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  1. As up to now after 10 years in Pattaya I found 3 decent Pizza : Dome in Pratumnak,Bronx (new york style slice) and the one I make my self in a gas driven pizza oven bought in Lazada).Please ad more if you have.
  2. Have another question about retirement visa.I will arrive in dec with a new non O 90 days SE that I received in Sweden and wish to make an extension 12 month.Is it an option to only show so called "Embassy Letter" for The Immigration office in Rayong(Sweden still does have this service) to replace other financial documents?The reason I ask is that I read it in the official application paper as a "or" option and will make things more easier compared to the bank method. I will be grateful if any one have any experience to to tell about this.
  3. First they remade the road (took 2 years of chaos) and that speeded up the traffic pace so much that crossing the Theprasit can be a life-changing moment. .And now they try to slow it down which affects the whole blood system of traffic in Pattaya south.What they really need is more overpassing bridges for pedestrians especially in front of the big market places.(Night market,second hand market and the big veggie and wetmarket)It would benefit even the trafficjam situation together with limited stopping/parking rules/fines on Theprasit road. They also need to make a deep professional all over analysis of the whole traffic health in Pattaya. Earlier I heard ideas about making skytrains connecting east and west Pattaya and fly bridges for tourist coaches from Sukhumvit to Bali Hi.Maybe still in pipeline?

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