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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. This took some finding but there is a connection between Datsun and BMC, you may find the link interesting. The arrangement was extremely generous with Austin provide every assistance possible including materials, drawings, specifications and importantly patented technology that the Japanese company was able to use in its other products. From then until 1960 Nissan produced 21,589 A40 and A50 saloons and Cambridge station wagons using the BMC ‘B’ Series engine design. While doing so Nissan gradually built up local content. No doubt a lot of us remember the sixties and closely looking at the range of small-engined Datsun vehicles at the time and noticed the similarity between the engines and BMC ‘B’ series engine. Back then I didn’t realise the connection. Nissan actually continued to produce cars with the ‘B’ Series based engine right up to 1972. http://www.acmefluid.com.au/larry/austinnissan.html
  2. Those of us who are old enough remember British Leyland night shift workers taking their sleeping bags into work with them so they could sleep their shift away. Union leader Red Robinson led 523 walkouts in a 30 month period. The lunatics had really taken over the asylum. Like the miners unions they thought they could hold our country to ransom, instead they destroyed it. Maggie had the guts to do something about it, oh how we miss her today. Union convenor Derek Robinson had been dismissed months earlier by British Leyland's chairman Michael Edwardes. Management regarded him as an "insidious influence" and his days at the car firm had been numbered. A communist, he had led 523 walkouts at the Birmingham car plant during a 30-month period, gaining the nickname Red Robbo from journalists and becoming an increasingly divisive national figure. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-birmingham-41834559
  3. The greedy unions and joining the EU killed the British car industry.
  4. Maybe English is not your native language but in the UK we say RIP as a sign of respect, but people that criticise other posters for being respectful defies all human decency and if you don't want to respect someones bereavement that is entirely up to you, but it says more about you than posters being respectful. I hope this has answered one of the most pointless posts I have read for some time and out of respect to the deceased show some respect!
  5. I have no idea, but here's another couple, one with the date on it. Nobody on here not know their age? Sorry I cannot be more helpful but I am not a biker as such.
  6. Anybody interested in classic bikes could do worse than visit the Bikers Restaurant between Sattahip and Bang Chan, here a couple the owner has on display.
  7. The Ukraine pilots will be sacrificing their lives in the name of freedom and to stop the Russians becoming their masters, that is the "purpose." The Ukrainians are fighting for their lives, there is only one side that can stop this barbaric war and that is Russia!
  8. If there was a ban on talking about illegal activities in Thailand, there would be very little else to talk about. ????????????
  9. The only people that can stop this war are the people that started it, if Russia stops fighting and moves out of Ukraine the war will stop, but if the Ukraine stop fighting they will lose their country and their lives, so Ukraine does not have a choice.
  10. Unfortunately there isn't an alternative, Margaret Thatcher said "When you stop a dictator, there are always risks, but there are greater risks in not stopping a dictator"
  11. The brave way the Ukrainians have fought I think that NATO should be applying to join Ukraine.
  12. You certainly make a good case why people shouldn't work.????????????
  13. Exactly, nobody in the UK should go hungry, but when your lives revolves around take-aways instead of going out and buying some potatoes, veg and some meat your benefits will soon evaporate very quickly. But essentials like booze and cigs must come first.
  14. I remember back in my day when there wasn't any food banks, if we were hungry we would go out and get a job, too easy these days for people to work the system.
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