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Posts posted by Adumbration

  1. You can buy rice bags for 5 baht each.  Then buy SCG red structural cement by the bag and a cube of sharp sand and a cube of blue metal.  Hire two blokes for a day to dry mix the ingredients and put them in the bags and then stack the wall.  Make sure you have a big tarp incase it rains before the bags are stacked into place.

  2. I used to live near an elephant park.


    I used their poo to fertilize the vegetable garden.


    Had bumper crops but bloody jumbos gave me scabies.  


    The mites started with my hands and then traveled up my arms and to my body.


    I had never seen, let alone had scabies so it was quite the ordeal.


    But I just took oral invermectin for a few days and applied Benzyl benzoate emulsion  to my skin with cotton balls.


    Cleared up entirely in a matter of a few days.


    The Benzyl concoction is apparently a nasty substance but it is cheap and the drug of choice in poor African nations.  It is also readily available here, so are the invermectin tablets but they are very hard to find.

  3. 24 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Millions of people worldwide care. The families and friends of the 3 men who were murdered care.


    And yes they were murdered by their own side. They came out shirtless, presumably to show that there were not carrying IEDs. They had a white flag of surrender. They were speaking Hebrew yet they were still shot and 2 killed instantly by the IDF because one fully armed IDF soldier decided that they were terrorists and opened fire.


    The firing stopped by the battalion commanders order and the survivor came out of the house, still shirtless, still with a white flag and was shot and killed, even after the cease fire order had been given.


    Why was he even in the military if he decided to open fire on 3 unarmed civilians carrying a white flag. There is NO excuse no matter what the IDF whitewash will say.


    His platoon corporal, sergeant, lieutenant and all those above him up to and especially Netanyahu are culpable and failed in their job.


    There will always be war there.  Always has been.  Always will be.  You can waste your time ruminating over it.  I will not.


    There can be no peace until they renounce their Rabbit God and accept our Duck God.



    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

    If you have 2 houses, how is it you can get an Aged Pension?


    Yes, we all know the answer.  :cheesy:

    @still kicking is just another fake account.  There is so many on this forum they are forgetting their own backstories.  If you read this guys thread history he was apparently broke after losing his house in Thailand to a Thai, then had to go back to Oz to get the pension, then suddenly he has a Thai wife living in OZ with him (But still getting the pension??).  And now apparently has two houses and a Thai wife (But still getting the pension??).  Oh....and let us not forget his chestnut....he rents a two bedroom apartment in Australia for under $250 per week.  


    This forum has become a basket case of fantasy and misinformation because of fake accounts.


    Sad really.

    • Like 1
  5.  Very few domestic investors in the SET.  The index moves almost solely on the ebb and flow of foreign investment.  Thailand Is a basket case and foreign investors are shot of it.  Much better opportunities in the Indian or Viet markets.


    Thai stock analysists are well aware that the SET is dead in the water and will be for another decade.  I read a article a few years back stating just that, but cannot be bothered trying to find the link.


  6. google the Thaiwatsadu website.  They have a big store at Thalang.  Lots of different brands of the blocks.  SCG are the most expensive then there are cheaper brands like Diamond. If you are only looking for 70mm wide blocks then they are very cheap....circa 32 baht a block last I checked.  Most decent builders are all now familiar with working with "block It Bow".


  7. A million years ago I wrote an inexpensive but very successful guide for playing blackjack.  I had a good deal of success selling it online.  It is practical, straight to the point, and tightly summarised.  There is also a one page flash card with all the correct decisions to make that you can print and take into the casino in your pocket if you want.


    It became redundant after most casinos introduced auto shufflers.


    But the Andaman casino does not have auto shufflers and still uses a 6 deck shoe.


    It is still a venue that if you play carefully, and use perfect strategy, you can win at the BJ tables.


    Make sure however, that you watch the staff put the decks in the shoe.


    I was upstairs in the BJ room very early (only staff there) one morning and I caught one dealer with all the cards from each deck fanned out on the table so he could pick out the some aces and picture cards.


    PM me if you want to buy a copy of my guide.  

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    As rattlesnake indicates, a possible difference could be that the surgery for my daughter would be for medical reasons.


    Yes I don't think that will be a sticking point.  Easy to argue it is medical and not cosmetic.  However, as I wrote above, I am not sure there are any resident plastic surgeons at Vachira.


    I must say your OP caught my eye.  For many years now I have seen those huge woks full of boiling oil at various markets, teetering on the (not nearly wide enough) gas burner stands.  I often thought how dangerous they were for kids...and for adults for that matter.


    I am very sorry for what happened to you daughter. I wish her all the very best. It must of been horrific for you at the time.  Were you there when it happened.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Interesting question.  I am not sure that Vachira even has plastic surgeons.  I recently visited a doctor in the dermatology department on 3 or 4 (cant remember).  It was a complete circus and a waste of time.  Perhaps the new Vachira upmarket franchise has plastic surgeons but not sure that would be covered by the 30 baht.


    The dermatology department in the main hospital does have a laser...is it something that could be treated with a laser?


    Anyway please report back on how you go.  My GF as a scar also on her forearm it would be good to know if she could also have that treated under the 30 baht scheme.

  10. 12 hours ago, Wobblybob said:

    Yes 100% correct, I cut bread from my diet about the same time as you (I could eat 4 slices with my bacon and egg) and also lost 10kgs, feel much better now and doing much more exercise. Started eating overnight oats for breckie with some fruit added, quite tasty. 

    I eat probiotic yogurt that I make myself and whatever fruits I pick up at the fresh market.  I eat way too many mangoes, but if it is death by mango, there are much worse ways to go.

    • Haha 1
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