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Everything posted by OldBird

  1. Recently the city turned off water without notification. Like many Thai homes we rent out the front portion of our home to businesses that use water leading to our tank running dry and the hitachi WT-PS250XS that feeds water to the home overheated and shutting down. Once the water was back on and the tank full again, i opened the top plug and filled the pump with water. Closed the plug and then turned the power to the pump on. The pump turned on and sounded like it always has since the day it was installed brand new, However, since the day of the overheat the pressure has not been the same. The pressure is much weaker then it was and even when the pump is operating the pressure is nothing like it used to be. Anyone have idea's why this is? I initially thought some gunk from the bottom of the water tank could be clogging or gumming up something in the pump. So i disconnected everything and pretty much took the whole thing apart to inspect the tank and all the other tubs and parts for wear or corrosion, I found nothing. Reassembled the pump refilled the pump and i am right back to square one. I did notice that there is a spring under a cap with 3 bolts to the left of the top filler plug. Could it be that the spring is getting weak and allowing water to flow at lower pressures?
  2. The guy literally stole millions from the Thai people and was convicted of doing so. Then fled to avoid jail. So you are way off.
  3. Basically he is low on funds and wants to come back so he can steal more money from the Thai people.
  4. "Prayut referred to the deposed premier who has been looking to return home after 16 years in self-exile overseas." Should read "return home after 16 years of avoiding prosecution for his crimes"
  5. Don't they still execute traitors to the Thai people and thieves here in Thailand?
  6. When I first read about this I thought, wow that might be charming and cool to have a cable car system similar to San Francisco. But then i saw the picture of a suspension wire car system and thought to myself. These people have no idea what they are getting themselves into. Disney land in Anaheim California has/had a suspension car system and of all the rides and attractions it required the highest amount of maintenance. They are asking for a nightmare.
  7. They can not seem to make up their minds on this. This wishy washy approach is just going to <deleted> people off.
  8. Not to mention that Solar and wind are not so green at all. Where does all the material and rare earths come from to make a solar panel? From tearing up the earth, how do you tear up the earth? giant machines that burn what? Diesel!
  9. 54 years old and zero vax shots. Got covid for 1 week and it felt like swallowing razor blades every time I had to swallow and felt like razor blades coming out the other end every time I had to use the restroom. But I am still glad I weathered through it without vaxxing and have since taken care of my triple vaxxed wife and two daughters when they got it. Then took care of my wife when she got it a second time. I took no extra precautions when taking care of them. There is something to be said about the whole natural antibody thing. Now once a month I go to Chulabhorn Research Institute to donate blood for antibody research.
  10. Xi looks like a soul sucked podling from the Dark Crystal. I would not shake Xi hand if I was paid to.
  11. Thailand may think it is remaining neutral, but it isn't. They are simply doing the bidding of their eastern masters. Exactly what China, Russia and Iran want them to do. Like good หมาน้อย.
  12. There are great places to live in America as long as you stay away from the urban centers. Look for places that actually abide by the US constitution and you will find warm and welcoming communities. New Hampshire, West Virginia, Most places in Texas, Arizona, Wyoming, The Dakotas, Florida are just a few. Try and avoid the cesspools that the main cities have become like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco actually (and it kills me to say this as a native Californian that lived all over that state for 50 years) avoid California altogether Also avoid New York or any state or city that has been run by the Democrats for more than 4 years because they have all devolved into lawless, over priced hell holes.
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