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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I have, at least once, added one tablespoon too much oil, and it did not seem to appreciably affect the results. My problem is that I am getting this somewhat sweet taste to the bread. Very little "wheat" flavor. I like bread that has practically zero sweetness. (Naturally, I am aware that once bread is chewed, there will be conversion of the starch into maltose. But that is not the sweetness that I am talking about.)(And, of course, rye bread is usually not sweet. Likewise, why should white bread be sweet, unless too much sugar is added?)
  2. Just for purposes of full disclosure, attached to this comment is a PDF copy of the 13 possible recipes from which to choose on the new bread machine I am using. I am baking 1.5 Kg loaves using: Recipe Number One on page 13. However, I do not add milk powder. So... Any suggestions about a different recipe to try on this machine that might yield better results??? Tks. (Maybe an important note: Instead of using 1 Tsp of PERFECT yeast... I am using 2.5 Tsp of PERFECT yeast.) NEW BREAD MACHINE_13 recipes.pdf
  3. So, in other words, just to clarify for myself: 400 grams of Swan Bread Flour 50 grams of whole wheat flour 50 grams of spelt flour (adding the spelt will give it a richer "bread" flavor (I assume)) And, I know nothing about proofing the yeast for Bread-Machine baking. And, with the yeast that I use, PERFECT brand, this probably should not be done, anyway...IF my understanding is correct. As to not using sugar, the bread machine recipe calls for it. And, without the sugar, the yeast might not have time to do it's thing, I had thought.
  4. Yes. You guessed it. And...I have always LIKED this brand. But then... If you check the bottom of the package, you might see the words, "Contains Gluten. May contain Soybean." So, why the "soybean" statement? The package also states, "Wheat flour 100%". Seems a bit confusing, at least to me. (And, I will definitely try the suggestion of using the old machine with the new supply of flour to rule out that possibility.)
  5. I have been baking bread for decades. And, during the past ten years, I have had pretty good luck with a Thai brand of bread flour. The exact gluten content of this flour is not listed on the packaging. The packaging states only that this flour contains gluten. And then it states that the contents “may contain soybean”. About six weeks ago, I purchased another 20 kilograms of the same brand of flour I have always used in Thailand. But this time, my bread tastes sort of like CHEAP cake, and it has that disagreeable persistent “cakey” aftertaste. Here are a few important changes I have made in the baking process: I switched from using a 1-Kg-loaf bread-making machine to a new machine which bakes 1.5 Kg loaves. I now use the same brand of bread flour as always, (but a new recent purchase). I do not know the gluten content. There is very little information on the packaging, but the supplier is a large company here in Thailand. (And, I have had good luck with this brand in the past.) I use the same recipe, except I have increased the relative amounts of ingredients as follows: 840 grams of flour. 520 cc of water. 2.5 teaspoons of instant yeast (same brand). 4 or 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar. 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil. 2 teaspoons of salt. I always select the “dark” setting on both machines. Both machines turn out loaves that look OK. I use PERFECT brand yeast which has not expired. I do not proof the yeast. So, anyway, does anyone have any suggestions? I do not bake bread to save money, but because it’s more convenient than traveling to the store. Also, I do not like the bread being sold here. What I would really like is to duplicate the taste of the best bread I have ever eaten, which was bread available in Dalian and in Hairbin, China. Must be the wheat up there, but it was amazing, and you could taste the wheat flavor. I can’t think of what else to add here, except that I was paying about Bt35.00 per kilogram for the flour (for over five years), which now goes for Bt42.00 per kilo when I buy a case of 10 kilograms of 1-kilo packages of flour. I would prefer not to dump the 20 kilos I bought six weeks ago IF I can solve the baking issue, if it is only a baking/recipe problem. However, I doubt I can continue eating bread that tastes like cheap cake. (Of course, I would not “dump it” and instead would just give it to someone that might like it.) Thank you. Please note: I do not want to pay an exorbitant amount just for bread flour. In the US and in China, bread flour is not expensive, and it seems quite satisfactory in flavor. However, I do prefer a loaf of bread where one can really taste the wheat.
  6. "Cordless string trimmers are powered with a lithium ion battery and typically run for between 15 to 60 minutes of continuous use. Once discharged, the battery will need to be recharged – depending on whether or not you have a fast charger (often an upsell), recharging will take from 30 minutes to about 2 hours." (https://gardeningproductsreview.com/best-cordless-battery-powered-string-trimmers-reviews/#:~:text=Cordless string trimmers are powered,minutes to about 2 hours.) Therefore, a battery powered wacker seems impractical for roadside work along our highways and byways. This is why something like hydrogen might work better...(or maybe not?)... Hydrogen can store a LOT of energy... But, the hydrogen tank might be to heavy for the average lawn guy, or highway worker.
  7. Please don't forget... ทุกสิ่งทุกอย่าง
  8. Do you recall that Mr. Mao, or one of his minions, suggested that it was better for The Chinese People to use SPOONS to dig canals and dikes and dams? So, you are saying that using scissors to cut grass in Thailand might solve any possible employment problems for the foreseeable future? Scissors are truly the quietest solution, as you imply.
  9. In this Universe, there is no single "reality", and NOTHING is "either or". I would have thought that this is the single most important concept you learned in your undergrad days, studying the elementary and fundamental concepts common to all of SCIENCE.
  10. If they only would... There must be millions of them. If each contributed just one Baht, I would have a latex mattress today before the sun goes down.
  11. Latex mattresses? YES, I certainly am aware of this important use. Unfortunately, I am sort of a penny-pincher... And a latex mattress is too rich for my blood. Maybe in the next life.. As for this life, time is too short to spend time sleeping.
  12. Dear Folks, Early this morning, I was sitting outside my abode with my black-butterfly friends sipping iced green Chinese tea, lazily enjoying this new El-Nino weather and the Hawaiian-like Sky above Chiang Mai, marveling at all that vast blue clarity above me broken only by the puffy cirrocumulous drifting past so slowly, and so high, up there. I was at peace. And then, not far away, I could hear the sound of somebody yanking, and yanking, and yanking on the pull-cord of one of those weed wackers. I had hoped beyond hope that the weed wacker had died, but no. Alas, all that yanking bore fruit and the entire neighborhood was soon filled with the horrendous din we have all come to know and endure. Some weed wackers are loud, and others are louder, and still others are way off the decibel chart. This morning’s wacker was extremely loud, and I began to wonder what country might have the loudest wackers on Earth. I also considered the question of how to make a wacker almost silent while whacking. I am no engineer, but I am sure a quieter whack is fully achievable. What about making a wacker powered by electricity which is cordless and can rely on a power source that is lightweight and portable? Plutonium-238 has been used in some of the spacecraft we send up into space to power electric generators. Also, hydrogen is used to power small generators and even cell phones, and all you get is water vapor or water on your desk. And even propane can be used in forklift trucks, which are as silent as can be. Of course, I could go on for pages and pages sharing my suggestions and thoughts, except I would rather hear yours. Thank you, Folks! This is Gamblin Goblin…. Signing off…. For now…. (Thank you.) Please Note: This morning, I searched on Google for the loudest wacker on Earth. I first searched in the Deep South of the USA, because I know those red-necks down there love ANYTHING that makes a LOT of NOISE. Those American Red-necks below in places like Tennessee and Alabama are a scream a minute. Here is just one example (and, yes, I DO love these guys!): Too much NOISY WHACKING going on here....Driving me crazy… In Addition and a Word of Advice, Too: Anytime I feel this craziness coming upon me, due to all the loud whacking, I don my AUDIO TECHNICA headphones and listen to Steven Tyler’s great song….CRAZY… Wow, his daughter is just so beautiful and nice. After I don my AUDIO TECHNICAs and begin listening to this amazing tune at full blast, I stop thinking so much about the wackers, and more about the whacking, instead. Such a solace, both these headphones and this wonderful tune, which is my favorite weedwacker music…. Yes, Folks, “wacker” is the NOUN form, and “whacking” is the VERB! PROTECT YOUR EARS!, all you whackers out there!
  13. One is never too old to learn LaTeX (for fun), and one also need not be a touch typist to do so. LaTeX can easily produce BEAUTIFUL copy, printer-ready. LaTeX is a very complex and versatile piece of software. One can either download LaTeX for Windows and Linux, or LaTeX is available in a browser version, I am told. You really ought to try using LaTeX next time you become bored, rather than doing a crossword puzzle. One can even use LaTeX while having a pedicure. So, as you say, Lacessit,..you may never have heard of LaTeX until my recent post, however this does not mean that you cannot still reap some enjoyment from learning a smattering of LaTeX, both between and during pedicures. I wish we could use LaTeX here, for chemical formulae, etc, but I don't know how.
  14. Following the principle that one should try to never put off until tomorrow what one can do today, I will attach a sampling of two more MOJO_Chinese resources....from the great BOYA series that is used for instruction inside China, and which are not easily found outside China. I did a high-resolution scan of all of the Boya stuff when I was last in ChengDu, about a decade ago. These resources are copy-left, and available in China for just the printing cost. So...no problem. I will first post two MOJO books for you. In China, at the better language schools, like SiChuan University, instruction begins with character-learning, which is the way it should be. I do not have too many elementary books because I was trying to prepare for HSK_LEVEL_SIX exam. Level Six is the highest level exam offered in China for foreigners, and also for ethnic minorities in western China, for example. I would really like to post more, somewhere, if I knew where, and providing I can still find the high-quality book scans I did long ago, but which still (hopefully) remain on one of my several Google Drive accounts (I have over 15 TBytes in the sky up there on Google Drive). So...here are two...ONLY for reference purposes to demonstrate what kinds of learning materials are used inside China. By the way: The HSK Level Six Chinese language exam is....HARD, Baby!!! (And, as I mentioned, it is only through HARD WORK that we can regain and preserve our MOJO...for sure! Boya Chinese Elementary Starter I.pdf boyahanyu gao1.pdf BOYA-INTER-CHINESE-TWO.pdf BOYA-ADVAN-ONE.pdf
  15. I used to teach a few uni students first year Mandarin, 1-to-1, and for free. Teaching helps protect one from getting rusty due to non-use of Chinese when outside of China and living in Thailand. But now, I have the chance to use Chinese spoken/written almost daily through working with Chinese students in China via the Great Internet using a VPN to pass through the Great Firewall. Teaching is the only way I know to help me stay fluent... And to preserve both my MOJO and my essence. Sellers was the greatest Mandrake of all time! I will definitely upload some Boya stuff in another comment....someday soon. YOU KNOW: Due to the inevitable existential thoughts that we sometimes have as a result of what is happening in our world, these days, just try to gain a bit of solace through listening to the following classic song, which is, after all about losing one's MOJO, and everything else:
  16. OK...Man! Here is what I promised you. You will truly ENJOY these great resources...but I have PLENTY more, even all the BOYA resources. Truly wish you good luck (ChokDi) with your Chinese language learning. I love the Chinese language, both the logograms, and the fact that I can read oracle bones when I visit a museum. Someday, soon, maybe I will upload some BOYA stuff for you.... I love languages, and who does not.... CHINESE characters MOJO BK_ONE.pdf CHINESE pinyinANDcharacter MOJO BK_TWO.pdf CHINESE characterworkbook MOJO BK_THREE.pdf
  17. Did you say corrosion of plumbing fixtures is related to the onion content of the hard water? Anyway, yours happens to be a very informative comment that will be of interest to many here. Here at my place, taps are falling off the pipes, left and right. Also, the taps freeze up, almost in no time, and then begin to leak. The housekeeper here is convinced that we have a Plumbing Ghost and actually began religious rituals for a time. I know something about salt-spray testing....due to the fact that I worked with gold-plating factories in Taiwan. (The gold plating workers in the factories in Taiwan, years ago, cared nothing about wading around in acid baths, all the livelong day, with zero protection from inhaled fumes. I sometimes wonder how long they lived.)
  18. OK. Let me think a bit. I will upload some books for you... If I have time....
  19. Try to keep in mind that THIS Topic seems to be about getting MOJO back. Therefore, according to Covey, the ONLY way is through causing a major PARADIGM SHIFT in one's life. For me, the best paradigm shift in my life happened when I went from being completely lazy and lying in bed everyday with my girlfriend to... Kicking her out and directing 100-percent of my energies towards the learning of passa Thai. This is NOT a JOKE, Mandrake! Anytime anyone engages in sustained hard work, MOJO returns almost immediately. Learning passa Thai, beginning at age 61, was not easy. It's hard to read Thai script. Also, passa Thai has nothing in common with either English or with Chinese. Therefore, I felt like I was up the proverbial creek without my paddle, at first. But then, I buckled down and bit the bullet, and began walking tall. Hard work and abstinence is key to one's rejuvenation, Mandrake. Women, on the other hand, Mandrake, can suck out your precious bodily fluids. Please remember that. Protect and conserve your bodily essence.
  20. After awhile....yes. However, it's best to learn the vocabulary first. You know, words like "personality", "behavioral problem", "paradigm shift", etc. PARADIGM SHIFT! (ปรับเปลี่ยนกระบวนทัศน์)...make sure you memorize this term in Thai before listening. Covey loves to talk about things like paradigm shift, etc., etc., etc. Great book.
  21. If you are feeling Mojo-less, here is what to do: Listen to this entire book (Ep.1 through Ep.3) in passa Thai, over and over again....until....your listening-comprehension improves to the point where you understand every word. This has worked for me. I downloaded the three episodes (maybe about SIX HOURS of total listening pleasure) to my NOTE4, and then played this over and over again, while walking in the hills of Chiang Mai. (I still continue to listen to all episodes when I feel in the least bit lonely.) ((I also uploaded the entire audio files to my Google DRIVE, just in case this wonderful resource gets deleted from UTUBE. I suggest that you do the same.)) There is nothing better, really, to double your Mojo. By the way: This is an EXCELLENT translation of the Covey book, and it's free, as you can see, on UTUBE. Have Fun! Improve your mind! Become more effective and more resilient in your life.
  22. Let's not worry about it. It's just an hypothesis of mine, long held. As such it requires testing in order to validate it. Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the financial resources to do so. Concerning traditional and simplified Chinese characters, and reading speed: This is my second hypothesis that since the traditional characters are more complex compared to simplified characters, then traditional characters are much more easy to discriminate, i.e., there are more visual cues to quickly help the reader discriminate one traditional character from another traditional character. And that, since this is true, reading speed increases due to this effect. Again, I do not have the financial resources nor the time to run a trial to verify this. The lousy Commies never took this factor into account when they simplified the characters in order to increase literacy rate in China. They should have tested their hypothesis, which I believe is erroneous, before putting the world through this crazy experiment of Chinese-character simplification. If you have the money, I would be happy to work with you on such a project to prove the Commies WRONG!
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