I like shares that pay divs. Hold a share for 10 years at a high yield you get a free carry
Now that is a philosophy that I can agree with. It is like a taxi. When the taxi is stuck in traffic the meter keeps running. When the taxi is at highway speeds the meter spins faster. With dividends its like the meter that even stuck in traffic keeps turning and when the market goes up the meter spins faster.
Be cautious. There is an old adage about catching a falling knife. I like companies that generate profits and have a cash flow to pay dividends.
Now you can speculate on companies like Amazon, or Tesla that at one time did not make a profit and now are very valuable concerns. However I view those differently than crypto currencies which generate nothing. Crypto is a commodity. Some commodities have utilitarian value such as oil, wheat, soybeans. Crypto is pure speculation. Its value is based soley on its "perceived" value. It doesn't make anything, it does not generate a profit, and the only way someone investing in crypto makes money is if another person is willing to pay more.
That is a investment philosophy I just don't care for. I know Bill Gates is not a fan either.