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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Do you have any direct quotes stating this is the case.....no....I thought not....555
  2. Can't say I disagree....even as dog owner....I think they should be banned.
  3. On the opposite side of the coin I used to have a couple mates in the Police Force.....North Yorkshire.....the highlight of their lives was Saturday night.....this was before CCTVs, smartphones and busy-bodies....555
  4. Come on Danderman123....that is MSM....you know you can't believe a word they spout out.....so it can't be him.
  5. Why are you so sure Shady Vance is not gay?
  6. Wow .....what a difference that makes to the story.....looks like he was being a really knob and was just pushed and fell.
  7. Don't believe it.....even got a confused emoji about the confused emojis.....must be a Shady Vance fan.
  8. I was prescribed DUODART? But read up about it and chickened out of taking it.....took Alfiu***? For a short while, but stopped for no particular reason......left things to run there course and here I am.....very odd outcome?? Oh...the Alfiu stuff was a 45B a day...cheap Charlie.....not paying that.
  9. ?.....Republicans, real ones....not RINO ones....555
  10. Brain-freeze from all that ice-cream?
  11. Let's split it...fair? 76.25 (had to use a calculator 🤭)
  12. True I was thinking of back home.....just got a bill for £3,000 for an accelerated possession order.
  13. So close.....lets say 40 to 75....just to be on the safe side.
  14. Maybe obese voters and smokers should only have 0.5 of a vote......oh wait....best scrub the obese bit.....don't want to disenfranchise too many US voters.....🤭
  15. So true....wife goes ballistic if I so much as blip the car horn.
  16. I guess Trump hit the nail on the head when intimated VP's count for zip.....he hopes.
  17. So pensioners have to go to the polls in groups of four....that's ridiculous....5555
  18. They should get a vote for each cat.....seems fair.
  19. To become the Vice President of the United States, a candidate must meet certain legal prerequisites outlined in the U.S. Constitution. These prerequisites are similar to those required to become the President. The key requirements are: 1. Natural Born Citizen: The candidate must be a natural born citizen of the United States. This means they must either be born on U.S. soil or born to U.S. citizen parents abroad. 2. Age: The candidate must be at least 35 years old. 3. Residency: The candidate must have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. Shame about the first prerequisite.....she could have gone for Obama....555
  20. Can your prostate shrink? I was peeing four/five times a night...real struggle at times.....not happy travelling without easy/planned access to loos.....and now no problems at all????
  21. 555 They certainly wouldn't be smoking it Singapore
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