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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Yeah, maybe I am used to the manipulated ones. Not went with Taxi since 7 year back, so thought the price went up.
  2. What is your problem. I quoted a post that asked how to value something that was not in their own name. NEVER, posted that I do not know how to have things in my own name. Please tell me what you are on about or do not understand, and I will help you on the right path. As for another thing, they will probably not want to have the assets bound up in a house, as the money need to be ready and available. And, after that go on with shares in companies. What guarantee of value is that. The company can be gone tomorrow. The stock exchange can limit or stop trades with certain assets. That value has no guarantee at all. I am pretty sure you will try to tell us that your crypto wallet should be called an asset. ????????????????
  3. Pure BS! Officials agree with criminal taxi drivers that do not want to use a meter?? Amazing! Taxis should be bound to use meters, or otherwise be taken off the streets. Here we are talking about a ride, that might be about 7 - 8 km, for 400 baht??? Turn on the meter, and see the price stop at 200 - 250 baht maximum.
  4. Oh, you are totally right. No changes there, my friend. I think you have forgotten something, though. Maybe you do not remember that paying of a credit is done in smaller parts, while the person with no credit has to pay all in one chunk. Please do not apply for a bank job in the near future. I will explain that to you, with a return question. How do you value anything as your private asset, that you do not legally own or have your name on? I assume the baht fell down now?
  5. Really!? Probably depends on what water you chose. However, Why do you have a green toothbrush, while I have a blue? Thanks for the professional input. ????
  6. Nah, don´t do that. The birds and the ants, will report you to labor dept. After that the threes will whisper to immigration. That´s when you start thinking, was it was really worth picking that wild fruit?
  7. Oh, of course! There must always be someone or something to blame. Never own up and take responsibility for ones life. There must always be an excuse. Sorry, but I think you have stayed here too long and start to think as a native. ????
  8. You should consider to stop riding it before you fall asleep on it. At what age that might be, is yours to decide.
  9. No, I was not there. No I did not see. Sure, then we have 2 different scenarios. 1. Se did not look where she was walking. 2. Too much people, so that she was pushed and hurt herself. Neither of those can make other organizations or authorities responsible.
  10. So, ok you want to blame the drain system, or maybe even an uncovered hole? Good luck with that! It´s still she that has to look out for where she walk.
  11. I know who is responsible! She is, for walking without looking and breaking her leg.
  12. BS! They are not concerned at all. More concerned over, when they can lay it to rest and forget about it.
  13. Just another go fund me, for people that can´t take care of themselves. I am not saying that he should have to pay or that anything is right about his misfortune. That is all on the crazy Thai guy that has been caught. However, you can not come to Thailand with no means if something should happen. That´s being arrogant, unaware and irresponsible.
  14. Compared to others that made me aware of that, it was. Anyway, up to you. Have a great day!
  15. Thanks for the arrogant reply. I apologize deeply for missing that. Happy now?
  16. And again three underaged boys have an accident on motorbike, and we blame the crossings. Well, that´s a big step back to cave-living-IQ, or to presume a stage that they never left. What about blaming uncaring, irresponsible parent, not enough policing and punishment. That as well as the government have not found out a way to provide a cheap public transport in all places needed. But, on the other hand, they only had the last 20 years to fix it.
  17. Lucky! I would blatantly announce it as a sign for lazy-classification.
  18. What! Do they mean that the impact was so great that the man died instantly, but the box of beer had such quality it was still sealed beside him? Did I read that right?
  19. What a bunch of bull it is in this thread. See it clearly! If a person had been doing thee same in England, they would also make him undergo tests regarding mental health. Most probably that would result in a different sentence and treatment for his problem. Why all the need to complain over the Thai system and how can Thailand become so bad, when they are just doing the same? That knowledge and education as well as fuse and behavior is not same in different countries, we already know. That is something we have to take into consideration before relocating. Not saying it´s right, but no one can come here and think it will work like they are used too. We have to accept the people here, and adjust to the ways people are used to live and do things.
  20. Ok, I understand this now. First, how many cows came home? If only 2 cows, I would generally go for a Mac. If 3 or more, that will definitely lean to a better choice of a PC. Just to get it all right, so you can be safe in your choice, can you please give me the names and gender of each cows as that is very relevant regarding your choice?
  21. Is everything as it should be in this thread? I got scared after reading the headline.
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