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  1. Anyone know which banks are okay with opening an account for a foreigner with a tourist visa? Would like to keep some of my funds in Thailand, not much, don't need chequing account, savings account is fine, limits are fine and fees are fine. Looking for a bank with a good online system, can accept and send out wires easily. Had a small walk around the mall I am at, future park rangsit and all the banks were asking for a work permit (SCB, kasikorn, krungsri), going to try bangkok bank another day they were a bit busy, might try UOB/Citi (since UOB bought it).
  2. The new macbook air is really revolutionary, with the m1 / m2 chips, they've essentially opened the door with those with a smaller budget to access extremely fast computation which is going to give a lot of opportunities to them as if they has $3000-$4000 laptops in the prior years. Stuff like video editing, photo editing, software engineering, etc. can now all be done on these macbook airs which only could have been done prior on machines costing thousands of dollars. I think a used macbook air m1 would cost maybe 20,000 baht? (a brand new macbook air m2 is like 30-40k) a 10,000 baht windows laptop wouldn't even be able to do 20% of the macbook and and its battery life would last 20% the time as well
  3. 10k is a bit low for a laptop budget a bit more and you could get an m1 macbook air, (the 2020 one), the m2 macbook air is even better, both will last a lot longer than a 10,000 baht windows computer and are going to be way better as well.
  4. Riding a motorbike with out proper gear or insurance…
  5. Every pharmacy has it, can get it at boots, was like 10 or 25 baht for 10 pills (500mg)
  6. This is coming from you , old men are always grumpy and miserable
  7. But the caller is offering their services, you could just refuse it, why on earth would it be a scam? Lol a taxi driver in bangkok is legally supposed to use a meter. charging 2-3x the price vs a meter is a scam
  8. Infrastructure still lacking from what i see, hope to see more charging stations at malls, condos, and in parking lots Sat in a Neta V today for a grab ride, really smooth, seats did feel a bit cheap but you can’t really complain. I checked the price and $15,000USD, wow, why own a gas car anymore? wonder if these things are reliable, maybe they’ll last 5-10 years but for $15,000 that still seems like a great deal.
  9. Interesting take on it, so if someone calls you pretending to be the IRS and asks for money but you reject their offer, they aren't considered scammers? Is it like that saying where if you bang a ladyboy but don’t get banged it’s not gay?
  10. and this is why covid lasted so long, what could have been a contained outbreak...
  11. I rarely cook, but if it makes you feel better I thought that was from a restuarant. Only western food I really eat here is fast food. Texas chicken has been the best for me, better than kfc/burger king/mcdonalds in my opinion. I will say though, a "steak" in Thailand is more like a diner steak, vs in America where a steak is more like a steakhouse. Had it a few times at eat am are, can't complain.
  12. what is that?
  13. Not really a night life person but I go out a lot, at least 4-5x a week (sometimes everyday) I’ll use taxis to and from a location, I rarely take public transit because taxis are so cheap here. I lived in pleonchit for 1 year and rangsit for another year and never had an issue they’ve always used the meter i usually go to malls though, siam paragon, central embassy, central world, future park rangsit,
  14. No it wasn’t, you’re right actually, there was a taxi system there but I didn’t use it, I just walked out the airport and a taxi driver flagged me down
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