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Everything posted by Longwood50

  1. First off you fail to recognize any "hurdle' you make a tourist go through is one more reason not to visit Thailand. If I run a supermarket and lose money on bread and milk but I get more customers into my store and they buy far more than the bread and milk, I come out ahead. The 448 million baht is pocket change. 38 million tourists times 300 baht is 10.4 BILLION BAHT. Stop making it a hassle charge the lousy 300 baht and welcome them to Thailand and use the money collected to pay any unpaid medical bills to the hospitals.
  2. I see your point, however the nuisance of having to prove ones insurance coverage, the fact that it covers Thailand, the fact that the insurance company is a recognized and approved company in my mind does not warrant the hassle of just handing them 300 baht and moving on.
  3. I like shares that pay divs. Hold a share for 10 years at a high yield you get a free carry Now that is a philosophy that I can agree with. It is like a taxi. When the taxi is stuck in traffic the meter keeps running. When the taxi is at highway speeds the meter spins faster. With dividends its like the meter that even stuck in traffic keeps turning and when the market goes up the meter spins faster. Be cautious. There is an old adage about catching a falling knife. I like companies that generate profits and have a cash flow to pay dividends. Now you can speculate on companies like Amazon, or Tesla that at one time did not make a profit and now are very valuable concerns. However I view those differently than crypto currencies which generate nothing. Crypto is a commodity. Some commodities have utilitarian value such as oil, wheat, soybeans. Crypto is pure speculation. Its value is based soley on its "perceived" value. It doesn't make anything, it does not generate a profit, and the only way someone investing in crypto makes money is if another person is willing to pay more. That is a investment philosophy I just don't care for. I know Bill Gates is not a fan either.
  4. Based on the evasive answer would suggest you didn't buy at $5,000. The fed is taking an aggressive posture to wring the speculation out of bitcoin. One thing I learned many years ago is you don't fight the tape, nor the fed.
  5. And did you buy it at 5k or when you were advocating it so strongly advocating it February when it was at about 38,000. Cronus the marijuana company is still good if you bought at its opening price of $1.69 since it is now $3.52. Those that bought it thinking its meteoric rise would never stop at $29.15 are a little under water.
  6. Yep lets make entry into Thailand as onerous and expensive as possible. Save the Kingdom hospitals from potentially losing 448 million baht in unpaid bills. Oh but make no mention of the millions they likely make from foreigners who pay their bills. In a normal year Thailand sees 38 million tourists, who on average spend 45,580 baht. Lose only a fraction of them because of worried about the 15 baht per tourist cost of unpaid medical bills and the net effect is lost revenue. You are majoring in the minors, and need to look at the big picture. A supermarket doesn't care it loses money on some items on special if in total it gets the customer in the door and the customer spends more in total.
  7. Around the house I have several devices including solar cell lights, rechargeable flashlights etc that use 18650 size batteries. Does anyone make a decent 18650 battery? Most of mine came with the rechargeable solar cell light or flashlight but I have purchased some additional batteries online. They are all lousy. I can use the flashlight for only a few minutes two to three days in a row and then it has lost its charge. The same is true of the solar cell lights. Despite the fact that the solar cell light only triggers when activated by motion, unless it is a really sunny day, the battery does not retain enough charge to fully power it. If there is a good brand, please let me know. I have tried some that were advertised as Samsung but online you have to wonder if that was really true. Here is a picture of the type of battery I am referring to.
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