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Everything posted by OldBird

  1. So let me get this straight. They beat the sh*t out of this elderly couple and it was all caught on CCTV. The assailants confessed to the crime only later to cry about how they hurt their hands (superficial injuries) by beating the sh*t out of this couple and mental distress by facing the repercussions of their crime. Only to file counter charges about their own criminal activity to get the elderly couple imprisoned? What a clown show!
  2. Another example that China is pulling all the strings of their pupets.
  3. I did not take it as a provocation, that is a drastic assumption on your part. I took it as a joke hence my joke in what I said about 90day PO and mirror. It's all good though, you do you.
  4. Compared to what? Chinese? Russians? Britts or Islaelies? In 8 years of being here and having to see my PO every 90 days for the last 8 years, I have seen 2 Americans. One of the two was myself in the mirror as I washed my hands.
  5. Cry me a freaking river. I will worry about the local peace when they stop driving fruit trucks up and down the street blasting 5 bullhorns about the price of their product at 5 am. Or when they stop the political truck from basting campaign ads from dawn till dusk. Or when they crack down on locals racing their hopped-up mopeds with after-market mufflers up and down the streets at all hours of the night.
  6. Zero accountability for this joker! But go after all the people bringing money into your country and let criminals like Thraksin make a mockery of the Thia judicial system. (golf clap)
  7. You see people like Thaksin and his crime family making a mockery of the Thai justice system and then they expect expats to take the law seriously here?
  8. What a great idea, offer free rides instead of policing gross polluters like all those tricked-out minitrucks that bellow out 5 pounds of soot every time they step on the gas. Or stopping people from burning their trash on the side of the roadways. Or doing proper maintenance on all the buses, city trucks, and big rigs. Yup o, the free rid will solve everything...
  9. How embarrassing. Myanmar invaded Thai waters, destroyed Thia citizen's property, kidnapped and murdered them. So what does Thailand do? Send a strongly worded letter! Way to bend over and take it without lube.
  10. All is well and good until China starts setting up its own police stations in Thailand and starts "disappearing" anyone it considers a dissident. Just like they have done in Brazil and many other countries.
  11. In the US many states consider this murder or manslaughter at the very least and you will be tied as either or.
  12. You are correct. Motorcycles are not allowed on that street there are signs posted to that effect. I take that street every week when I visit the Chulabourne hospital. Also, the driver of the car should not be on the road. Although motorcycles are not allowed on that street the driver should have checked their blindspot before attempting the lane change. It is defensive driving 101!
  13. Thank you very much for that detailed explanation.
  14. I stand by the comment of you being a racist based on this comment by you.
  15. So how will this affect Social Security recipients? I know nothing of taxes. I was one of those folks who paid an accountant every year to take care of everything for me before I retired. I have no income other than Social Security and a nest egg in my bank account in the states that I live my remaining days off.
  16. Not only a racist but a mind-reading one at that. Pretty impressive. Maybe you should read what I posted more carefully. As I am pretty clear taping the dog's mouth shut is the lesser of two evils. I have a soi dog that barks every single night from 12 am to 5 am then sleeps all day. When I have to get a night's sleep you know what I do? I buy a jar of peanut butter from 7/11 open it and set it on the curb where that dog stands. It keeps that dog busy and its mouth shut for 6 hours.
  17. Numbskull, it is Thais that are doing it. I am just telling you the sad truth. So keep your racism on full display.
  18. I don't really care if it makes you angry or if you feel the comment was stupid. I hear from many that is how they take care of things. I personally don't but it is what I have heard gets done. Not just dogs either.
  19. Yes, I have a problem with ownerless feral dogs barking at the air from 12am to 5am, fighting each other, chasing and attacking people while I am trying to sleep! Just a few nites ago myself and another neighbor had to chase off a pack of these dogs from attacking a homeless man. They tore him up and I do not know if he survived. He has not been back since the ambulance took him away. IMO it was kind of this person to simply tape the mouths shut and not outright poison them as I have heard so many people here do.
  20. Thailand has an abandoned dog problem period. 3 weeks ago I saw a pack of about 20 dogs attack a homeless man on the street. Myself and a few other people rushed over to drive the dogs off. They tore that guy up between the few minutes it took to drive them off. They were all of different breeds some large some small. I do not know if the homeless guy survived and have not seen him since the ambulance took him away.
  21. You know that Hunter Biden is suing a TV station for defamation over being called a crackhead. This kind of lawfare happens all the time in the states.
  22. What I would like to know is how many of the people who are overwhelming the hospitals are already 3x vaccinated. Where are the numbers on natural immunity of unvaccinated people who got through COVID-19? You can spout the official stats all you want but stats are meaningless without all the information. How many of those 7 million+ deaths are due to COVID-19 and not someone who got hit by a car who also happened to have the virus? How many of the 7 million+ deaths are people that are already 1 time 2 times 3 times vaccinated? How many of the 7 million+ are unvaccinated?
  23. If she was guilty of trafficking that poison to people then she is lucky all she got was prison. What you never hear about is the carnage left in the wake of the poison this woman trafficked! How many kids were born with an addiction to this woman's drugs because its mother was an addict, and how many orphans were created because of the poison this woman trafficked? Zero pity and zero sympathy!
  24. Well geesh! I have been here for 6 years, 3 on a retirement visa the last 3 on a marriage visa and I did not even know I could do my 90-day check-in online! Not that immigration is far from my home and that I don't enjoy the ride to it. But any excuse to be even more of a couch potato and I am all in. :)
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