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  1. "The ones I know"...yes, I can say the same thing, as I know many individual and couples....however,in the group dynamic a whole different behavior tends to manifest.
  2. The other day I tried to send 20,000b from my home country account to my Thai account via Wise and it was going to take 7+ days to drop. I diverted to my wife's account and it took 8mins......can't help but wonder if this has something to do with taxation....?
  3. Israelis do have a particular 'charm' that tends to make them stand out over all other nationalities. 😁
  4. That "silk road guy", Ross Ulbricht, received a pardon from Trump. The US Government stole his 144,000 BTC , a current market value of around $10 billion.
  5. I recall seeing "no Israeli" signs in a few restaurants on Koh Tao like 20+yrs ago...couldn't imagine what inspired that sentiment .....😁
  6. .....and you of course know this to be true....? πŸ€₯
  7. As a Bitcoiner, I'm relieved that Kamala didn't win...for purely selfish reasons & for reason alone - Congratulations President Trump! 🎯
  8. Looks like 'Freedom' has won the election....God Bless America...again! 😁
  9. That poor "sacrificial lamb" will have to live with the thought of how many kids lives he could of saved if he had used the fire extinguisher and opened the emergency exits, but instead he run-off like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.
  10. The documentary, '2000 Mules' makes a somewhat compelling case towards electoral fraud in the 2020 election, even though the doc. has apparently been "debunked", by of course Left-wing agencies. If Trump doesn't get taken out before Nov. from at this point what may need to be a Nuke, then I'd bet dollars to donuts that 'punch-drunk' Kamala will be destroyed at the polls and that the 2020 election fraud topic will be forever cast into the sewer of speculation. America will once again be re-born and 'Made Great Again' 😁
  11. Good looks, money and no qualifications....other than Daddy as a former PM. (?) I can think of another country with an equally qualified person in the drivers-seat - Canada with Justin Trudeau...been working out well for them the past 11yrs πŸ˜‰
  12. Oh for sure...never know when that ordinary massage may head for a sparkling twist & turn! 😁
  13. I've had to do this recently, this option was explained to me by an Immigration officer in CM. You can stay a total of 6-months without the bank-drop. This involves thinking with your feet; leaving Thailand (Laos for example) pay 2,000 b, turn-around and come back to Thailand, then after 1-month go to Immigration and get the 2-month 'visiting Thai-family' visa (1900b)....and repeat the cycle again one more time. After 15yrs of non-'O' 1yr visas I was forced to compromise my visa bank-funds due to the effects of pandemic. This can in the least buy you some time while you wait for things to align for your 1yr.visa. I'm heading back to The Great Woke North for 6-mons and will try and get my 1yr. non 'O' marriage visa there as opposed to sending 400,000B to my BKK account and being charged tax (?) on that. * A minor detail; the 400,000b has to arrive in your Thai bank from outside Thailand 2 months before applying for your visa. Cheers & Good Luck
  14. So why has Sweden suddenly become the crusader of 'cash-protection'? A few months back a book became available for free-download to the public domain called The Great Taking, by David Rogers Webb, a very dark prediction of what may come to pass in the global financial markets, in the not so distant future. This book has apparently seriously spooked the investment & portfolio management world. The author is an American who moved to Sweden and bought a small farm. In 2011 he had a meeting with the Swedish Minister and State Secretary for Financial Markets outlining the disturbing patterns arising in the financial markets and the apparent sinister objective being pursued. Connecting the dots now, I have to wonder if this 'cash-protection' scheme from the Swedes is directly or indirectly related to the author and his book..? It's a disturbing read, recommended to anyone who is concerned about protecting their financial future.
  15. The Swiss are really making the news lately.....not in a good way either.
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