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Lizzy Duang

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Everything posted by Lizzy Duang

  1. I am sure for both. But I can't get the T-Detect test here. And the question is what valid paper I could wring out of a doc with it. The second question is if I could even wait years for a vaccine (and not just months for Novavax) because immune status is still good enough. Research went back 18 months and found natural immunity to be 6 times better than Pfizer. So i guess 3 years after an infection are pretty reasonable but i would like to know precisely.
  2. COVID is a disease. I don't want to hang it as high. I had a dry naughty cough that twice significantly took my breath away - but I have COPD, so that's even normal for a flu with me. Ergo symptomatic but rather mild (no fever), over after about 3 days. I infected my mother,she had the same without the two heavy cough attacks. But that's not the point here. It's a shame that there is no way for previously infected to check their immune status by T-cell testing individually. All that testing for recent antibody response is not sufficient or conclusive.
  3. No. You need something beyond the antibodies to fight an already infected cell. "The information we have today indicates that the T cell-mediated response is as or more important than the immunity provided by antibodies." Your T-cells will remember. https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/en/news/can-you-be-protected-against-covid-19-without-antibodies
  4. Yes, and it contradicts this study which is more convincing to me: https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/israeli-study-shows-natural-immunity-delivers-13-times-more-protection-than-covid-vaccines/
  5. Probably anywhere then. But in many parts you can travel without any COVID related documents, otherwise you couldnt take trains and buses. I guess that in those blue zones where they expect tourists no one will care.
  6. As there was a lot of speculation but not much actual travel experience on the train, I called Thai Railways: YOU DONT NEED ANY VACCINE CERTIFICATE TO USE ANY TRAIN RIGHT NOW. The same goes for buses from RRC (Rong Reuang Coach) Pattaya to BKK ("our government does NOT require any documents"). So you can expect the same for other bus companies. Nor are seats in buses or trains limited because of COVID.
  7. No. Everyone can pass the virus. But fat and diabetic "block" ICUs, too. In Germany that struggles a lot the COVID cases are still the minority in the ICU. Since when do we judge by disease or by lack of prevention?
  8. Because I believe there is strong enough evidence that the current vaccines will backfire. We will see, no one knows for sure.
  9. Wrong. I just wait for Novavax. It's simply not here yet but will come according to my doc.
  10. I meant checkpoints at the train or bus stations. How unfair then, if with a car that could be stuffed with people or perhaps even a minibus there is a different policy.
  11. I don't think so. It's customer boycott. I don't give profit to vaccine makers of the country who is responsible for the disease. Actually, not a lot was done so far to punish China. That's the least I can do.
  12. I have no sympathy ... What if others have no sympathy for the smoker who got lung cancer, the fast food addict who got a blood clot etc, all blocking the ICUs. That's not how it works, at least it shouldn't be for docs.
  13. I expected that. The point is that checkpoints seem to be rare.
  14. Current vaccines are based on the alpha variant. Those docs don't understand T-cell and B-cell response. There are good videos that explain it.
  15. I also don't get why some believe vaccinated won't get ventilated or die. First you are not promised a 100 percent protection. Second vaccinated people die, just look at the outcome stats under death.
  16. There is already in vitro proof of DNA repair damage through the spike protein which then could also be induced by the vaccine. If this is confirmed in vivo, some vaccines become a time bomb. So the warnings are sufficient. Recently a 25 percent increase of heart disease was predicted in a simulation. I follow those studies and take them seriously.
  17. The case fatality ratio for paralytic polio is generally 2% to 5% among children and up to 15% to 30% among adolescents and adults. It increases to 25% to 75% with bulbar involvement. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/polio.html&ved=2ahUKEwiRm9vk7rX0AhXgUWwGHSmVBygQFnoECAYQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0_0kbdPyt82llEj1WuPkg- if you take a medium of 30 percent of 0.5 from your table, death probability is not far from the low estimate of some experts for COVID (0.2 percent). And polio could be eradicated once, which is impossible for Coronavirus. Thus natural immunity seems to be the better long term strategy to me.
  18. As my first answer disappeared somehow ... I won't deny all that. But those who don't like the current vaccines (vector and mRNA) may use the term "far less likely" when it comes to possible later side effects like heart damage. I believe that I will suffer far less likely from those effects long term. If you calculate the risk of dying from COVID in Thailand and you are in your 50s like me, it's comparable to the risk of death in traffic. But you won't stop using cars, taxis etc here, I guess. So it's a weighing of current and long term risks.
  19. Is that personal experience because that's what I want here.
  20. So you think all old Thai folks come to the station with a Mor Chana app or papers? I still doubt it.
  21. Up to 6 times better than with Pfizer. You can google the study.
  22. I congratulate him. I bet he will go through mild symptoms, the test might have been false positive anyway (when was he close enough to others to get infected?) and then be immune and able to wait for a better vaccine or booster.
  23. That's a different topic. I have made up my mind here and respect others' decisions. I fear that a lot of vaccinated people will have heart disease in the future and will need to be cared for not the least by those who stayed away from mRNA. I am pro vaccine and just got my flu shot, have all the others. I am just not a fan of what is currently offered for Corona but this will change soon. And those who.fear the unvaccinated ... they will have no good argument because either their own vaccine works or the sick will take a pill like Pfizer's in the near future and get over it without blocking ICUs.
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