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Posts posted by Mike KIWI

  1. On 12/27/2021 at 6:48 PM, ozimoron said:

    All viruses mutate. Some viruses have been stopped by vaccines. Stop spreading misinformation and baseless fear mongering speculation.

    It is generally accepted that vaccines are not going to stop covid. all they can do is mitigate some side effects for vulnerable people.  Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

  2. 7 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    Would you care to post evidence that a vaccine can't or won't eventually stop the virus? You are just guessing without any scientific evidence.

    A vaccine can never stop a mutating virus. They can keep coming up with new vaccines to try to mitigate the effects of different variants but that is all. I am not sure what evidence you require.  Over time viruses tend to get more transmittable and less dangerous and covid seems to be following that path. Vax might help some vulnerable people deal with effects but thats about it.

  3. 23 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    The same way as vaccines ended Polio and Smallpox. By reducing the number of available hosts to such a low level that it can't transmit. Basic science. Eventually there will be more effective vaccines as well.  Delta was well on the way to being controlled by vaccines before omicron mutated in an unvaccinated person.

    Oh yea like the way getting flu jabs ended the flu. seriously dude. what are you smoking. You cant vax against a virus that mutates like this. All you can do is maybe protect the vulnerable.  This virus will continue to spread no matter how many people get jabbed. Dont you know the vax doe not stop you getting it and it does not stop you transmitting it?

  4. On 12/25/2021 at 3:38 PM, ozimoron said:

    Yes, that's economics 101.


    The fear will end when the virus ends. The best way to end the virus is to get vaccinated.


    Didn't you get the latest memo?




    Vaccines are temporary, thats why they require endless boosters. How can they end the virus?

  5. I finished quarantine in Pattaya 3 weeks ago. I had assumed my insurance policy would have covered me if I tested positive. whats the point of having it if it didnt? If you are not showing symptoms then surely just a couple extra weeks in quarantine would be all thats required. they are pretty good at no contact with anyone while in lockdown. 10 days just about drove me nuts. whole thing is bonkers with the virus now endemic in the greater population. 

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  6. On 11/4/2021 at 10:49 AM, Mark mark said:

    Sorry Mike KIWI I did not realize you were dealing with Specifics and also N. Z. ... Yes You and us Australians do have this problem of Traditional Owners ? Still I think that you guys over there have sorted it out better ... So Far. ... but yes, as the Indigenous community gets back up !!! In Every Country !!! ... Yes it will be a hard situation to manage ... like my Old Mother says "It is not the Aboriginals Country, we took it, ...and we are not giving it back" .... Like she is 90 so no one takes much notice of her thought on that. ... (She is of Scottish Ancestry) ....


    But yes ... they the Indigenous ? Original Owners ? ... are NOT going any where ..so well, WE will just have to start getting used to dealing with them !!! .... But as you say !!! This could be very VERY Difficult and with out a good ending ...


    Like it IS basically TOO many Rats in the Box" !!! Over crowding, ..and not enough land, really to share, .... given the Human beings ? ... usual pentive of Greed. ... (Is Pentive the right word for that ?)

    What we have in New Zealand is the 'native' population completely interbreed. Our dear leader Jacinda Ardern continues to say 'we are one' but she has commissioned a plan called he pua pua which divides very clearly into two. we are becoming an apartheid state. 50% Maori control and they have non elected veto rights. Its not going to go well with a few non elected Maori being in control.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Mark mark said:

    Depends where you are Borne I guess ? In a country with a predominantly White Government ? or a Brown or black one ??? ... Like take you Thai girlfriend to Malaysia and she will have a nice time ? ... Probaby. ? ... But well ? Vietnam ????  ... ????

    New Zealand born. NZ has signed up to some UN indigenous peoples compact. They made a secrete plan to hand control over to the non white minority. I dont understand, it will ruin the country for everyone.

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