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Everything posted by AnotherFarang8

  1. So much ass kissing of the thai pm by this US citizen it can make you sick. Funnily all this ass kissing will be in vain. I am sure the pm is going orgasmic over all his emergency act powers and pleas coming to him from all directions. So many naive buyers of bridges still believing whatever bs politicians shove them.
  2. Half of the populations are so dumb they trust that what is being done is for their safety. A good part of the other half have suspicions that something’s not right but digging deeper would overturn their whole belief system so they usually stop in the comfort zone. Problem now is the comfort zone is getting smaller each day. This artificially manufactured crisis will be fully taken advantage of. Expect more “waves” and “viruses” in years to come now that this approach proved itself with almost no repercussions.
  3. Rules do not need to make sense. It’s 9 parts out of 10 an exercise in obedience, 1/10 a pandemic. People have had too much freedoms in recent decades that need to be curtailed. This is precisely what is happening now.
  4. I may be voicing an unpopular opinion but the coming tourist high season is already down the drain. There is no sensible policy for tourists to plan holidays, which are planned months in advance, tourists reroute elsewhere. Tourism affects a lot of other industries, airlines, real estate to name a couple. In other words, 2022 is already lost on the economy.
  5. The whole situation is more an exercise in obedience than pandemic, the biggest social experiment the world has ever seen. References to real science are highly discouraged and often ostracized.
  6. Let’s see. People in the photo in the initial post are waiting in line. All are youngish people, most of who wouldn’t notice covid much or at all if they had it (speaking from my personal experience), taking medical resources to be jabbed, checked up. Many of whom have likely had covid already because official number of infections is nonsense but have to be jabbed anyway. Scared for their lives but not looking where the real danger is. Not knowing what and who is hitting them, thinking they are being saved. Blind minds, poor creatures.
  7. Don’t even need any knowledge in immunology. A little common sense goes a long way. Starting with a huge red flag that covid is as or more infectious than normal flu but somehow it has failed to infect at least 1 billion people around the world that flu would easily infect yearly. It’s either that highly infectious and the official published number of infections is nonsensical bs or it’s much less infectious than flu. Can’t be both ways. Until this biggest statistical lie is sorted everything else is not trustworthy. Applying common sense is the only way to stay sane when they require to throw sanity away and just do as you are ordered.
  8. Nah, they do know. They are not telling the truth to keep their well cushioned jobs. Science is not independent, it is serving politics and big pharma. That’s why i prefer my naturally acquired antibodies. Not because i believe the vaccine does not work but because i don’t like being told lies. Some people are fine with being kept fools. Especially after they’d been brainwashed to fear.
  9. Thailand and a lot of Asia, as we knew it, is not coming back in our lifetimes. Many asian unelected governments do not have to report on their achievements and do not need to get re-elected. Asia is not known for empathy, they could not care less about people’s sufferings. The only concern is to maintain a grip on power. They may be using hi tech products but their thinking is medieval. It takes years and years of focused educational and mental efforts for a human robot to rid himself of medieval mentality. Covid will be a perfect excuse to maintain the power grip for many years, not because of its danger but because of how much promotion it got in the world media. This is and will be exploited again and again. I am simplifying for short attention spans and forum format but not by much. Feel sorry for those who got stuck because of property, families, etc.
  10. Already planning my holiday, as most tourists, ahead of time. It’s just it will not be to Thailand but to one of those friendlier countries that have nothing more than a pcr test before departure or even zero requirements. Hint: their shores are washed by the Caribbean sea. Thailand, taking these baby steps, simply does not have time to get everything back on track in terms of tourism infrastructure for this high season. If they cancelled all requirements today, it would still not be fun to go there in winter. Tourism in Thailand has been single-handedly destroyed and you all know the name of this person.
  11. Yes, this is obvious. But to many people this will look like discrimination, not scientifically based. They are just losing what little is left of their credibility with those requirements.
  12. Yes, that’s the beauty of the internet, many sources and opinions to digest. But i tend to trust my common sense. There is no reason to believe that scientists in the previous decades of research on viruses were wrong, i haven’t seen such claim and it is unlikely to appear any time soon. So i tend to trust the view of solid decades long science on that, not the half baked rushed agenda.
  13. Every rare story like this will be blown out of proportion by fearmongering media. While we never hear of millions who got infected, and keep living their lives after a completely natural recovery in a week of sneezing and coughing, and many went almost asymptomatic. No fanfares, nothing. Crickets.
  14. Status: not vaccinated. According to studies cited in this article https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/09/15/natural-immunity-vaccine-mandate/ natural immunity is stronger than immunity from vaccination. This confirms the results of decades of research on other viruses. This confirms that covid has been politicized and commercialized from day 1. Hopefully honest science takes hold and people who have natural immunity after illness will not be discriminated against in the future and get the same rights as vaccinated.
  15. Lockdowns that do not work took away so many jobs and crushed so many businesses that the re-opening will take years to unfold. Meanwhile places that have common sense have already reached 50% of pre-covid numbers of tourists with a predictable policy. Example: Dominican rep. Sure, they do vaccinations too but they do not treat this virus as end of world and have been letting tourists in for a year now. Restoring tourism will take years, not months. The entire fault is on government, not on the virus. Who starts early will be a winner.
  16. According to the recent fashion we are to live with covid. Last year’s and first half of this year’s fashion of lockdowns is being admitted to be ineffective and harmful. A mistake, if we get rid of politically correct terms and call a spade a spade. Vaccinations are not the silver bullet, Israel confirms. Global response can be considered a big failure no matter how you cook it. However, media is working non-stop to convince otherwise. It does not succeed on everyone, but many fall prey.
  17. Let me give a simple example of logic failure. According to scientists’ and doctors’ own claims, covid is more infectious than flu, especially the delta variant. According to statistics from previous years, up to 1 billion people over the world would fall sick to flu every year. Covid should have infected at least that many. But all we keep reading is that bs number of infections they keep peddling to us, much lower than the flu’s yearly. But based on their own research covid spreads faster or at least as fast as flu. Don’t start with masks stopping it, not those thin surgical masks that everyone wears anyhow, half of whom with their nose fully exposed. Conclusion: covid has infected 1 billion people already. Likely more. You can’t claim covid is more infectious than flu and show the number of infections 5 times less than flu at the same time. It makes no sense. It’s either one or the other, not both claims at the same time. Just one example of mass scale brainwashing. Now you can do the math of mortality once you figure out the true number of infections. It’s very likely covid infections reached half a billion or more in 2020 already, before any vaccinations began. Based on the same claim that it’s more infectious than flu. This claim was made as early as March 2020, it’s when i first read it and it was confirmed multiple times after that.
  18. Not only doctors. Some members of this forum, who are supposed to be educated enlightened westerners, fail to understand this too. Talk about mass scale brainwashing that did a total blackout of logic and math skills :D
  19. Who is better these days? Any time criticism of officialdom re covid is raised, accusations of fake news follow with media platforms banning accounts. Snowflakes with fragile egos. Doesn’t have to be of young age, some snowflakes are quite old.
  20. What’s the point of protests? They won’t achieve anything. It’s like a baby crying out loud because parents didn’t buy candy. Definition of insanity: fail and do more of the same hoping for different results. Baby cries won’t do.
  21. My point: do not trust any source blindly, verify. Commies or not.
  22. Governments do not build economies. People build them. Governments can only get in people’s way, less, more or a whole lot more.
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