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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Will B Good


    Family bag the rubbish and put the bags inside the tyres.....and yes they are far too heavy to lift, even empty!
  2. Soi Cowboy looks so tacky-tacky now. Used to be hopping when the illegal bars occupied the waste land behind it. I think soi 7 is the up and coming place now.
  3. AZ seems to have quietly disappeared as an option in the UK.....(after being claimed to be yet another world beating invention of the Tories). I would say get an mRNA booster for definite.
  4. Traveling back after a Xmas trip to the UK on Feb 4.......just have to suck it up. Missing the wife. It is what it is. Do you think there is any chance of sneaking out of the AQ hotel for a little RnR?
  5. You and "2 is 1" need to meet up.....you would have a banging time.
  6. Same jabs as you, but now had the Pfizer booster. Not too sure Sinovac/AZ is going to be good enough.
  7. Don't you mean a full expatriate .......all non-Thais are farangs by default?
  8. I need to some of whatever you are taking......555
  9. I would agree. In the overall scheme of things, whilst 'we' watch all things Thai very closely, 99% of the world could give a ...........
  10. Never had vodka in my life.....no particular reason...odd.
  11. Watching the UK news today someone was claiming the omicron variant is no less severe than delta it is just that some many people are now vaccinated and boosted and/or have had covid19 that it appears to be less aggressive?????
  12. Will B Good


    Certainly wouldn't last a day in the UK.....they would be bent over and stolen. Good idea for a village....hope it works out. In my village they all use truck tires turned inside out.
  13. Just renewed mine, Chaiyaphum. Had to do brake test and colour, only did peripheral for first application.
  14. Guess I am fortunate. Wife's family, with one exception, her step father, who is no more than a little cool towards me, are incredibly friendly. None of them speak a word of English and I can't speak a word of Thai, but it doesn't stop them talking to me endlessly, sitting with me and even holding my hand and hugging me???? This is after 15 years of visits.....oh and by the way I have never been asked for or have ever offered a single satang.
  15. I could be wrong (often am), but there seems to be some confusion over Test and Go and Thai Pass. I read it that Test and Go is suspended temporarily, but the Thai Pass is required regardless.
  16. I feel for you. I arrive Feb 4 and am gearing up for 10 days quarantine as I am vaccinated (according to the Thai embassy, if I was unvaccinated quarantine would only be 7 days?). If they switch back to Test and Go do I get my money back? Can I switch back to Test and Go? What a pigs ear
  17. Posted this on another thread but got no response............ Thai embassy London states unvaccinated face 7 days quarantine, but vaccinated face 10 days......a simple mistake or some logic that is beyond my tiny mind?
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