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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. I wonder if he called her Margaret Thatcher at any time.
  2. Well perhaps Bankgok is well stocked. However I called Jomtien Hospital and Bankgok Hospital Pattaya yesterday and they have no covid vaccines.
  3. Why don't they convert it to a bar or a massage parlor and give the police something to raid.
  4. Does anyone know when they will start imposing a tax on the number of breaths of air someone takes during a day? Perhaps we can have a "dump" tax for each time a person sits on the toilet as well,
  5. Oh, they described it on the internet is two monitors but yes the only way I could get two different windows was to split screen it. That makes sense. Thank you.
  6. On the internet it says it can be done. But I have tried and can not get it to work. I did get it to connect wirelessly to my television as a second monitor but the screen is so big that using it to swipe cells back and forth doesn't work very well.
  7. I have a Dell and Lenova laptop and for some excel work I want a second monitor to make pulling parts of the excel sheet over to the new sheet easier. I did this for many years but only on a desktop with a monitor. I know it is suppose to be possible to do. However I read that at HDMI does not work because the ports are only ports to go out not receive data. I tried an ethernet chord but could not get that to work I see supposedly you could do it wireless but my older dell apparently does not support that Any ideas as to how to hook together two laptops so that the screen can be expanded.
  8. Time for a lets break out the pride banner post
  9. Have a set of kitchen knives that are dull. I have tried sharpening them but that seems to be a talent I don't possess. If you know of someone to suggest please let me know. I am fairly close to the Floating Market.
  10. Thanks, I knew it had to be paid in baht. It just would seem a lot more efficient if they gave you the same option of making a payment into their account in baht and then submitting the receipt. But then again we are talking about the government. The rest of the world will be doing tap and go payments and they will still be requesting checks.
  11. I have filled out the form to mail in my U.S. passport and paid the $130 USD fee online. From what I read, you can not send a postage paid envelope to have your old and new passport returned. It is only 100 baht. It is asking for a bank draft to be sent along with the other information. Does anyone know if this fee can also be paid electronically? It seems ridiculous that you can pay the passport renewal fee elecronically but have to go through the effort of getting a bank draft for only 100 baht. More work and cost to get the draft than the 100 baht fee and it would seem to be cumbersome for the embassy as well.
  12. Its all which story gets hyped and which ones get buried. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/06/obama-africa-trip-photos/314264/ https://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/taxpayer-tab-for-clinton-inc-16-million-116008
  13. The term racism etc is like ketchup and can be liberally poured on virtually everthing. The fact is that it has become a pavlovian response where people who don't like some outcome cry out "racism" knowing that they like Pavlov's dogs will get the public outcry drooling. When you peel back the veneer, it is exactly the groups crying xenaphobia or racism who receive not equal treatment but special treatment. They have become so use to getting this special treatment that should they encounter any situation in life not to their liking they immediately fall back on the charge of discrimination. The fact is in life not everything is fair and the vast majority of unpleasant incidents in ones life are not the fault of racism but rather a persons own decisions. The while male entertainer who does not get a role has no excuse to fall back on. The minority female entertainer who does not get the role blames it on discrimination. It is far easier or more mentally pallitable to blame discrimination that face the reality that you just were not that good.
  14. Flu, 500 baht 4 different strains of influenza They do covid also. I "think" about 500 baht for Moderna.
  15. Ok you have common stock in the company and that is the voting shares. The Thai people have preferred stock. When you die, the stock just like any other asset, bank account, car, jewelry etc. is part of your estate. If you die without a will it will be given to your heirs according to the law. A safer thing to do is to make a will and designate who you want to receive the assets in your estate after your death. I am not sure if you die without a will whether it would be Thai law or your home country's law that would govern the distribution to heirs without a will. However one way or another you will save a huge amount of trouble and expense if you do a will here in Thailand.
  16. I got mine at Jomtien earlier this year. Don't remember the price but myself and GF got one it was buy two and get the second one even cheaper.
  17. And would you be happier if Pfizer had not invented its vaccine and more people died? It invested millions into the "potential" that it could come up with an effective vaccine. Elon Musk invested millions betting that electric cars were the future. Bill Gates made billions with software that enhanced the ability of computers. Jeff Bezos invested millions and made billions bringing products to peoples doors. That is how capitalism works. People take risks, invest their money and only the successful ones are rewarded. Note there were many other companies who similarly invested millions into Covid vaccine development and got zero. So are you the ultimate socialist where if the product is unsuccessful the company bears the loss but if the product is effective you want to take away the profit of the successful. If you don't want the vaccine, punish them and don't buy it
  18. The choice is yours. If you don't want to get the vaccine because you believe it is too expensive. Don't buy it. The fact is Pfizer spent millions in developing the vaccine with no guarantee that it would come up with something that was effective. No one asks what Iphone priced at 45,000 - 60,000 baht cost to make and accuse Apple of gouging. What does it cost to make a Louis Vuitton purse costing 100,000 baht or more. There seems to be this notion that somehow that pharmaceutical companies are suppose to invent medicines for free is nonsense. Companies whether drug companies, car companies, food producers, clothing companies etc all invest their money with the "hope" that they can make a profit. If the price of their product is not competitive, another company will come along and replace them with alternatives. That is the way the free marketplace works. Merck spent millions of Covid vaccine research and came up with nothing. Mandating that successful pharmaceutical companies take risks and then if successful have their ability to market their products at prices they establish is the quickest way to ensure that no new medicines are forthcoming. That would mean a pharmaceutical company would invest millions and if unsuccessful take the loss but if they come up with an effective drug have its price mandated to limit or eliminate future profits. Farmers grow food because they can make a profit. Apparel companies make clothing to make a profit. Petroleum companies drill, transport, and refine oil to make a profit. The same with drug companies.
  19. You can use either the 800,000 baht method. That is having that amount in a Thai bank for a minimum of 2 months or the 65,000 baht method, making transfers into a Thai bank for 12 consecutive months of at least 65,000 baht. I got an embassy letter for my first visa from the USA embassy that no longer does them. If your embassy still provides income verification affidavits you can use that instead of the baht minimums. If you go with the 65,000 baht per month it is important that your transfers show up as FIT. Foreign Transfers. On transferwise it requires you code the transfer stating it is for long term stay in Thailand. Otherwise it shows up as a domestic transfer.
  20. About 6 weeks ago I had a slight sore throat and became terribly fatigued. I slept the better part of 3 solid days. Had a consistent cough and just like you lots of clear mucous. I could hear my voice altered from the congestion but only in my head not chest congestion. Now 6 weeks later I am finally able to stop coughing. What is strange is that after the 4th day, I purchased a home covid test and it came up negative. I sure had a number of the symptoms associated with Covid.
  21. I was hoping that the public forum who have the advise of the medical authorities. I see precious little being published about its advisability at this time.
  22. Did you have to put the car in her name and then did they use your driving record for establishing the rate.
  23. Two things. Where is your source that these people were vetted? A significant portion of migrants show up with no papers at all. Secondly, asylum has become the "magic word" that those who are pushing illegal migration tell the migrants to use. At one time it was "families" and unaccompanied males were rejected so they showed up with children many times not their own but rented so that they would be a "family" One way or another in less than two years 5.4 million people have swarmed across into the USA. That is a population greater than New Zealand, Ireland, or Norway. That is not immigration. That is an invasion. Calling these people undocumented immigrants is as disingenous as calling a drug dealer an undocumented pharmacist, or someone who breaks into your home an undocumented guest. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW to enter the USA without proper authorization. If they are truly assylum seekers and can prove it, they should apply and have their cases heard. Not just make some unvetted claim about needing asylum and then letting them vanish within the borders of the USA to be somebody elses problem.
  24. You see when liberals "give the viewers informed news" what it really is propaganda and now information" So when left wingers say the Right is the least infomed that means they are the least indoctrinated.
  25. Does you wife have a drivers license? I am 73 so wondering when it will be difficult for me to get insurance. My Thai GF is younger but she does not have a drivers license so I am guessing that we could not insure in her name but I am not sure.
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