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Everything posted by Longwood50
No you are ignoring the core of the issue. The fact that Trump did not Tweet is not against the law. You are presupposing that somehow a Tweet would have stopped the protestors which is pure specualtion on your part. Trump could have gone on National TV also. He also could have machined gunned the protestors. He did neither. You charge someone for something they do. He did not actively foster the protestors. And this whole notion of being under attack. This was not Seattle or Minneapolis with weapons drawn, and buildings on fire. This entire "protest" and I qualify it as a protest lasted all of 6 hours.
No and he didn't build a wall, dig a moat, put on a tv commercial or hold a parade. He did not put machine guns on the capital building. People are held for what they do, not for what they "could" have done. And where the H is your guarantee that if he had done as you said, that the protestors would have suddenly gone home. A presumption of something that is pure conjecture.
I was kind of shocked. I bought a new car last year and placed insurance through Roojai. This year I got a notice of renewal and of course same coverage though the car is now 1 year old and worth less. My "discount" for good driving went up to 40% since I have never had a claim. Last year it was only 30%. Despite that my premium jumped 15% Are others seeing the same thing?
Yes he did nothing ( So What) Was a formal insurection declared. If not, HE WAS LEGALLY PROHIBITED FROM AUTHORIZING TROOPS. My posts are right on topic. He offered troops previously for cival disturances and the Democrat Mayors and Governors rejected it. Tell me how is Trump suppose to know this time they 'WANTED" help when his previous offers to provide it, they did not want it.
You are correct. However the point still is that this was a "civil unrest" not any different than those that happened in Minneapolis, Seattle and a host of other cities. Mayor Bowser a Democrat has 3,500 armed policeman 'TRAINED" to deal with law enforcement. She chose not to dispatch them and somehow escapes criticism. The National Guard is a part time military force. Trained in certain weapons but not in law enforcement. One way or another in order for Trump to "legally" call for federal troops against civilians was for the action to be deemed an insurrection. Who would delcare it to be an insurrection, and how long after that would it take to have the national guard personnel mobilized. The entire protest was over in 6 hours. Having a thousand people, enter the capital building is hardly an insurrection. It is a civil "unrest" Now if I was CNN and this was a protest following the George Floyd incident, I would term them "completely peaceful protests"
39,000 at Jomtien Hospital Pattaya by the same surgeons on staff at Bangkok Hospital.
Yep the "left" now judge someone guilty of crime for "something they did not do" Lets add to the list. Trump did not put up a billboard telling protestors not to attack the capital - guilty. Trump did not have a motorcade dragging, do not protest signs - guilty Trump did not put up a wall around the capital building to prevent protestors from entering - guilty Trump did not dig a moat around the capital building to bar entry to protestors. - guilty Oh and it has also been reported that one of the staffers "unamed" of course said they personally saw Trump tear out the Do Not Remove label from one of the Whitehouse matttresses. The entire event lasted 6 hours and he is lambasted. The Washington Police are there to quell civil disturbances and are domiciled in Washington DC. The National Guard is a group of part time group not housed on some military base in Washington DC. Even assuming Trump called them out the minute the disturbance started by the time they were contacted and assembled the 6 hour "INSURRECTION" would have been over.
I did not do an extensive search of agents but one agent quoted me 3,500 baht. Now this is a extension from a 2 year to a 5 year. I do all the chasing for the certificate of residence, and health certificate. The only thing saved is driving to the license bureau and I am not totally sure of that since they would need my picture to put on the license.
The certificate of residence is like the 90 day report. Really nothing but "make work" keeps the people at the immigration office having something to do to justify their jobs. Now for the health check, I do think it is important to verify that the driver of a car is healthy enough to pass the mirror test. That is they put a mirror in front of your mouth and you blow on it. If it fogs you are healthy enough in Thailand to drive.
When I went for my initial 2 year license I was put on a waiting list that due to covid was more than 2 months out. Can you book a time online to go from a 2 year to 5 year license or do you just show up. I know I need a residence certificate, copies of my passport and visa and copies of my expiring license. Do I also need a new "health certificate" Some say yes others no. Is there anything else, I would need?
And which Governor "invited" the national guard. Oh I guess you give a pass however to Democrat Mayor Bowser and her 3,500 police. It was only Trump who could be called upon to save the Republic. BS. If Trump had called in the National Guard these hearings would be about his over reach of power using federal troops to quell a civil disturbance.
It is not irrelevent. Note it says "invited" by that states governor. Washington DC has no governor. It has a mayor. Also it specifically states that the use of federal forces is limited. The disturbance would have to be declared an insurrection. That is why the left is hanging on the word insurrection. As if somehow 1,200 people with only 5 carrying guns represented a threat of insurrection to the USA. The fact is, the Mayor of Washington had 3,500 police used to quell civil disturbances and she chose not to engage them. The Capital under the direction of Pelosi has 2,500 Capital Hill Police. But somehow only "Trump" could call on federal troops to quell this outbreak that lasted all of 6 hours. If there was an insurrection it was in Seattle where the Mayor and Governor allowed a section of the city to be taken under force barricaded and renamed. This entire charade is nothing but a dog and pony show the same as the Russian Collusion and Stormy Daniels. It is intended to keep portraying in the media Trump in a bad light even if the charges proved to be unfounded or untrue, the damage is done. Also it is like the magician who tells you to watch that he has nothing up his sleeve getting your attention focused exactly where he wants you while his other actions go unnoticed They don't want you focused on the inflation, high gas prices, and the crime rampant in the street. They want the news media to devote full attention elsewhere.
An estimated 1,200 - 2,500 people Of that group Christopher Michael Alberts, Lonnie Leroy Coffman, Mark Sami Ibrahim, Cleveland Grover Meredith Jr. and Guy Wesley Reffitt — are charged with possessing firearms. But none are charged with using them . And of course with your liberal bias having 5 people carrying but not using a fiream was a serious threat to overturn the government of the USA with its 330 million people. Yes those 5 people could certainly have overwhelmed the 3,500 police officers who are on the Washington DC police force. Oh PS Washington DC is a city, and the Mayor of Washington is she culpable too? I don't recall any condemnation of the mayor for failure to immeciately dispatch the local police force. By contrast the Federal Government has prohibitions against using military to enforce civil actions. I am sure if Trump had used military force, he would have been charged with violating that law as well. The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
I must say, I never have heard of a person being charged with a crime because of not "doing something". Hell if Trump had sent out federal force to stop the "protestors" Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the nut cases would have charged him with unlawfully using force against U.S. citizens and stripping them of their consitituional right to assemble. This entire thing is just a Kabuki dance. They have manufacturered charges against Trump for absolutely everthing from Russian Collusion, to bribing Ukraine. It matters not that there is a scintilla of proof of it. You smear the person publicly and that is what some of the public will hear an believe.
This is verbatim what Trump said. That is hardly inciting an insurrection. He did not say if they bring a knife you bring a gun. He did not say as Maxine Waters did to confront the opposition no matter where they were. In response to this and her calls to stay in the streets if Derek Chauvin was found not guilty the Democrats came out and said that they support the right to assemble and peacefully protest. Show me the videos of the destruction of the capital building, the looting of the neighborhood, the destruction of public property. These people had every right to assemble and if anything Trump interfering with that might have been judged to be a violation of their right to assemble. Off-topic videos edited out.
No and just because they gathered at the capital does not make them insurrectionists. The constitution guarantees freedom of assembly. Further even if they were as you describe. Trump did not call for them, he was not there leading them, cheering them on. I suggest you look at videos of Democrats such as Maxine Waters encouraging people to confront opponents wherever they are. The recent condoning of the attacks on the Supreme Court members is far more insurrectionist.
And when did Trump lead that assault. Its funny. Liberals are such wordsmiths. When it is a cause they are for. They rioters burning, looting, and vandalizing are "mostly peaceful protestors" When people gather to go to the capital, don't burn, loot, or vandalize they are assaulting the capital and insurrectionists. Since Trump even announced running this is part of a concerted effort to drum up some pretense to try and smear his reputation. You had the Russian Collusion bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton, you had the Stormy Daniels smear though the attorney for her is currently in jail, you had the Ukraine abuse of power, though Biden openly bragged about a quid pro quo witholding aid, and most recently the capital charade. It is a tactic called for by Saul Alinksy, you attack and keep attacking never let your opponent take the offensive. You tell a lie, make it a big lie and keep repeating it. It does not matter that later it is disproven because a certain number of people will only hear the smear never the retraction.
Not diversionary, I am merely pointing out that somehow it is only Trump that is pointed to for inciting. Yet his "crime" was that he did or said nothing to encourage it. Obama by contrast was openly calling for people to get in other peoples face and even to the extent of using the term if they bring a knife we bring a gun. In other words escalate the level of violence and somehow he escapes criticism.
Really, and exactly what did Trump do. I see no footage of him leading the group of "protestors" You see they are insurrectionists when they are Republicans and "demonstrators" when they are Democrats. The fact is Obama was calling on people to get into someones face. If anyone is not seeing the difference it is you. You chastize Trump for "not doing anything" but excuse Obama for calling on people to get in other peoples face even using the term we bring a gun.
You have now asked questions above my pay grade. I can't speak to glaucoma and cataracts. Again, the cost for the examination and consultation is nothing. I would go and see Dr. Methasari and ask his opinion. I can assure you he would give you an honest answer. He advised me I didn't need the cataract surgery and could easily wait 5 - 7 years more before my small cataracts became a problem. I told him they were causing night glare for driving and why should I suffer with that for 5 - 7 more years and get the benefits of better vision when I was 80. He finally agreed.
Same doctors, newer facility. 39,000 baht per eye I would ask for Dr. Santa Methasari. He is there on Thursdays only. No cost for the exam. There is another Bangkok Hospital doctor on Friday's I met him twice for post surgery follow up. I went on Thursday for surgeries met with the other doctor the following day. He was ok, however I was very pleased with Dr. Methasari. I checked out his credentials. Graduated top school in Thailand, did internship at Queen Sirikit and he is on staff at Bangkok Hospital as well as Jomtien. The price is for single vision without Toric lens. If you have bad astigmatism you "may" need a toric lens. I had what I thought was bad astigmatism but the Zeiss machine they used to calculate the power of the lens needed for the cataract surgery indicated that the astigmatism would drop to a negligible level following surgery. One way or another. I had one eye slightly under corrected. I can see distance fine with it but not 20/20 but better than before surgery. More like 20/50. My other eye is fully corrected. Actually a touch better than 20/20 but only by .25 diopters. Using both eyes, I have 20/20 distance vision and can read without reading glasses. I did the same thing with contacts years ago and had no problems. Your brain will automatically transmit whatever is the clearest image. So for distance it uses the one fully corrected, for reading it uses the one slightly undercorrected. Both eyes assist but think of it as the correct eye is the one dominant the other as an assist.
Excellent care first rate facilities, and includes all medicine, pre-opt, and post op exams. I am going for my 6 month exam next week. There are two doctors only there on Thursday and the other on Friday. Both speak English however I like Dr. Santa Methasari who did my surgery. Very friendly great English. The other doctor a little less so. Jomtien Hospital Pattaya
Yes it is, however I "think" to promote the hospital it is running promotions and has lower pricing to get people to use the hospital. Similar to a restaurant group that opens a new location under a different name. They want to entice people to try it. One way or another, I got the same doctor I would have had at Bangkok Hospital and brand new first class facilities at Jomtien. Very pleased.