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Everything posted by AnotherFarang8

  1. Reputable science that you like to refer to has been saying for 100 years of studying infections and viruses that natural immunity beats vaccinations. They rushed with vaccinations in Israel, they will still have to go through the process of acquiring natural immunity like those who didn’t rush. Countries like Australia that have been in lockdowns the longest will delay natural immunity the longest. Can’t fool mother nature.
  2. It was funny reading doom and gloom predictions here. Was it intentional scaremongering or lack of experience in how the world operates not knowing that trees don’t grow to the skies, i don’t know. This wave of infections will end like any endemic infections end, after a significant share of population catches the virus. In Thailand half the population very likely already went through it and recovered. September will finish this process and this wave will subside to comfort levels to open the country just as promised.
  3. The economy is good if you are on a government salary. Less work too , “managing”.
  4. VN has just gone full retard locking down population. Another civil war there is much more likely before economy booming. The red plague is cancer to economy.
  5. Cases per day don’t matter. Never did. What matters is serious cases and deaths per day. Governments around the world have a hard time explaining why they made so much fuss about cases per day before, because it was a knee jerk reaction or worse. Nobody wants to admit that. All they know is they must open economy or face catastrophic results at next elections. Don’t hold your breath expecting logic in all of this, especially connecting cases per day before and today to governments’ actions. Governments that didn’t freak out don’t have to look this illogical and weak, Mexico is a fine example, Sweden, some others.
  6. Before year’s end is too late beyond repair. Structural damage to economy is already reported by major industries. Structural means as if some fingers were amputated in a human body. Waiting till end of year to open is to have a whole arm amputated.
  7. You got to love these economic geniuses. So where is economic relief going to come from if the economy isn’t working? No, government does not add to economic product, it can only take from it. Money reserves cannot be spent in big numbers without seriously tanking the currency. Western nations doing that is not an example to follow, their currencies enjoy world demand and they can get away with that profligacy without population noticing it much. For now. Not forever.
  8. Way to go, Thailand! Show these other asian nations that the sky isn’t falling. But i will believe it when i see it. There’s been too many U-turns to believe anything but real lasting confident actions.
  9. Wrong. PCR test is a BIG problem. Other countries are happy with a PCR test done before departure. If a tourist is infected, they can stay home and easily reschedule tickets and bookings. Thailand wants PCR test upon arrival. Big difference! Not one, but three tests!! This is too much risk: travel there and be locked up in a covid prison. No way to spin this positively. Million of vaccinated tourists will arrive if Thailand changes the requirement to take a test before departure only. PCR test upon arrival is a deal breaker. Three deal breakers.
  10. Good. Thailand will look like a regional genius if it starts opening with realization that covid is here to stay but people must eat. Especially compared to Vietnam that seems to be going full retard where the government is determined to fight covid to extinction until last man.
  11. Exactly, what you will not see is the deaths from economic, physical and psychological health damage caused by lockdowns. They will not report them with the intensity they report these bs infections which are a tip of the iceberg. They will not report them so it didn’t happen. Infections are a tip of the iceberg. I am pretty sure i have had covid over the past 2-3 weeks as i’ve had some of its specific symptoms, that never happened for flu or common cold before. It will not be reported, as millions of others. I see people around me have the same specific symptom of dry cough which lasts 2-3 weeks. Almost all deaths in my town are people over 65yo, not too many. Younger people recover on their own without reporting it. Vaccination levels are low here, so it happens naturally. I will go have a test for antibodies in 1 month to confirm that it was covid i had, but it sure looks like it. Natural immunity is best. I will still have to get vaccinated later this year to enter Thailand.
  12. Fewer than will die from malnutrition and early deaths from chronic diseases resulting from malnutrition, especially kids of young age. There is statistics of millions added to the number on the edge of starvation compared to 2019, and this economic mess is only beginning to rear its ugly head. It will be a turbulent decade. Economy does not forgive nor forget.
  13. Yes. Other doctors in the west were saying this back in spring 2020 but they were quickly shot down in the media, devoiced in youtube, etc. This thai doctor describes what has just happened in India - most people got sick and acquired natural immunity from the live virus, the wave went down. The number of detected infections is bs everywhere, real numbers are in billions now, mortality rate is very low. What happened in India is now happening in Thailand, give it another month to play out.
  14. It will happen only if PCR tests are abolished from the draconian requirements. Turkey is relaxed, almost no hassle.
  15. PCR tests and no night life. People who come for the temples, that’s about right, 150 000. Remove PCR tests, open bars with Isaan girls - 3 000 000 this year easy. I miss feeding sick buffaloes as i am sure others too.
  16. Trees don’t grow to skies, even covid tree. No matter how doomsday predictors want them to grow infinitely, this wave will be over by October, with most people receiving natural vaccination from the live virus. Now, doomsday predictions about economy have much more ground and staying power to last years and years. Economic misery will affect everyone directly or indirectly, including advocates for lockdowns and authoritarianism.
  17. I have information that they can select to test a few tourists from the plane upon arrival which is a huge improvement over testing everyone 3 times as they do now in Phuket. Suppose they run 30 tests (30 people out of 300 on the plane) vs Phuket running 300x3=900 tests. Mathematically, Phuket is 900/30=30x more risky. I don’t have information that they make you take a test on your way back. If they do, you’ve already had happy vacations anyway, this is still a huge improvement over Phuket. You might have to take a test upon arrival in your home country but this isn’t so painful if you test positive and is unavoidable. To sum up, there is a lot of administrative improvements Thailand will need to make to attract tourists.
  18. Covid hasn’t been on the list of my worries. Most people i talk to who are active travelers don’t worry about it much either. The worry is authoritarian governments that will ruin traveler’s plans without giving it a second thought. There is a large group of travelers that refuse to be brainwashed into fearing covid. The fear of arbitrary lockdowns and lockups for a tiny reason is very real though. This is the nonsense many travelers are not ready to put up with. Yes, i stay at home now hoping that by winter time Thailand will abolish PCR tests upon arrival. There are other tropical countries, like some Caribbean nations, that are already of less administrative risk to travelers.
  19. Nah, i am more open-minded than you can ever imagine. But freedom is not for trade.
  20. A comfy prison still a prison. Paying to be imprisoned is not an idea of happy vacations most tourists have.
  21. Growth in Asia, as most everywhere in the world, happens not due to governments’ efforts but despite governments’ efforts. Remove government from the equation and growth will accelerate. Asian countries have higher rates of growth because they started from a very low base.
  22. See, using the word “cheaters” gives you away immediately. Since young age you’ve been conditioned by society to think of yourself as being a wrong-doer, a sinner, a criminal if you touch another woman. This is a ball and chains you carry everywhere with you, my friend. Invisible to you maybe, but very heavy looking from my side of the fence.
  23. Please do not mix in any religion here, they only serve to control the herd. There are two kinds of men in the world those who like to be woman’s property and follow her orders and those who don’t. Please keep religions out of this.
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