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Troy Tempest

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Everything posted by Troy Tempest

  1. Sorry to hear about the fire at your hotel...... SHHHH!......That's next week!
  2. The elephants were not injured. At least a "Happy Ending" .....(outside a massage parlour)!.....
  3. That's what I keep telling my friends and family in the UK!
  4. If they have got any money left for airfares???
  5. Were you vaguely amusing when you were posted here years ago???
  6. I never said it was a Thai picture, but in any case when do Thais drive on the right sight of the road (or left as it should be). I have lived in Thailand for over 15 years and seen (or in many cases not seen until the last minute) Thais driving down the wrong side of the road on motorbikes with no lights front or rear at night! It was just an amusing picture taken somewhere in South East Asia I guess....I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition!....
  7. I wish it was that simple. I sometimes get calls from a hospital or dentist to confirm an appointment from a number which is not in my call list!.....Sometimes they want to change the appointment date. Of course I get the Promotional <deleted> sometimes, but I cut the call immediately.
  8. Like I said on Monday about the French Tourist who got lost in the jungle!....... Follow a stream or river downhill until you get to a waterfall... Stop at the top to take a selfie..... Take a few steps backward to make sure you are getting a good shot! Hey Presto.....Problem disappears with disorientated French Man! Happens a few times a year on Samui... Same-Same! Dick-Heads!
  9. Seems there are Tw@ts everywhere..... Thailand just seems to have more than it's fair share! LOS...My @rse!
  10. Follow a stream or river downhill until you get to a waterfall... Stop at the top to take a selfie..... Take a few steps backward to make sure you are getting a good shot! Hey Presto.....Problem disappears with disorientated French Man! Happens a few times a year on Samui...
  11. Thanks for all the comments guys. On things like this people often say go and take a look and make up your own mind. Don't think I'll bother!
  12. Sorry guys.....I have seen many threads on this and other websites about whether Thailand is a better than the Philippines as a place for expats. I have been living in Thailand for over 15 years now and may fancy a change. However, one of my friends just spent 6 weeks in PIPs and said it was great for a break!....But Guess what?...He has just returned to Bangkok and says he would never live there!....He travelled mainly in the North! I won't tell you what he said as I am keen to get your own unbiased impressions whether you have actually been or not! I understand that The Philippines has over 7,000 islands of which about 2,000 are inhabited so there must be diverse cultures and experiences to be had. I also understand that some of the Southern islands can be dangerous due to the Terrorist situation. Things change all the time, what with Covid, Ukraine War, Energy Prices, Inflation, etc.? I was thinking potentially about The Philippines as the next location for me until I saw this on YouTube! I welcome your comments especially from those who may have visited more recently with details about where you actually spent your time ! Thanks in advance!
  13. I had to make a claim against Tune/Luma Healthcare when I ended up in ICU for a suspected heart attack! I had to pay the hospital up front and then submit the claim. It was for 36,000 Thb. It took me nearly 6 months to get it, but in the end they paid (less many deductions)! The hospital in question was Bangkok Hospital in Chaweng, Koh Samui. They told me that was normal for Tune Insurance claims and that I was lucky to get any payout! Many do not!
  14. Unfortunately, monogamy seems to be rare in Thailand amongst males and females, whatever their sexual persuasion! It seems quite normal and accepted that Thai males in particular will have a "GIK" or two on the side from my experience! So if the dreaded "Monkey Pox" is here you will be better off having DIY sex (with someone you really love)....Much less risky, cheaper and always good!....Except when you have got a really bad Hangover, but for some reason your brain tells you that you need sex? Call me a "W*nker" if you want, but better that than catching MP!
  15. Sorry to the "Grammar Police" and or The "Geography Police"..... Is it Handbags at Dawn for us??? Ironically the first time I went to Australia I got mugged by a "Ladyboy" in Kings Cross..... I didn't ask her name, but maybe it was Sidney, Sydney or Just Syd??? Either way she was marginally better looking than her Accomplices?
  16. Maybe he was worried about catching Monkey Pox???
  17. Words of caution (from the Skandinavian Cook Book and ancecdotes from Anglo Saxons)! Always use a sharp knife to Chop Swedes..........Before they Chop you!
  18. My Pleasure Mate! I Have lived in Thailand for 15 years and still struggling to find anyone who makes half decent white bread (Less than 0.5% sugar) or proper English/Danish style Bacon!
  19. Try using the low to high (price) filter on Lazada. when you search.....You will get better results!
  20. Well I made the connection with Liverpool to the UK version of the same name....Sorry...My mistake. I now realise that you may be from Sidney, Australia where we used to send many "Bin-Dippers" to after Botany Bay got full? Obviously not the same Liverpool.....My profound apologies!
  21. Many people substitute Bovril with Marmite. I was introduced to Bovril as a spread for toast (not as a drink or stock)....when I was a kid. Some people think the taste is similar a some also think Vegemite is interchangeable with Marmite!..... Not if you ask me! Surely if you are a Scouser you must have tried Bovril.....(Maybe even used it as a spread?)
  22. What has Marmite got to do with it? "Love it or hate it is!" is their slogan. I hate it....Give me Bovril anytime which is mainly a beef extract which can be found at certain Expat outlets in Thailand as well as on Lazada...... https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=Bovril&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.home.search.go.11257f6d4AeTRd https://veganfoundry.com/is-marmite-actually-vegan/
  23. Not necessarily..... https://www.tacticalairsoftshop.co.uk/Tactical-Airsoft-Shop-airsoft-guns,-rifles,-pistols,-sniper-rifles/Gas-Pistols/
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