I've had to do this recently, this option was explained to me by an Immigration officer in CM.
You can stay a total of 6-months without the bank-drop. This involves thinking with your feet; leaving Thailand (Laos for example) pay 2,000 b, turn-around and come back to Thailand, then after 1-month go to Immigration and get the 2-month 'visiting Thai-family' visa (1900b)....and repeat the cycle again one more time.
After 15yrs of non-'O' 1yr visas I was forced to compromise my visa bank-funds due to the effects of pandemic.
This can in the least buy you some time while you wait for things to align for your 1yr.visa.
I'm heading back to The Great Woke North for 6-mons and will try and get my 1yr. non 'O' marriage visa there as opposed to sending 400,000B to my BKK account and being charged tax (?) on that.
* A minor detail; the 400,000b has to arrive in your Thai bank from outside Thailand 2 months before applying for your visa.
Cheers & Good Luck