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Posts posted by LP80

  1. Hi, hoping for some clarity re upcoming travel, any help appreciated. I have to travel back to London for a week or so, am on a 1 year Thai language education visa. Have been told that I need to fill in a form prior to leaving otherwise validity of my visa will be voided. 

    Having trouble working out whether I can simply fill out said form at the airport, or whether I need to go to immigration and above all what the form is even called. Thanks in advance, L

  2. Am landing 28th on Test and Go issued prior to the re boot. Will I be subject to the terms of the new Test and Go (ASQ hotel on night 5) or should I assume that I enter under the terms of the original Thai Pass? 


    Also, assuming I test negative on day one, have planned to head north to Chiang Mai. As far as I'm aware it's fine for me to travel out of Bangkok and as long as I have address etc I can do day 5 test there? 

  3. Am seeking some clarity re my current status for eligibility for entry. I have a pre approved one night test and go QR code, landing 28th Jan. 


    Assuming nothing changes in the meantime, and that my application etc is honoured...I'm a little unclear about the 5th day test which is now required but was not required when I made my initial application. 


    Is the day 5 test applicable to an already approved Test and Go? 


    If so, how do I bolt this on to my documents etc per requirements without having to reapply, which at this point isn't even possible because new applications have been shut down? 


    Thanks in advance

  4. Wondering if anyone can help me make sense of current situation re travel to Bangkok. 


    I'm booked to arrive 28th, have all docs etc signed off per Thai pass stipulations etc. 


    But it's now looking as though Thai pass won't be honoured post Jan' 10th. 


    What I'd like to try and make sense of is:


    If Thai pass is no longer valid or open for new applications, even if I wanted to amend my flight etc in order to come in on / before the 10th, would I even be able to? Am open to making changes to my booking but the whole thing seems like a bureaucratic wormhole that I can't make sense of. 


    So, if I wanted to amend and arrive earlier to make it on the Thaipass how to do? 


    Thanks in advance

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  5. HI, am posting in the hopes I might get some help from the many seasoned Thaivisa people in making sense of a couple of things. 


    I will be travelling to Bangkok mid November, planning to stay for 6 months initially. 


    One plan would be to use visa on arrival and then go through the extension process once there. The visa on arrival from the UK still seems to be in effect, but then in other bullet points on the Thai Embassy site seems to have been suspended. Unsure how to proceed. 


    Another issue is whether I hold out to book into ASQ, as the seeming reopening / sandboxing of Bangkok seems imminent. If I hold off until mid October to wait and see whether I need to quarantine, will that leave me enough time to process the various parts of my application / COE etc. 


    Finally, if I don't go ahead with the Visa on arrival, what would be the best Visa. Is there a 6 month Visa anyone is aware of that I can apply for? 


    So, what I'm asking is:


    - Is the Visa on arrival still in effect from the UK? 

    - Is 30 days long enough to process all my paperwork? 


    Many thanks in advance, and appreciate any suggestions you might have. 



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