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Everything posted by AnotherFarang8

  1. Ukraine has not declared war with Russia officially. Why? Because Europe wouldn’t let Ukraine declare the state of war. Why? Because Russia would then stop pumping gas to Europe through the Ukrainian pipeline and European economy would get very ugly in few short days rather than weeks. So yeah, it’s a special operation. Doesn’t matter what media calls it in the west to keep audiences hooked.
  2. Thailand starts to think out of the box. Now that the economic crisis all over the world is guaranteed and while the west keeps shooting off its own limbs by throwing private property rights out of the window, undermining trust in dollar and western legal system, many countries will have no choice but to think creatively to be able to eat. The old world is dying.
  3. I didn’t say it will happen overnight. And it won’t be one currency. It will be a gradual process of diversification into multiple currencies. Chinese yuan will be one of them, a significant one because of the size of their economy.
  4. You know what to me is most funny. America spends trillions of dollars on intelligence but still haven’t figured out that the more sanctions they impose, the more united Russians become to oppose the west. Those Russians that had pro-western points of view in the past are now turning into patriots. Resistance will be cruel. The west has no clue about Russians, never had.
  5. The western world has no moral right to condemn anyone after a long list of bombings and invasions they did on other countries throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, killing millions of civilians. This history is well documented but western schools don’t teach it, understandably.
  6. Please don’t sign up, brave Thai soldier. When even Nato won’t dare to stand against Russians, what chance do you have? You will be annihilated in a nanosecond. Do not make your mama cry over you
  7. You have been watching too much fake news on CNN. The truth is most of Ukrainian military infrastructure is already taken out by high precision missiles. Ukrainian forces in the east are surrounded. One thing that is delaying Russian forces is Ukrainian army using civilians as a shield when Ukrainians place their artillery units inside residential areas of the cities. Russian army cannot use heavy artillery on those because Ukrainian civilians are not enemies, they must be spared as much as possible. Unlike US forces that usually destroy entire cities from air killing everyone before letting their ground forces step in the cities. It won’t be long now, even the blind will see that they had been fed fake reports about the “winning” Ukrainian army. It will be a rude awakening, give it a few days. Ukrainian nationals can protest as much as they want. It’s a little too late to protest right now. They should have protested when their neo-nazy government was dragging them into this.
  8. Russia will neutralize the threatening military force and denazify Ukraine. These are the stated goals. Both are going as planned. Vast majority of Ukrainian people are normal people but there are bad nationalistic flies in the ointment that must be purged. This is exactly what is happening. The world preferred not to notice, now it’s going to pay the economic price.
  9. Smart of him to say this. A few more days until the Ukrainian army ceases to exist as a military body. Most of you guys here are clueless, living in the western media echo chamber. Brace yourselves for a big surprise.
  10. It’s 100% more, not 200%. I only studied math in school but it’s been enough to discern the true facts from the constant stream of bs that media and politicians keep pushing re: covid.
  11. Can you make it more obvious that the old normal will not return? That from day 1 the purpose of this whole shytshow has been removing rights and freedoms. No, it’s all in plain view, they are not even trying to hide it.
  12. The title suggests the “pandemic” is started and ended by people, with certain motives, which is tinfoil unthinkable. Oh wait…
  13. Unfortunately majority of the population are passive spineless lemmings and are not going to push back. Hence the beatings will continue. Governments are desperately looking for new ways to justify their existence in light of the automated jobs era, so they are and will be introducing new ridiculous laws, restrictions that someone has to enforce, to prevent layoff of bureaucrats. Get ready for new attempts to squeeze you more. These parasites will not stop because lemmings are too easy a prey.
  14. Since the “pandemic” is 9/10 politics/religion and only 1/10 actual science, it will end when politicians decide they have reached their agendas. Not sooner. Don’t count on weaker variants or whatever, science had been abandoned long ago.
  15. The covidocharade which makes governments look like they are doing something important will go on until societies and individuals have run themselves into such massive debts that the 2008 financial crisis will look like a child’s play.
  16. The plan was designed to deter foreigners from visiting Thailand and it’s working as intended.
  17. You seem to be from the “do as you are told, don’t question authorities” crowd. Thank you for your opinion.
  18. Reopening of pubs and bars, scheduled for January 16th, may have to be postponed indefinitely. Actually no, it is not indefinitely. Bars and nightlife and major part of tourism in Thailand will be postponed until this government leaves, which will have a definite date but we don’t know it yet.
  19. This isn’t the point. The worldwide trend has been to keep fear mongering to install more tight population controls. Until population wakes up to this fact, this sh.tshow will carry on.
  20. You are comparing apples to oranges. Those are diseases dangerous for young healthy individuals, it would be foolish to refuse vaccines against them. While covid has a chance (still a very small chance) to kill only older/sick/fat (read: unhealthy) people. Healthy people have no more reason to vaccinate against it than against flu. Not everyone fails at math and logic to blindly trust what TV tells them to do.
  21. A big world war was overdue. This time it’s a war on populations that must be thrown back into serfdoms of all sorts, the deeper into chains, the merrier, while profits are made on them. Sadly two thirds of the populations sincerely believe what politicians tell them without giving it a second thought. The good news is that world wars last only about 4 years normally. So we are already about halfway through. Wait another two years and get out of the trenches.
  22. The whole covid campaign around the world has been about profit and population control since early 2020. Some have figured it out back then, some are now starting to catch up to it, some will stay delusional and naive.
  23. Those who naively believed their lives will return to normal as long as they comply with governments’ orders, cold harsh reality will be slapping you on the face on a regular basis. This crisis was not manufactured by authoritarians in the west and fully backed by authoritarians in the east to let you off your leash so easily. Until you stop being complacent the leash will be getting shorter and shorter.
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