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Posts posted by AnotherFarang8

  1. 9 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    Sweden 14,617 deaths attributed to covid-19. Uk which did dismally in the beginning and the second wave are at total deaths of 129,743. 7x the population of Sweden. 7x14,617=102,319. Not a lot of difference between the two. Sweden is also in the top 30 on the covid charts. I think holding Sweden up as an example of how to deal with the pandemic isn't the best choice.

    A lot of difference can be found in how psychologically and economically Swedish people were not ruined. A huge difference. They will also respect their government for the right choice vs all those who locked down in experiments and not only gained nothing but will end up losing a lot.

  2. Shutting down a large share of economy exacerbates the problem. Printing and giving away money solves nothing. Watch how all prices will be rising much faster than before over the next years as governments over the world try to print out of the problem they themselves created. Fresh printed money will be chasing goods and services that are in a crippled state of production. Fixed income will be destroyed. Economy does not forgive getting screwed like that. Covid is going to be the least of the worries.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Midwit said:

    India seems to be doing something without sufficient vaccines. 


    There is nothing India is doing. The virus burns itself out after 2 months. The number of detected cases is a tip of the iceberg. Majority of population get sick and recover on their own without getting tested, that’s why mortality rate figures are bs. The same will happen in Thailand, everyone will go through it and it will be over by October, just in time when Thailand is scheduled for reopening.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Stubby said:

    You're right; flu does kill lots of people annually, as do MANY other diseases. I mean, we all get old (if we're lucky), then we get sick, and then we die. It's the sad cycle of life and the absolute certainty that most people accept. I'm yet to meet anyone who's evaded it.


    Seriously, how many people go to bed fighting fit after a lovely evening with friends and family... then pass away peacefully in their sleep? Very few indeed. It's a beautiful thought, but it's hardly the reality. And at least we can be thankful for 21st-century pain management.

    But we don't spend our lives breathing through masks, fearing the inevitable, or worrying about what might happen. What's the point?

    You die if you worry. And... you die if your don't... so why worry?


    We shouldn't hide away from illnesses that are no longer pandemics. That's my point. Heck, it would result in a planet full of low-immunity, highly vulnerable human hermits. COVID and all its scaremongering may have even created some of the above.

    Scientists now believe there are more viruses on earth than there are stars in the universe. But our immunity does a great job of stopping them from harming us.

    Seasonal flu... or other triggers of harmful outbreaks... are not pandemics that bring the entire global population to a standstill. Sadly, it's the usual culprits that get hit—for the most part—i.e., the old, already sick, and vulnerable. 


    To start a post with, "COVID is not going away…" is not helpful and totally unnecessary. And the rest of your "speculative" post is equally grim. Yes, you could be right about some things and wrong about others, only time will tell. 

    But to scribble so much negatively might cause undue distress to some folks having a tough time of things... don't you think?


    Just wanted to add. If you worry, you die sooner. Both psychologically - if you replace life with worry, you forget to live, means you’re dead in your life, and physically too - you worry too much, this opens gates to high blood pressure, lowers immunity to infections, leading to premature death.


    Back on topic. I anticipate fewer hurdles to travel to Thailand already this winter. Planning a trip.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Cunning Stunts said:

    Vaccine acquired immunity carries much lower risks than naturally acquired immunity......it is immaterial which is the most effective..............

    There are administrative barriers and removal of rights and freedoms for carriers of naturally acquired antibodies compared to certificated vaccinated carriers. This is discrimination. This does not go unnoticed by everyone contrary to what many may think.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Why, people with antibodies contract Covid!

    Glad you mentioned this. The fact that they do contract covid makes this forced vaccination even more dubious. My point is naturally acquired antibodies = antibodies from vaccination. If vaccinated people can roam freely so should people who have these antibodies from being sick in the past. If not, this is some kind of antibodies racism lol.

  7. 4 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    And I say half the world has not been tested so that is an unsupported claim.

    And it won’t be tested because it goes against the vaccination propaganda. I am not against vaccination but give a fair chance and equal status to those who had already acquired antibodies naturally. This is what is irritating. In all the vaccination history of the last hundred years naturally acquired immunity equals immunity from vaccination. They are trying to change that with covid. People are reluctant to trust them. Now, make that status equal and there will be far less criticism of vaccination efforts.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Several thousand... we are discussing millions here, 4 million deaths. A small sample 'several thousand'... obviously you don't know how many, is too small to be statistically significant. I would also want to know whether any of these sampled people were previously tested and at what phase of the pandemic. You are only making a claim that 50% have asymptomatic infections, we know already it is more than that.

    You seem to be having trouble reading my posts. I say half the world have already had covid, based on antibody studies in sample groups, not half of infections are asymptomatic. A world of difference. The number of asymptomatic and mild symptoms infections is likely higher than 95%, most younger people will have nothing more than sniffles.

  9. 1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

    In Peru, a worst case scenario, the number of Covid deaths per capita is about 0.58%,  for the UK 0.2%... Mortality rate is presumably substantially higher than those numbers then. (Source)

    Perfect example you make of unsupported numbers... So in your world, half the global population, 4 billion people, have been tested for Covid antibodies!

    There is no need to test 4 billion people. They test a sample group of several thousand people and find that half already have antibodies. They had received no vaccinations, their bodies had successfully met and defeated the live actual virus. They started running these tests in winter, not in one country, and had similar results.

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  10. 1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

    So you claim there is no Coved pandemic... right!

    Perfect example of twisting facts. I claim the mortality rate is many times less than the bs figures make you believe. Mortality rate = deaths/infections. According to a number of tests for antibodies half of the world have already had covid and successfully recovered all by themselves. But this does not fit with the official narrative where you are supposed to be scared and run for your life.

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  11. 1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

    That is a rubbish statistic.... you do people a disservice repeating it.


    It is killing about 0.8% of those infected in Thailand and between 1-2% for the rest of the world, with as high as 9% reported for Peru... Those numbers do not focus on the elderly and infirmed which would certainly be higher. 

    Try this resource...


    The rubbish statistics is one that lists DETECTED infections as ALL covid infections that have existed. Huge numbers of people do not get tested because they have very mild symptoms or none at all. Why would they run to get tested if they’d had worse flu and cold before. It makes no sense to rush to a hospital at all if they feel alright. That statistics of infections is not worth toilet paper it is not printed on. An example of propaganda machine in action and so many people keep falling for it and keep citing these bs figures.

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  12. There have been so many half-truths, officially twisted facts and outright lies said about this virus that one doesn’t need to be a conspiracy nut to not be very eager to get vaccinated. Starting with fake videos of people in China dropping dead, these original lies had to be covered with more lies and this knot of lies has kept growing. The way out is the same door as the way in - admit wrongs and lies. Half or more of the population may be stupid, complacent with anything and don’t ask questions. The other not insignificant share does not like the fact that propaganda does not match reality. No surprise that they do not rush to get jabbed.

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  13. 5 hours ago, khaowong1 said:

    It's events like this covid-19 pandemic that shows how much Thailand depends on tourism.  But what does it take to wake them up? 

    What do you suggest?

    It is not an accident that Thailand is loved by many travelers, its hospitality industry has been successful. It can’t really compete in much else for a number of reasons. Ok, there are rice and rubber exports. Production of most tech stuff today is in China or Vietnam. Thailand can’t compete with those guys, no way. Thailand should keep doing what it’s good at. Tourism.

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