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Everything posted by OldBird

  1. Yet another leftist rag! Do you not read or look at any independent media? Or do you just goose-step to the corporate news narrative?
  2. This person is quoting a leftwing rag. Wapo is an Anti-Trump leftist propaganda machine. Also who built those cages? OBAMA BUILT THEM! This person is the type that sees AOC in her white outfit cry at an empty parking lot and believes she was crying over kids in Obama's cages.
  3. You a just kidding right? How often do you see a Russian in the news doing some illegal <deleted> or causing a public nuisance? About 10 to 1 Russians vs any other nationality.
  4. Well gee did not see that coming! Oh look over there $$$$$$$$$$ Can I walk?
  5. What a sad joke! The dude fled the country during a corruption trial only to return and all is forgiven.
  6. I think you mean in a democratic country that is not corrupt. I am from the US and the Biden administration is as corrupt as it can get. He has tossed the country's borders wide open and refuses to uphold his constitutional duties. Think he is getting impeached? He is also on camera admitting to doing illegal activities he accuses his opposition of doing and is using his DOJ and FBI to go after all his political opposition. Maybe if something like this happened in Elsavidor then we would see action.
  7. And that my friends is how you see that the Justice minister is on the take!
  8. Sure sure.. so that they can fleece the country out of another billion or two!
  9. Wow, they just letting all the old crooks back in! I guess they like having money stolen from them. Thailand is like the elephant in the elephant child fable. Keeps trusting the crocodile.
  10. Bring back Flogging and bastinado her in public.
  11. Bad policies by corrupt politicians lead to a bad economy.
  12. Wow, I for one feel much safer and secure knowing that the bully arm of the CCP is on the streets of Thailand. The same police that disappear people on a regular basis, that beat people in the streets and leave them for dead. So much safer.
  13. Nothing pisses off pappa China like giving air time to people that the CCP is trying to conquer, suppress, oppress or eradicate.
  14. This is internet culture, not Thai or any other nationality. The type of dystopian attitude you see in movies. Hell, just watched a "Black Mirror" episode so similar to this it is scary!
  15. So that the Thai people can foot the bill to keep the useless dregs alive. Soften the penalties and harden the criminals. Has worked wonders in places like the UK and in liberal states in the USA. (sarcasm)
  16. I live in a area where the Taxi mob will take over street corners and then block others from using the corner or where ever they choose to setup. My home is a corner house with the front of the home being a store front. They actually attempted to take over the corner of my home when the previous tenet moved out. I rerouted my washing machine drainage to drain directly onto them. Did not take long for them to clear out.
  17. Well, I see nothing out of character with him doing this. He bends over for Xi and kneels to Putin. This is right on character. Ah politics. Where crooks publicly mock you, then steal your money with a smile at the barrel of government guns
  18. I see, yes, I see! It is better to sit on your couch in the comfort of your home and complain about people complaining online. Good on you, mate!
  19. Pathum Thai checking in and every single day and night on the street I live on is Thai race night up and down the street for 5 years. The police do nothing until someone gets killed.
  20. Wow this new guy in government is first bouncing all over Xi Jinping ding ding now jumping all over Putin's pud. New government is cozy with the commies.
  21. Do not worry, all those Chinese electronics in that ship will make good and sure you are monitored 24/7. For your own safety.
  22. Well that is one way to get rid of a political rival.
  23. Every bus driver, taxi, moped taxi and delivery driver should have to pass a defensive driving exam every 6mo! I sit in a car 6 hours a day dropping off and picking up my kids from school. What do I see every single day. A accident involving a taxi, or a taxi moped. Sometimes a bus but usually if a bus is involved it was a bus and a frigging TAXI! The Taxi car drivers do not pay attention to anything and drive recklessly all the time.
  24. Once the money starts to run out criminal con-men like Thaksin are going to turn to what they know best. Conning people out of their money and making it seem like he is doing you a favor while he is doing it.
  25. This the the issue with many German made products. They are superior in the short term but the ultra precision in which they are made becomes a liability in the long term. Just as it did with much of the German military's equipment in ww2. A bit of dirt and the guns jam the gears stop turning etc.. They still have not learned this lesson. Hell I would take a Russian or American engine over a German one in any vehicle made for combat.
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