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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. So it's ok to fire 8 rockets at Tel Aviv because the terrorists knew they would only "slightly injure" one person! "Kinda one-sided this war".....a lot like your opinions!
  2. You forgot to mention from your link! Hours earlier, Hamas had fired eight rockets from Rafah towards Tel Aviv - the first long-range attacks on the central Israeli city since January.
  3. Let's not forget what Israel is fighting for as it seems to slip your mind on every occasion.
  4. according to Gaza authorities. Well that must be taken as gospel then. 😱
  5. Here we go again, when you are capable of joining a debate without attacking other members feel free to comment. You are now known as Mr Wilfred Waffle, a link was offered to you and you failed miserably to address my link so are we now about to engage in another bickering onslaught. For goodness sake say something about the topic and stop this needless bickering!
  6. So the next time someone asks for a link do we suggest we await the next election, I don't think so, are you being deliberately obtuse.
  7. I think I'm long way off doing burpees. 🥴
  8. I have just tried sitting against a wall with the legs at a 90° angle as shown in this youtube video, it is supposed to be for 30 seconds but I managed about 10 and my legs were not a a totally 90° angle, but I'll keep with it for a while. Strengthening the muscles around the kneecap seems the way to go, but I think from the feedback from this thread that not all will be capable of that. https://youtu.be/MLBjnwOIx6o?si=u6bNrWGgQM-LEvW1
  9. How long do you intend to keep this bickerfest up for, you asked for a link, I provided that link, the link embarrassed you, now you are in a hole and trying your best to get out, sometimes it is best to admit you are wrong instead of trying to worm your way out of it. Would you like to get back on topic and tell us all what you think of, as the title of this thread "Ireland, Norway, & Spain to Recognize Palestinian State Amid Ongoing Israel-Hamas Conflict" Do you think that terrorists should be rewarded for incinerating whole families in their own homes! Or are you only happy when you're bickering?
  10. Wasn't me sir, he started it. You don't attack anyone do you, you always offer heaps of interesting news snippets to these threads and last but not least.....you always take defeat with such grace. 🤥
  11. You attacked me for calling Palestinians less than innocent, do you honestly believe that is the case and "innocent" Palestinians are no way involved with the destruction of "Israel". They are indoctrinated from birth to kill Jews and if you cannot see that you are more naive than first thought!
  12. Thanks, worked for me. 👍
  13. You are being pedantic, my point was to show that your peaceful loving Palestinians were anything but, and to argue over a few single digit numbers is pathetic at best, but to be expected for a poster that loves to attack other posters instead of offering anything of interest to a thread!
  14. Would you care to elaborate or is your sarcastic post in lieu of an apology?
  15. Hope this helps but somehow I doubt it. 🥴 Over 70 Percent of Palestinians Support Hamas’s October 7 Terror Attack: Poll Seventy-five percent of Palestinians in the West Bank and 62 percent in Gaza say they are satisfied with Hamas’s role; support for Hamas within the West Bank has dropped by 10 points over the past three months, though it has risen by ten points in Gaza over the same period of time. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/over-70-percent-of-palestinians-support-hamass-october-7-terror-attack-poll/
  16. What part of "bye" don't you understand, I am not prepared to listen to your waffle, you can go on for pages arguing the same inane nonsense!
  17. I don't converse with posters that try to derail threads and refuse to give links to their lies. Bye!
  18. I'm sure the terrorists will be grateful of your support. Last time of checking over 80% of the Palestinians were resolutely behind Hamas and it indeed went higher after 7/10!
  19. Most of the site is down for me, I can get the homepage but not read any posts, this is the only page I can see, I get a gobbledygook message. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
  20. The ICJ doesn't have homicidal terrorists for neighbours!
  21. Do you think if the Palestians attack another kibbutz and incinerate the residents that the terrorists may even garnish more support?
  22. This thread is about a father and his son raping an innocent young Israeli girl then killing her and not about you making up excuses for their vile actions, show some respect!
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