are okay to go. You must also always consider a period between 6 month up to a year for online business to start be profitable. For land based business you have to give it between 2-3 years. Just sounds to me, that you have no means or knowledge to do anything here. Just pure envy in your comments. Now go back to your books, because you really need to read more.
  13. No, that is what you read about, as it´s called valuable news that catches readers interest. But, useless to try and explain that more to you, as you will be too blind to hear and only follow the fellow negative complainers to be in the popular team. At least you guys think you are popular. In reality your are a pathetic bunch who only comes to Thailand with demands, think you stand over all things and the people as well as complain and think everything is wrong. What a sad retirement and last part of life.
  14. What? Are you an oracle? Should we all align with your comments to fit in? I don´t care about your comments, as they are one-side. Open up your eyes, and look at both the positive and the negative side. This time it regarded Bolt drivers that found the perp, not about police work.
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