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Posts posted by Mike KIWI

  1. On 11/1/2021 at 10:19 AM, xylophone said:

    So sorry to hear that Mike Kiwi, as I often have thoughts of returning to Godzone, but then sanity prevails and I remember my last visit back a few years ago and it was not the same place I left, but I consoled myself with the fact that everything changes so I could get used to it.


    Now I get reports from friends in NZ, as well as reading the NZ Herald, and the country is being ruined, more so by the current Labour government than anything else and I just can't believe that it is going so far left, and a cartoon I saw just a short while ago summed it up and it went something like this: – "Advice to children. Work hard and long and pay your taxes......so that the government can pay the beneficiaries more".


    There has always been class of people in NZ who just do not want to work and previous governments have always been too soft on them, but this one seems to have taken it to the extreme.


    I also noticed on my last visit how prices had skyrocketed, and especially those of houses, so people trying to get on the housing ladder with their first house, are pretty well stuffed.


    I've been here now for 15 years, so will probably see out my time here, because despite all of my grumbles, life isn't so bad here, and my plan B of returning to NZ, seems to have fallen by the wayside.


    Good luck with your move back here, and at least you tried, and that's all one can ask.

    I moved back at the start of the madness. A report called He pua pua has come to light calling for unelected co governance by 2040. Its being rolled out as we speak and does not seem to be possible to stop. all the mean while poverty and inequality is skyrocketing and the government who is causing it is saying they need more power to fix it. Last straw was when the govt admitted schools are going to start teaching white kids they are born with privilege. Its madness and i am now back living in Nangrong, esan. Let me know if you come through and we can cry into our beers at the loss of the most livable country in the world.

    • Sad 2
  2. 16 hours ago, talahtnut said:

    Go home, and turn the heating up, theres more fun in an Essex village.

    At least, you can have beer in the pub when you want.

    Maybe England is through the deadly pandemic but my home country of New Zealand has barely started. we have been in lockdown for months with no light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, DavisH said:

    Has she been learning online with the school since it closed? It so, that is the normal operation of schools during the pandemic. The refunds at my school have been minimal - they kids are mainly missing out on activities and formal assessment as they cannot attend school.  

    Yes they have been doing some sort of home learning but I havent seen what it is as I got stuck in NZ. I get out of quarantine in a couple days to see whats been going on.

  4. 1 minute ago, sandyf said:

    It is not about requiring hospitalisation, if tested positive the hotel want you out. The hospital would be the one tied to the hotel which should be in your quarantine handbook.


    During your stay, your package includes two Covid-19 swab tests, on days 5 and 13. Should either test return positive, World Medical Hospital staff will provide special transportation directly from the hotel to the hospital where you will be monitored under close supervision. Please note that while the tests are included, other health expenses are not covered. Should you test positive on Day 0 test, the hotel will refund 70% of your package price, and 60% should you test positive on your Day 5 test.


    dam, with thousands of cases in the community that seems like a waste of resources. My home country of NZ has finally started letting positive cases quarantine at home. Many people dont even have symptoms let alone needing hospital care.

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Travis179 said:

    Yes, sounds like you may have a different package. I remember ordering a club sandwich for lunch one day. When it arrived I had to laugh. I could fit the entire sandwich in the palm of my hand. I was hungry again a few hours later. The whole ASQ thing is a major scam. I forget the total cost, I think it was about $1,000 for 10 days (30,000 baht?). After I left the ASQ, I moved to a beautiful, serviced apartment, new building, near the beach, it was only 8000 baht for an entire month (plus utilities). 

    I am paying 5200thb per day for me and my son so 3000thb per days souns about right. i bet the whole thing is corrupt with kickbacks going everywhere. Just had the club sandwiches. 2 tripple deckers with fries, not my first choice fore breakfast but i am not complaining. my son says we are living the dream as he does not have to go to school.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    I never left my room in the time I was there other than for the PCR, and they did that in the room across the corridor from me.

    I saw one room in the Hotel J next door being cleaned with the cleaners in full PPE, stark reminder of why they have quarantine.

    I came from the South Island of NZ. Zero cases there. Loads in Thailand. I wonder what happens if I catch the virus while I am in quarantine. Another 10 days I guess.

  7. 12 hours ago, Travis179 said:

    I did my 10 days at the Tropicana too, back in April. All things considered, it was not that bad. I ended up staying 90 days, so it was worth it. I usually have awful jet lag the 1st week or so anyways, so I didn't mind crashing and resting. Rooms are small though. Wifi connection was fine. Balcony was nice. We weren't allowed to use the pool at any time. My only complaint would be the food. The food itself was OK, although carb heavy. Unless you're a 90 lb. woman, you'll find the portion sizes laughable. I ended up ordering extras to make up for the daily calorie deficit. I was chronically hungry, and lost 8 lbs. while there. And I was slim to begin with (5'11", 168). I'll bring a few boxes of protein bars next time. If there's a next time. 

    Seems they have upped the portion sizes. Pretty sure I am putting on weight. They said we get an exercise bike in the rooms but maybe that was on an upgraded package. Order in menu looks ok but i havent used it yet. 5200thb per night is a bit more than I like to pay for accommodation. even though my son has a Thai passport he got charged foreigner prices which was a bit annoying.  He does not have a Thai ID card yet.

    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Leonard Desharnais said:

    Curious. With Phuket open and cheap hotels, why would you pick quarantine in Pattaya? I stayed in Phuket in September and had a blast.

    I lived in Pattaya for 10 days and its convenient as i want to catch up with a few people and collect a pickup who is moving back to England before I head up to esan. Might head down to Phuket for high season if things open up. 

  9. 19 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    The Tropicana?


    That place is ancient.  Post some pictures.


    Hang in there buddy!

    Once you're out there is plenty of trim walking along the beach road making the wait well worth it!


    Plus you can move into a nicer hotel to boot.





    day 5 and still going strong. place is a bit run down but the food is ok. Better here than in New Zealand where the lockdowns will go for months. Here is a photo of my new room mate.


    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    No. The issue is people congregating in groups around the pool not a actually swimming. Anyway, how many people are at the hotel?

    hard to tell how many people are here as we are all confined to our rooms. have seen 4 other rooms occupied from people being on the balconies. i doubt many people are willing to pay the 56000thb fee,

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