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Posts posted by expat_4_life

  1. The problems with this article begin with the headline "Pressure mounts on U.S. Rep. Conyers after sexual harassment allegations"


    That is because there are not only allegations, there were settlements, witness affidavits and NDAs to keep it secret.


    The story is even much bigger in a broader context when you find out that the "Office of Compliance" has settled 264 cases

    with taxpayer money totaling 17 million USD in the last 20 years. (mind you some of these cases could be for other matters)


    I've personally had enough, unseal all 264 deals, let the chips fall where they may.

  2. 2 hours ago, impulse said:


    Multiply 1,700 times 20-40X as dangerous for scooters and see where you end up.


    Here are some statistics you can comb through ... 73% of fatalities are on 2/3 wheeled vehicles.



    The death rate quoted in the OP looks fairly certain, not sure about the injury numbers though.

  3. How does the Prince propose to put the extremism genie back in the bottle?  Hint, he doesn't really.

    The Saudis funded and seeded it everywhere.


    From:  https://www.cfr.org/event/chris-murphy-roots-radical-extremism 


    "According to some estimates, since the 1960s, the Saudis have funneled over USD 100 billion into funding schools and mosques all over

    the world with the mission of spreading puritanical Wahhabi Islam."


    A problem in the making on a global scale for almost 6 decades is not going to suddenly disappear simply because the Prince says it is so.


    I'll admit I "cherry picked" the quote to make my point, its a complicated issue (recommend you read the article if you're so inclined)






  4. 13 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    No company in the known universe will set-up any internet infrastructure in a country that blocks, censors and controls internet access.

    Facebook wouldn't leave a laptop here as infrastructure. The government has blocked it several times during coups etc.

    E-commerce hub, all good unless you want to use the E-commerce platform to buy a subscription to the daily mail, or an adult video.


    FYI, the dailymail is no longer blocked in Thailand.  I noticed this about a month ago.


    As to why Zucker would come here ... money of course.  As to why the Thai govt might be interested in him,

    perhaps they can get Zucker to do some of their censorship work for them.

  5. 5 minutes ago, ripstanley said:

    On Friday I was in our local Makro and Tesco Lotus.  Leo big bottles were still 584 Baht. Macro had boxes dated August and Tesco had boxes dated 09/09/2017.


    I was in Makro today and the price has increased to 614 Baht. Still the same date on boxes as Friday.

    A 30 Baht increase and this works out at 2.5 baht per bottle or approximately 0.05%  percent increase per box

    30/584 is a 5.13% increase ... just sayin

  6. 5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    I feel sorry for those who feel MSM is propaganda. And sadly, turn to sites that are much less reliable. That article is an opinion piece from a guy who's going after NATO with his new book. I prefer to stick with news and not opinion pieces.



    These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias.  They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes.  These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation. See all Left-Center sources.

    I don't discount your perspective, but then why is the MSM simply story after story - followed by panels of "experts" voicing their opinions?

  7. 2 hours ago, Pib said:

    Heck, just buy a license off Ebay....I bought two Win 10 Pro licenses in Sep 15 for $15USD each....both worked (and still work) like a charm almost two years later.  Plenty of similar Ebay listings right now.   The license number is email to you within hours (or much less) of you buying the license with instructions where to download which will probably be the MS Windows site where you can download Windows.


    In many cases these are licenses which have been uninstalled from computers and can legally be resold under EU laws.




    1 hour ago, maxpower said:





    This is totally legal/most economical and easiest way to get a license.  Also licenses available for office at

    a similar price.  The keys are delivered by Ebay message, I got both of mine within minutes, all done.

  8. People (in the west) love to complain about the 1% .... the wealthy.


    This is exactly how it gets started, putting hard working people that support their family's by any means

    possible with the limited skills they have, out of business.  What do they then do?


    It destroys a vital part of what makes Bangkok a vibrant and interesting city.


    I do not see anything positive in this closing of street vendors .... it destroys the means many Thais

    have at their disposal for support and further erodes a vital part of the freedoms and entrepreneurship

    that many Thais enjoy today regardless of their "class".




  9. Depending on exactly where you live, you may find that one of the local providers has better coverage for your location.  I live in Bangkok

    and had to switch providers (from DTAC who I used for years) to True to get coverage in my condo.  These prepaid plans usually lock you into

    the service through contracts.  Until you get settled, I'd advise thinking about pay-as-you-go for some interval of time.  I rarely have need to

    make intl calls on my phone, but there are VOIP numbers you can use with each service provider so that the minute rate is only a few baht @ min.


    The other 2 things I use to keep usage down and plans small are:

    1) Mobile App LINE, has free messaging and voice calling (with other LINE users obviously) and is very very popular here.

    2) GOOGLE voice, it's free in the USA - get a US number before you leave.  This allows you to call any US/Canada number free and so long

    as your friends/family can call that number free then nobody pays.  It has voicemail and texting features as well.  I only use

    it on my PC, so not sure about the interface for other platforms.  One other nice thing about this is you can maintain a US number at no

    cost, which is handy for giving to your bank/broker/credit cards etc when you leave.  NOTE: it does require a gmail account.

  10. This past election should have been Sanders vs Trump .... the two outsiders.


    The American public elected Trump primarily because he was not one of the selected

    candidates from either of the two established parties.


    It's too bad that the DNC sabotage of the Sanders campaign did not allow for the American people

    to have a real choice.


    The paradigm has shifted, the DNC and RNC are both facing a new reality, politics as we once knew it is history.  Trumps

    victory has thrown both the Bush and Clinton dynasties to the rubbish heap, and both political parties

    along with it.



  11. Congratulations ... The new DNC Chair Tom Perez wanted to "put a fork" into Bernie Sanders Latino support - on behalf of Hillary Clinton



    Quote: From Perez to Podesta (link above)

    Congrats again. While I recognize that the mother load is Texas, I am very excited about Massachusetts. I know it is not yet done,

    but it is looking good. I also look forward to my appearance on Telemundo tomorrow where I can trumpet her strong support among

    Latinos and put a fork once and for all in the false narrative about Bernie and Latinos. Congrats


    IMHO this does not bode very well for the immediate future of the Democrat Party.

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