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Posts posted by Phil1964

  1. 5million a year = 97,000 / week on average.

    Thats the kindof Chinese takeaway figure I like! ie: Not too many of them wandering around, getting in the way, pointing their phones at everything for a quick tiktok upload.

    Mind you I'll make exception for the Chinese girl, (Huanxi), on the bus in the other news article on here this morning. I could watch her moon rise and fall all day long! ????


  2. 7 hours ago, bogs smith said:

    civil war 2024. watch this space....

    Can't it be late July to mid August 2023, then my Mrs and her daughter could be:

    1) Stuck in Thailand when they go to visit.

    2) Could sign up and join in, then they could fight to their hearts content in their own country, instead of here with me stuck in the middle constantly playing mediator / bouncer / referee!



    • Confused 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Purdey said:

    Meaning, they still showed on the database as being in Thailand? 

    Looks like those who are using the database don't have a clue what they are meant to do with the data, or more likely, they don't know what the **** they're doing!

    Would guess most the overstayers who have left the country are from Myanmar, migrant workers. Then a chunk of Soviets and Chinese. 

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  4. On 5/30/2023 at 7:51 AM, Dmaxdan said:

    Interesting. Because after 14 years of living in rural Thailand I've yet to meet a Thai person with anything that even resembles what I would consider a high level of patience. In fact I've long suspected that their patience levels don't develop after they are 10 years old.


    Lack of patience is also one of the major reasons so many of them die on the road each year. 

    Running red lights and not waiting at U-turns are just a couple of examples of chronic impatience.


    Absolutely. They are utterly dogmatic about time, breaking time down into 15 minute segments. Hear it from other 'farangs' married to Thais. I put it down to fact a lot of them end up being single Mums with just an elderly relative helping around childcare etc, so time and scheduling becomes of the essence! (Or in my dark humour moments I ask her if during WW2 Thais ran the Japanese POW camps)??????


    If I'm out doing errands and in my Mrs' head she thinks I should be taking no longer than one hour then God help me on 61 minutes when my mobile switches to constant ringing even though I may be driving. When I answer the stock questions are, "Where you now? Why you late? Followed by the accusations I've sloped off for some Boom Boom with other lady!! (Bloody chance would be a fine thing)!

    Same impatient attitude problems with her daughter, unsurprisingly. If something is not to her timeplan, (whatever it may have been as she rarely gives any advance notice), then "BOOM" off she goes like the proverbial bomb, aka: Thai psycho!


    In essence urban Thais are so impatient, especially the female variety. It's why the husbands go and hang out with mates. Gives their wives something else to complain about instead of them trying to understand the psychology and effect of their actions. Ditto why globally men take up golf, fishing or crickey. A reason to be out the house for hours on end not just minutes!


  5. 6 hours ago, steven100 said:

    so did the kid have the pocket knife with the intention to stab the other kid on that particular day and time or does he always carry the pocket knife around with him.   Another example of how thai people cannot control their anger and lack any after thought of their consequences.  

    Very sad for the boy who lost his life at the hands of a selfish delinquent .... 

    "Another example of how thai people cannot control their anger and lack any after thought of their consequences..."



    You hit the nail right on the head there, with your observation. I can back that up every day with my situation, (mother & her 10year old daughter). Does'nt matter how blunt or loud I proclaim the fact you mention, neither ever listen or want to understand or learn. 

    Thais should come with a health warning stamped on them, like cigarette manufacturers are forced to provide on their product packaging.





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  6. 7 hours ago, khunjeff said:

    If the whole world seems to know about his arrival in Norway using a false name and passport, why wasn't he immediately arrested for that by Norwegian authorities? Even leaving aside the murder charge, flying around under a false identity or with forged documents isn't something that's taken lightly by any government. Or are the articles somehow suggesting that the Norwegian embassy in Hanoi knowingly issued the bogus passport to him?

    Absolutely, and as the victim was a British citizen should'nt the UK police / authorities now have him in their custody and charged, seeing as this perpetrator is back on European soil? (Maybe he's already flown off elsewhere on another fake passport).

    Or does co-operation around things like this not happen in European circles?


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  7. Well what a surprise.

    A cozy in power army government respects the will of the people, NOT!

    They're probably being advised by China and Myanmar's generals how to crush any forthcoming dissent. 

    Coups, martial law etc etc. A perfect recipe to destruct their vital tourism industry revenues.

    I wonder where the Phuket Soviets will move too if it does kick off, perhaps they'll enlist? ????

  8. 16 hours ago, watchcat said:

    Taking  away her phone should teach her.

    So far during 2023, my 10 year old stepdaughter aka 'psycho Thai', has smashed 2 of her Mum's phones when she's having her psychotic outbursts.


    She's living in the UK at present, note at present. Hoping to get curtailment on their family visas issued by Home Office at about the same time as they fly back to Thailand for 5 weeks in July's school holidays.


  9. Yet another reported news item today that can sum up Thai culture and typical character traits in one phrase, (as reported in another Asean Now article), 

    'It appears they had psychiatric problems".


    Yep, that's right. They all have!

    When their red mist descends they respect nobody or nothing! Even my 10 year old psycho Thai stepdaughter says when she argues, "She argues until she wins".

    Even if that means arguing for 16 hrs one Sunday, having numerous police incident numbers against her name, draws a knife, headbangs the floor or wall, ends up so stressed and angry she hyperventilates and now has a case social worker trying to figure her out from a 'British psychology' perspective!!

    I've learned the old adage is very true re: Thais..

    "You can take the girl out of Thailand, but you can't take Thailand outta the girl"!



  10. Not far north of Ayutthaya about 15 to 20 minutes on a train you will arrive at LopBuri.

    Very quiet, lots of temples to wander around including those with ,000's of monkeys. Compact to wander around with little traffic either. If at any point you've had enough and wish to get back on the train I was never more than 10minutes walk from the station on my wandering tourist trail.




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