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Gottfrid last won the day on October 2 2024

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About Gottfrid

  • Birthday 08/02/1965

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  1. And clearly you can´t see reality, because Mr. Trump sent you a black blanket
  2. Yeah, but he wasn´t sober, and that gives him a slower reaction time. It also makes him a criminal according to the law.
  3. I mentioned that in connection with what you quoted. Do you have difficulties understanding? In that case, don´t bother me, but seek professional help.
  4. What the hell are you on about? When did I say that I never crossed a line? I have just not tried cocaine, and I feel good about that. Do you have a problem with that? Is it at all something that you have anything to say about?
  5. Actually not, and I am pretty proud of that.
  6. But if he wasn´t drunk, I am sure he could had time to break, right?
  7. Here is your place dude!
  8. Nah, I cook a lot, and last time I looked there was no change. Still a man ;-) However, I can agree with the hair style. It´s really off. Must be a little bit windy, as he usually have a bit better style.
  9. Yeah, they always do that. I guess it´s a touchy subject. ;-)
  10. Yeah, he should have stayed in Sudan, and this would never had happened.
  11. That´s the best crash job I´ve ever seen.
  12. He should both pay and go to jail. The song he can take away, as that will only remind the family about this forever.
  13. Just another Brit that f-ks up his life in Thailand.
  14. See, here comes the MAGA excuses. This is really simple! Trump promised to stop the war immediately after he had taken office. The question is simple! Did he come true on his promise? Now, no more excuses, and answer the question. Otherwise you can just move on, as that will give the answer needed anyway.

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