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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. That´s 100 % true. I have nothing against brits that behave, but unfortunately it has gone the other way the last decade.
  2. Good Luck with that attitude. It will probably sit very well with immigration. Try and eat a little bit of humble cake. You are in a foreign country, you created a child, you are obligated to know the rules if you wish to call yourself a responsible father. It´s not you that set the rules in this country, they were here before you came, and we all have to live up to, and with, rules. You are just one of too many, that think you can come to Thailand with to small economy, try and live on the wrong purpose of visa, just because some embassies to not ask for proof of funds as they should. Just consider it, what is your complaint? Se the facts, you have been living on luck until now. I know it hard, but that´s life. Just face it. Either you have the money necessary to stay and take care of your child. In all other cases, you have been acting as an irresponsible person with no plan or back up. Then it´s just to face the music.
  3. No, I am not anti-brit. Just that they stand for the greater percentage of problems different nationalities make in foreign countries. That does not mean, there are not good ones too. I am just speaking the truth. If I have a prostate problem later in life, I already know there are help and accessories to use for that, and I will not be too shy to use them. Also, I will not even consider to drive a car at the age of 88. That´s just pure dumb, egoistic and foolish as well as irresponsible.
  4. Sure! At that age he should not even consider driving a car, if things do not work as they should, then. That was his first mistake. After that urinating in public on his own car. Guess it´s just too many things that does not work as usual, right?
  5. So, when a person act like an <deleted>, it has nothing to do with the people he represent? And there are many of them. If you buy 3 bad cheeses from the same shop, you would probably avoid buying more from the same. Like when it comes person after person from the same country behaving bad, people like me just distance themselves from such.
  6. Me? I am Swedish. Please amuse me, and see how much percent of the stupidity and the idiotic behavior in other countries we stand for. Be my guest.
  7. I advise you to take a look at the statistics for almost every popular travel and expat destination in the world. Then you will easily find out who is standing for the greater percentage.
  8. But, what? Do you perhaps have a Greek far of relative, and wish to make this mash-brain look smarter?
  9. Yes, of course that is most peoples main goal. Get as cheap booze as possible and get hammered every single day. Would you mind making up a top list of the cheapest booze destinations in the world for our esteemed members?
  10. How amazing! Most be terrific to see a sight like that every day.
  11. I guess you have to explain a little bit more. In what way are you declaring income, and how and why are they stating it is illegal?
  12. Oh, is it so? and if they got rich? What have they done with they money? Sent it all. Normally, people that get rich have enough sense to create loss protection and side businesses as well as making good investments. All a bunch of BS again. Stupid will always be stupid, and stupid will always complain.
  13. Just another brit, that makes us look like fools. Unfortunately, an over represented nationality standing for bad publicity.
  14. I personally think they spelled it wrong here. That´s the essence of a geek. It just must be, because no sane person leave 4 900 euro in an unlocked car. And, please, do not say that people can forget. In that case he forgot both his money, and to lock the car.
  15. Just another day on the most dangerous roads in the world, and they still don´t understand to enforce the law and create real driving education before granting licenses. After that, we have the mindset of the ordinary person, to build a life where nothing is important enough to care for.
  16. Yeah, maybe I am used to the manipulated ones. Not went with Taxi since 7 year back, so thought the price went up.
  17. What is your problem. I quoted a post that asked how to value something that was not in their own name. NEVER, posted that I do not know how to have things in my own name. Please tell me what you are on about or do not understand, and I will help you on the right path. As for another thing, they will probably not want to have the assets bound up in a house, as the money need to be ready and available. And, after that go on with shares in companies. What guarantee of value is that. The company can be gone tomorrow. The stock exchange can limit or stop trades with certain assets. That value has no guarantee at all. I am pretty sure you will try to tell us that your crypto wallet should be called an asset. ????????????????
  18. Pure BS! Officials agree with criminal taxi drivers that do not want to use a meter?? Amazing! Taxis should be bound to use meters, or otherwise be taken off the streets. Here we are talking about a ride, that might be about 7 - 8 km, for 400 baht??? Turn on the meter, and see the price stop at 200 - 250 baht maximum.
  19. Oh, you are totally right. No changes there, my friend. I think you have forgotten something, though. Maybe you do not remember that paying of a credit is done in smaller parts, while the person with no credit has to pay all in one chunk. Please do not apply for a bank job in the near future. I will explain that to you, with a return question. How do you value anything as your private asset, that you do not legally own or have your name on? I assume the baht fell down now?
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