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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Please explain! I totally fail to see where the prank is? To me it looks like an investment in autographs.
  2. Nothing is sure here. As vaping is fairly new, they don´t have any statistics of long term effects. Therefore it´s impossible to say today. Out of what I have been read, I would make the conclusion that it has to do with age and your smoking habits. Both those factors will direct the outcome. They see vaping as generally healthier than regular cigarettes. However, that is based on vaping being a cleaner form of nicotine as some ingredients are removed or minimized. How maybe too clean nicotine in larger doses will affect our health, that remains to be seen.
  3. What are you on about? If you don´t believe what I post, then up to you. Why wouldn´t I be on a Thai forum. Do you by any chance know that different persons have different interests. One of mine is posting my opinions, reading news and what other people think. What are your excuse for being on this forum? That you are broke, down on luck, lonely and seeking some kind of verification and bound?
  4. Why not? Maybe because of wife and 2 children? What´s your excuse?
  5. Think you need to study that a little bit more. Good luck!
  6. Now he understand that it would have been much cheaper to buy regular cigarettes and smoke in the right places. This guy must be one of the smartest in the parliament.
  7. Just too much! 3 Joe F stories today. Why is this guy more important than innocent people being beaten, robbed and raped?
  8. Altered body state??? If the body was moved or put in another position, will not affect an autopsy unless it was beaten or broken after death.
  9. Are you sure? It must be a very good scheme, as I have banked in several Bitcoins at over 65k USD. Today, standing in over 80k. After that, it´s just to lay low and look at signals, go in and buy stock of coins with low value. They usually double themselves in about a week, and just sell again. double the money you know. Not bad for a Ponzi scheme, dude!
  10. Who is apologizing for anything, and where in that case? The only thing we are posting is that we understand that the parent worry. Also, a person that has done something bad and illegal before, does he not deserve to be safe and found in your mind? I suggest you go over and read your own comments above. Just maybe you understand how sad they are and how totally out of compassion you are.
  11. What do I have to do with Trump money? I am a Swede, who invested largely in crypto currency at a very early stage. Today, I have all my money in crypto and Thai baht. Are you insane, or does comments like that just float out naturally from your unknowning mouth
  12. Yes! You were hallucinating. Hope you feel better now.
  13. George, have you ever asked yourself? You Bruce Wills did. "How can the same <deleted> happen to the same guy twice". In your case the problems are insurmountable! 😂
  14. Yeah punk! Go ahead, make my day!
  15. Can you give me some of that good <deleted> you are smoking?
  16. Yeah, I don´t know why people have to troll like that. However, after reading the OP, I can see that you have your feet on the ground, and are totally aware of things. I would recommend that you don´t send any money, and see if she want´s to continue the chat relation. My thought are that she will just cut you off. Sounds too much like a scam, that the bar girls are very good at. However, if she still talk to you everyday and all seems to be good, then you might get a little more involved next time. Not saying you should pay a lot of money, but if you want to keep a bar girl as your girlfriend, it will at least cost you 10k baht per month, and that will be cheap. That´s the point where you have to decide what you think is ok. I can just say, I wouldn´t do it. Far too risky.
  17. Yeah, you are in the right place. Overrated stuff like that.
  18. Thanks! I will be much more descent from now on. 😉
  19. What gives you the right to name other members here as fools, just because they do not agree with you and your agenda. Can you try and show some f-ing respect!
  20. Please, elaborate. What did you just try to say. Sick days? OMG! yeah, dude! Oh My god! You were making a topic pointing at people that already knows. Point at you in the future!
  21. assuming that he suddenly have money. A person that do not take money with him, usually also leave the card, as it would most likely be in some kind of wallet.
  22. You can relax already there. For the MAGA´s "Great" is a massive and very popular word. Meaning and everything else, they do not have a clue about.
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