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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. How odd.....I mentioned it twice (not the war)....and both comments have disappeared.....how strange.
  2. So did mine.........can"t see or read a b****y thing
  3. Didn't Baloo announce recently that to graduate, graduands had to pass an English proficiency exam......more crazy policy on the hoof.
  4. What happened to the new uniform? That was supposed to have been introduced by now.
  5. One of Tusk"s major concerns at the moment.
  6. Toughing it out till mid-day then the air is going on......20 minutes to go.
  7. Pattaya Is Already A World-Class Destination, Says Thai Real Estate Experts Agents
  8. OMG.....maybe the swivel-eyed loons in the GOP were correct....the world is about to be taken over by baby eating, lizard people
  9. Stood at the end of a carriage on the Moscow metro with a young lady....this was 30 years or so ago.....everyone was looking at me.....quite disconcerting. I quietly asked the young lady why? She smiled and said....... 'you look intelligent.......Stalin killed the intelligentsia so they are fascinated by your looks'
  10. Done that a couple of times....wife was strangely unimpressed.
  11. Mmmmm.....as usual with Thai law.....pick the bones out of that....555
  12. Yes, but there is no where worth driving to......you could plonk down anywhere round here and the view/surroundings would be identical....green as far as the eye can see with ramshackle sheds dotted about.
  13. I feel physically every time I have to interact with immigration......there is (nearly) always some twist to catch you out....last time I downloaded all the forms and filled them in beforehand......"sorry these are old forms, you need to fill these in"......filled them in, no queuing system, fight to hand the forms back in....."no good....all forms must be in blue ink now...do again".....F.F.S.
  14. Never even sat on a motorbike in my life....one of the many reasons I've made it this far.....555
  15. Thinking about it, I am probably drinking less here.....but drinking purely for the sake of it..... in BKK I'd be out and about drinking and enjoying it
  16. 5555 That sentence aside, I think you are probably correct.....not drugs, not a weapon....so off you go.
  17. Lived there for two years and miss it....had a whale of a time.......Isaan and the quiet life is fine for a a few months......but after that....no thanks.
  18. On a positive note it does save the RTP sending out gofers round all the tiny bars spread all over the place......much easier to centralise, making tea money collection easier
  19. Don't want to hijack or start a new thread....but......does anyone have/use a BKK bank credit card? Do they serve any purpose?
  20. I know it must hurt you....to be fair she lived free in Germany with me, where she worked for the UK MOD, for 14 years......so it is payback time.....living the dream.....I just wish she had bought in BKK.
  21. Will B Good


    I think here, it is said to promote new bamboo growth, but many of the fires seem to be unconnected with the areas in which bamboo grows.....of course the Thais seem to love burning anything that's flammable.....!!
  22. Mmmm....bought 20 acres of farmland and a three bed house .....all her money.......26 years younger than me and does everything for me....very slim and pretty.....you do have to wonder????
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