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Posts posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. 2 minutes ago, Smithson said:

    I love the way trans and LGBT people are accepted here and would hate to see it become like the West with it's divisiveness and hyper sensitivity.


    Thais don't need to learn anything from the West, in this regard a trans head of state in the UK, Canada etc. is irrelevant.


    Westerners need to stop trying to colonize other cultures with their strange ideas.

    All cultures are strange, by definition.


    There are some cultures which exhibit a language spoken in CLICKS.

    I love the sound of this language.

    Click, click, click.

    Click, click, click.


    What is strange to one culture, is Ho Hum and Blasé to the tribe living alongside them.


    Having always preferred foreign lands, I glory in the diversity of the behavior of my fellow man.


  2. 11 hours ago, frantick said:

    Prior to 2020 90% of posts were Trump and Brexit, now 90% are covid and I'm getting ready to bug out too.


    Anyone upgrade their Aerox forks? ????

    Please, Sir, do not bug out.

    I will be happy to soon post something which is not related to Trump, Brexit, the C word, or any other tiresome topics.


    Just keep your fingers crossed, because, it seems that most readers prefer topics related to the C word, these days, as you say.



    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    Not sure how your response relates to my comment. Men either fancy women, or they fancy men/LBs/all 3. If they are in the latter camp good for them. I'm not. 

    And I don't see how you trying to tempt me into that camp will help fight global warming. 


    I just meant that it might be more productive to try to be more inclusive when we are all, ultimately, fighting a war with Global Warming which could destroy us, no matter what our sexual persuasions might be.  Compared to Global Warming, sexual persuasion and gender issues seem less important.  Again, sorry for my not being clearer.  I am NOT trying to tempt anyone into doing anything, other than to ask people to pay more attention to issues which are, hierarchically speaking according to their existential importance, more important. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    I think you have to be gay or bi (or something similar)  to think any LB is hot. Each to their own though ????

    Are you sure?

    Have you ever travelled to Singapore?

    Years ago, many years ago in fact, people flocked to Singapore to truly enjoy examples of Human Diversity.

    We are ALL Homo Sapiens, after all.

    Why should we lose out on the pleasure of enjoying the diversity of Human behavior, just because we refuse to not be overly prudish?

    I am SURE that I am right.

    I do NOT feel threatened by the diverse views of my fellow primates.

    Humans are a specie with a magnificent brain.

    And due to our above average intelligence, among the lesser primates, it is only natural that we are not governed by instinctual behaviors, but by REASON.

    Let's all just PLEASE go with the FLOW!

    Let's all be more tolerant of diversity.

    Let's all be more caring of others, for example.

    Do I believe this???




    And, as you can see from the attached image below, here...

    Being HOT is not necessarily what Life is all about.

    There are other more important things to Life, besides adhering to what any small sector, or even the Majority, thinks is interesting or amusing, or satisfying, or valid.

    Let's all try to be more INCLUSIVE in order to ensure that all of us live together more harmoniously.



    I am NOT joking here.

    IF all of us do not begin acting and thinking in a more inclusive way....

    Do you think we as a specie will even survive Global Warming?

    NO!, we likely will not.


  5. 48 minutes ago, smedly said:

    I don't think they understand that a vaccine takes weeks before there is an immune response and even then it is limited until a second dose is administered - this is just madness  

    Yes, Sir.

    I was thinking the same thing.  Social distancing is crucial at vaccination sites simply because it requires weeks to develop antibodies and immune response after receiving the vaccination, and weeks after the second vaccination, as well.

  6. On 8/4/2021 at 9:20 AM, Mickeymaus said:

    I think the only real fix if you want to sit outside at night is the Florida way - a big net. In respect of electric zappers with light. They will not attract mosquitoes but will kill endless other insects that are attracted by light. 

    Since you mentioned the Florida way, at least in Naples, most houses have a Lanai.  These are indispensable for any homeowner.  



    • Like 1
  7. On 8/7/2021 at 8:54 PM, LongTimeLurker said:

    The Ragged Trousered Philanphropist - Robert Tressel


    The Good Soldier Svejk - Jaroslav Hasek

    Svejk?  Which volume do you LOVE best.

    What a masterpiece.

    Too few have heard of Hašek's Švejk.

    Wasn't the third volume unfinished?

    It's been a long time since I read of the great Švejk.

  8. On 8/11/2021 at 5:22 PM, MarleyMarl said:

    I think they are a bit overwhelmed with the number of Kiwis returning / other people and residents trying to get back in. I'm an NZ citizen, and even I can't be bothered trying to get back in.

    I have a question about NZ citizens who might be trying to leave NZ in order to travel to Thailand.  Do you have any info about this?  I.e., is the process extremely difficult and time consuming, due to NZ rules and regs, or is it easy to leave NZ at this time?  Thank you.

  9. 10 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

    Possibly yes - a Chinese one???


    71 Chinese Children Playing At Indoor Sandbox Stock Photos, Pictures &  Royalty-Free Images - iStock

    Super cute and smart children.

    Children who must grow up in a world which we are unable to imagine.

    The times, they are a'changing.

    Hate Dylan, but in this case Dylan was correct.

    Nothing lasts forever.

    And nothing lasts for 10,000 years. 

  10. 15 hours ago, rabas said:

    What does this even mean?  According to WIKI, it is official CCP propaganda, attributed to XI, and thought to mean "to replace the established international order, grounded in free and sovereign nation-states that abide by commonly accepted international laws, with a unity of nations whose economic dependence on China leads them to defer to Chinese political demands.[8][9] "


    Fun times ahead, especially since they learned how to reprogramme babies' genes. Seems to parallel pre-covid issues with gain of function experiments.


    Nature: The CRISPR-baby scandal: what’s next for human gene-editing

    Nature: Why were scientists silent over gene-edited babies?

    Most of China's leaders have strong engineering backgrounds.

  11. We should all feel grateful for, and glory in, the fact that the diversity of Human behavior, as well as Human preferences and tastes, is truly a many splendored thing.


    How can we say that one Human Being is 70 percent more beautiful than another Human Being?

    We cannot even use symmetry in this case.


    Some say that we can judge Beauty using fractals. 


    Some colors are seemingly more beautiful, I guess.

    For example, the color green.


    My guess is that the color green reminds us of the jungle.


    I love the sea when it is a deep blue, but I also enjoy the sea near the equator where the sea is even more beautiful, and where the sea becomes a beautiful shade of green.


    It is impossible to judge beauty based on gender, I think.

    And, assigning a percentage value to beauty is pointless, maybe.



    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, pseudorabies said:

    Look up "Testicular Feminization". or "Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome".  It's a syndrome in which androgen signaling is impaired.  The result is a 46,XY individual whose body only sees female sex hormones (normal females have a mix of female and male homrones with a higher ratio of female:male hormones compared to males).  Such individuals have a female phenotype that is often extremely voluptuous.


    There's also Klinefelter's syndrome - 47,XXY .  They present as more male than female but they don't measure up to 46,XY.  

    No need for me to look it up on Google or anywhere at this time.

    This was common, as well as required, knowledge in my high school, many decades ago.

    You will, of course, recall that this issue was discussed so many times during the Olympic games, back in the 1970s, or late 60s.


    We should also consider gene expression in this discussion.

    Genotype does not determine phenotype and other expressed traits as much as we once mistakenly believed.

    Gene expression rules!, which is determined by many factors, both environmental factors as well as genotype.

    Expression of genes is also affected by ancestral conditions, reaching back generationally, as you know.

    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, it is what it is said:

    The world, at least here in Thailand, is improving in this respect.

    I find this change refreshing, even though I also find it something new.


    on the surface that may be the impresssion. however, i was asked to proof read a report for an international conference on transgender descrimination produced following a wide ranging study into gender discrimination in thailand. the factual and anecdotal evidence of widespread discrimination and persecution of transgender individuals within thai society is shocking.

    Did the study include views, perceptions and attitudes among university-age students after their sophomore year?

    I have more knowledge of views in Thailand among this age group, and less knowledge among other sectors of the population here.


    I think university students here are very caring and more enlightened concerning this important topic.

  14. I do believe, most sincerely, that a world with ever-less bias would become a more perfect place to live.

    This is what we all should be striving for.


    How will we know when our world is approaching perfection?


    I would say that one way we will know is when a ladyboy becomes the head of state in a country such as the US, Canada, the UK, or another.


    Gender bias and discrimination is unhealthy for all members of a society.

    At many universities in Thailand, gender discrimination is, thankfully, almost a thing of the past.


    The world, at least here in Thailand, is improving in this respect.

    I find this change refreshing, even though I also find it something new.


    It is absolutely wrong to discriminate based on gender or gender identity.


    We all know this.

    • Like 1
  15. I find the Y chromosome off-putting.


    I prefer my friends, my associates, and all those near me, to have two X chromosomes.


    If I could board a Magic Carpet which might whisk me to a world in which I was the only individual with a Y chromosome, I would not hesitate to fly away.


    This is my dream.


    It's all in the chromosomes, the goodness, I mean.

  16. 6 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Cats and rats are the most likely runners at night but during day birds will make a lot of noise.  Only the newest and most expensive types have bonded insulation - if not they transfer heat as get hot as h... in the sun and are like an oven below.  So good airflow below is important and if have ceiling insulation on that will help keep it out of living area (and not expensive to do),  Will also help to deaden the noise a bit.

    The noise on my roof at night and early hours does sound like a fairly large animal chasing another sizeable animal.

    Maybe a cat chasing a rat, as you say.

    Maybe two rats chasing a cat.

    More likely, two cats chasing three rats, is what it actually sounds like.


    Fortunately, the noise is not cats in heat,

    It's plenty hot already, without that.


  17. 3 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    Wheres here.


    Widening the  road last year in Sakon Nakhon they were offering 250 baht for a days work. I assume the contractor was keeping 50 baht per worker for himself.


    I pay 1000 baht an hour to my regular workers who do tile, cement, plumbing etc.

    Great workers.  I was Lucky to get them.  Most of the guys up here are heavy drinkers, take Yaba, or just plain lazy.  Those guys can pull weeds and dig holes for 300 baht a day.



    Issan is a different world.


    I'm happy to pay well for good consistent work.  I treat them and there families well, as I should.

    Bt.1000.00 per hour?

    which would be Bt.8000.00 per day.

    or about Bt.200,000.00 per month.....  For  plumbing and tile work?


    Are you serious?


    Does your workers benefits include housing at the Hilton Hotel, as well?

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

    That appears to be a tile roof - not metal.  Tile has no insulation attached.  


    I meant the shape of the roof, and the brick walls underneath.

    Mine is actually a metal roof, and it makes noise when it expands in the Sun.

    Also, I can hear animals, sometimes quite loud, running back and forth on the roof, after midnight and until 4am. Not sure what these animals might be.

    Definitely I have a metal roof.


    (Note:  A steel roof tends to reflect the sunlight, which is good.  However, I think my roof must be some other metal. Steel is expensive.)

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