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Gilligan In Drag

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Everything posted by Gilligan In Drag

  1. I would also add that cannabis has been widely used in various forms in India, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan not to mention Central Asia even earlier for millenia and while India finally made it illegal in the 80's or so, they didn't make bhang illegal, which is an edible form of cannabis that can be quite strong in its mental effects. India too is considering reversing the prohibition. Cannabis was central to the Nepali people, they made their clothes from hemp used it medicinally and recreationally. The Zulu used cannabis for psyching up their soldiers. It has been argued that the British East India Company wanted to squelch economic competition from traditional Indian socities and started stigmatising and then incarcerating people in both jails and mental institutions for breaking laws they made in the 19th century. Unfortunately these Thai doctors and politicians are too narrow to appreciate even their own history of cannabis which is also very rich. Cannabis was studied and advocated by the top Thai medical universities until the prohibition launched by the United States. Thai, Burmese and Lao cannabis strains are in a top level among world strains in the estimation of many smokers, famous for a very energizing and psychedelic and/or clear minded high, unlike many of the modern westerne created hybrids that are threatening to push out the old landrace strains, yet often have an inferior flavor and effect.
  2. I don't think its practical to limit THC. I think I've read a few times here and there that even within the same strains, some individual phenotypes have different traits than their sibling plants and so there can be varying amounts of THC in the same strain and crop from plant to plant and definitely it also depends on growing conditions. If its too rainy or what have you a notoriously strong strain might turn out weaker than usual. You also can't very well be THC testing much of the weed that is sold either you have to snd it to a lab, but it sounds like Anutin was all about that, it will be a new set of nonsense, they could have arbitrary fake tests (where have we met those before, let me see...) and make lots more money on those and those that test positive for too much THC. In any case asking the authorities to protect us from strong weed won't work, you have to protect yourself by smoking different strains, smoking less or not at all. I'm not sure either you can blame the weed for psychosis, it might be a trigger in some cases. Also, some people enjoy having intense or "psychotic" experiences. Calling an experience a psychotic experience is putting an artificially contrived value judgement on something that doesn't objectively or inherently have the quality of being "psychotic" or producing something that objectively exists called psychosis. Psychosis is just someones opinion in other words. I have noticed that in Europe and America they warn people about a strain not being for beginners, i think that should work better than the govt getting involved with putting THC limits on things. I don't usually like really strong pot either, but sometimes I really want to get into something thick, there is always some insight or something gained even though it might be unpleasant and i might exclaim at the end, "God that was psychotic!". I am probably psychotic in many trained psychochiatrists' estimation because I have visions and actively encourage that in myself, but i don't care, thats a label created by a very sick establishment who is in no position to be labelling people as crazy particularly when they are doing no harm getting stoned and seeing Jesus in the lava lamp or what have you. But yes, there are some who shouldn't smoke pot, and I think its understood it isn't for people who are certifiably mentally ill, it makes things worse I've had many friends who have had problems and pot didn't help, but all of them eventually laid off it recognizing it wasn't helping them and making them worse. Yaba or alcohol on the other hand, I don't think people recognize there is a problem, it makes them too unaware and there is too much pleasure and delusion as part o the effects as compared with ganja which is said to be a sattvic substance in Ayrvedic medicine, one promoting insight, good thoughts, meditation.
  3. Same doctors who probably think its better you drank lao khao so that you're at their mercy, strapped to a gurney with your liver hanging out before you're 50. Same in the west but they are pushing pills, ganja again is safer than flavor of the month mood disorder drugs that will put your neuro-chemistry in disarray not to mention ruin your physical health. If COVID injections are anything to go on, they don't even ave to do animal testing anymore on the onslaught of new psychiatric drugs.
  4. Why stop at hotel room rates, Bill? You could really go for the jugular and you and Uncle Prayuth could work togethr on blueprints for a scheme to use national tax monies to pay for and install pay toilets in every hotel room in the country, a meter on every bathroom door, 10 baht unlocks it, another 10 baht gets you a flush from the meterd coin operated toilet, 50 baht for 5 five minutes of luke warm water from the shower, metered televisions 50 baht a half hour, and dual pricing on restaurant items, a 1000 baht deposit to leave the hotel and mandatory pcr test to get back in and should you test positive, get lost, go sleep on the beach and thanks for the deposit and the money you paid for the room, no refunds! And if you don't like it go eat a hot dog and tend to your penguin farm in Bohunkland and stay outta Bill's hair! This is Bill's and Uncle P's country not yours! If you have nothing to give then stay home, buncha free loadin skinflints!
  5. Yes I hope its on again down there it should be, Malaysia has dropped its COVID requirements for entry according to IATA website COVID travel information map. Ko Lipe is a great place to snorkel and I'm planning to go down there in February or so when there is good visibility. I would think its a great place to do a visa run too. Here's a Ko Lipe link to this guy's encyclopedic website on snorkelling in southeast has asia has loads of maps, accomodations reports very detailed info on the beaches and underwater situation of probably a thousand sites including reviews and reports on 12 different sorkelling sites off of Ko Lipe: https://whatsthesnorkellinglike.wordpress.com/2012/06/10/thailand_lipe/
  6. What are they talking about? Its terrible news! Nothing online works in Thailand. The whole thing is a complete mess and nightmare even before they start, just seeing the immigration official guy's photo in the article and its like seeing the avalanche just starting to tumble down the mountain and bury the whole town. Its just another mechanism to create confusion and excuses for nickle and diming you to death or half killing you with the stress as your case is dragged out for weeks, your application is lost in the one minute online visa renewal system. More means at their disposal to put you into some kind of problem with them so that you have to pay your way out of it. A new online system means they'll think they don't have to deal face to face with any applicants or problems the online "system" can't deal with. They'll just give you a grumpy, "Use the website!" and it won't matter if everything there's hopelessly broken, nonsensical, totally confusing and ultimately doesn't work. "I don't know! We trying help you OK?!" Glad they left out family visit visa renewals, hope it stays that way.
  7. Even if the claim were true, I would add that just because you visit an emergency room doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. If there is a huge jump in ER visits how many actually had serious problems due to cannabis? Perhaps they just didn't have a chance to go to the seminar How to Smoke and Enjoy Cannabis and just needed to have some questions answered like why can't I remember my girlfreind's name temporarily or what have you. There's some trade offs the ganja shop or your dealer are not really responsible for telling you about. Its ironic too that the dosed up sweets and cakes seem to be more acceptable way to market and sell ganja in Thailand. The effects of such are much more likely to overhwelm cause panic attacks than bad boys and girls smoking the smelly stuff. Its perhaps a case of appearances mean everything returning and biting some people in the ass, thinking they can just have a nip by eating a cute bunny rabbit ganja muffin with their latte and go back to the cubicle as before, make up, wig, fake eye wear and a smart appearance fully unruffled by it all. Also, there are types of ganja that have a much more predominantly dysphoric effect, I saw an Afghani landrace strain recently advertised as "Effects: A sense of dread and impending doom." Oh, cool, I'll take a few of those and go back to the office, then please. The problem as often is the case in Thailand most people are not intersted in informing themselves, thats just a bit too anal for anyones style, no one wants to talk to granpa dinosaur who smokes th stuff growin in the backyard about it, so they end up in hospital not understanding whats going on. And I suppose you can't just haul off and work it out freaking out at a rave either, doin the kundalini hippy dippy kung <deleted> twirly what would your co-workers say of they saw you doing that how disgusting? So you end up in the emergency room maybe asking the doctor if you're going o die and if the doctor is anti-ganja maybe he'll say, "It certainly seems so, ye.s." It was kind of the same in the US back in the 70's, nobody was talking that much about different kinds of m.j. having some pretty psychedelic effects, we thought "Hey maybe that was a sherman (pcp/embalming fluid dipped cigarette/joint) that I was smokin on with those guys." It was kind of a running joke when i was a kid to try and exorcise that kind of paranoia the society felt you deserved for smoking probably. So we'd joke , "Hey man you wanna smoke some sherm?" or "You must be smokin that sherm! Gimme yo sherm mutherfonker! Or I'm a funk you up with mine!" As a joking way to refer to good pot or not very good pot that was better than usual when it cam around all to infrequently. There was some weird stuff sometimes in a good way sometimes not. I remember the first time I had hash oil, the whacky skater guy turned us on the front lawn of the school during lunch and i hit that thing and fully astral projected unable to get up and walk back to class when the buzzer rang and just sat there onhe grass looking at myself from the perspective of floating 20 feet above or so and people standing around me laughing and saying, "Come on we have to get to class!...Dude, what are you doing! Snap out of it!" To me its part of the richness of what ganja can bring though I suppose to most it is all some kind of horror, and yeah, I really have never felt making ganja was a good fit for Thailand or at least not initially, it is a bit of a disconnected and very weird leap, but it is relatively harmless stuff compared to most stuff that is sold and marketed to us.
  8. Really a shame whats happening, its just made up hysteria and politics etc. to try and scam something. Medical tyranny in another guise and form seems to be taking shape, really. 500%+ more people in emergency rooms eh? Between what time and what time? Between the time when they were closed due to the pandemic and now? And let me guess, they tested positive for cannabanoids while seeking attention for other issues. So never mind you got hit by a car, you have cannabis traces in the bloodstream, so thats whats wrong with you! Well, thats the world we live in now thanks to the WHO the lying mass medias and western politicians and politicians et al, whatever politicized thing is up with your body according to some guy with a piece of paper certifying he's a doctor has been coerced by his bosses to find, thats what injured or made you ill ot even killed you etc, not what the patient has come in to the emergency room for, not the obvious common sense things such as a sudden and flabberghasting eruption of severe auto-immune system disorders in a 20 year old or that, now old, chestnut myocarditis. If he hadn't smoked ganja that one time in the last 5 weeks he wouldn't be dying of moneypox, 'r humty dumty box 1ACX9-7 or whatever the flavor of the week is! Tests positive for cannabis(never an inaccurate result!), therefore cannabis gave him a severe concussion and poor performance on our special inhouse IQ test custom designed on the spot to suit each test subject, by golly! Tell the people! We gotta test everyone for cannabis skew the results just to make sure and put 'em in camps for testing positive! They are in great danger and they are now retarded and insane so the medical system and society could get overwhelmed. Well end up like Afghanistan where they smoke all the time or Uruguay or Canada god forbid! If anyone you see is acting funny or otherwise not playing along as it were, just call the nw hotline and benefit immensely from an earache by listening to our circa 1987 answering machine and its scratchy, extremely loud, distorted warbly music for 45 minutes or until you can't take it anymore or you just may get lucky and get to talk to our staff member who doesn't know anything and cannot really understand you because you are foreigner who know too much and speak Thai too much and talk too much so cannot help you, kha! Sorry na! Goodbye...
  9. Except that in the case of your example Vietnam, like Thailand, Malaysia Cambodia, they no longer require vaccination documents or test results either according to the IATA COVID travel information page. Having money in an account is not the issue for me and for a lot of people who do multi entry visas as opposed to visa extensions in country, the issue is internal Thai immigration's propensity to abuse applicants and it doesn't end until you get out of the loop of going in and paying tribute to your abusers once every 90 days and once a year for the big trauma fest of the visa extension circus. Its not really my thing. If a Thai consulate in Vietnam or any of those other countries offers a multiple entry 1 year visa, that might be the way to go, but last I checked, Savanakhet is one of the few consulates that offer 1 year, non-immigrant O visas. I picked one up in Jakarta once, 10 years ago, great embassy, no queues, non-plussed, friendly, informed, willing to help, fluent, English speaking Indonesians working the windows, very nice, everything as it should be, though you do wait a week to get your visa. You can take some side trips around Java while you wait I suppose. But of course Indonesia is still like Laos requiring documents if they allow people at all into the country, though I think Bali is admitting people with just proof of negative testing results and they were offering multi-one year visas at an official franchise office awhile ago. That would really be the way to go I suppose, hang out at the beach for a week while you wait. I don't see that there would be a big problem or a huge risk. Not having such documents when required, the airlines would probably just knock you back and you wouldn't be allowed on the flight or if they let you on the flight anyway, without test results, you might get tested on arrival in Laos or wherever. If you mean that upon being spot checked you'd end up testing positive and have to be sent to quarenteen, OK, I suppose for many people that would be a bit of a problem should the quarenteen be for a long time or even worse they just never let you out for whatever reason, such as being able to charge you lots of money for the use of the quarenteen facilities. But you face the same problem, going to a hospital to get tested, you test positive and I believe they take you away to the camp for a spell. Also the situation as far as land entry versus air travel, is often different which is why I asked. I'm not flying to Laos, I'm travelling by land. So, I'm not really that bothered if I get to Laos and the immigration guy is in a bad mood and asks for my COVID documents and i don't have them. I'll just take the bus back into Thailand, get tested and get my documents and try again. Thanks everyone else, sounds like good news, land crossing into Laos they likely won't ask for COVID documents. Hopefully Laos will soon drop their requirements as more and more countries do the same.
  10. I am considering going back to my old routine of getting a multi-entry O family visit visa from the Thai consulate at Savanakhet. Doing it locally at the immigration police office, as we have had to do since the border closures in country, has, as expected, not been a good experience either time, they just mess with you. The consulate in Savanahkhet was always a breeze and I hope it still is. Anyway, my question is, Thailand has dropped all of their entry requirements but what about Laos? Is the country only open to the vaccinated, or do you have to get tested and get those documents together to enter Laos? How has people's experiences been with Laos immigration on COVID entry requirements, perhaps they don't check or are they rather fantical about it all?
  11. A leisure city, eh? Sounds like a euphemism for a city where everyone's unemployed. Las Vegas is number 1 for unemployment in the US at 9% according to USA by Numbers, speaking of publications that perhaps no one reads, so I vote for Vegas. Last time i checked, as an American citizen I'm not required to know where Vegas or anything is, but its not too far from Southeast Asia is it? Well certainly on a galactic scale its not so far anyway, sheesh, lets not get persnicketty.
  12. I don't understand your reply here though thank you for your info that you personally weren't asked for your covid details when you checked in or stepped onto the plane in a particular airport in Thailand going to another airport in Thailand I assume. Anyway thats what I am trying to find out about: what are the rules regarding Air Asia Thailand's domestic flights. The rules have changed? What rules? Air Asia"s rules, Thailands rules? Thats what I'm asking about, what are the rules and most importantly what are Air asia's rules? Do you know where I can read them myself? Or have you not seen them and you are assuming that some rules or other have changed? It doesn't ultimately matter what the Thai govt rules are, though Air Asia has tried to pass the buck and say, "Well whatever the rules are in your country, you'd better know what they are because we are not responsible for any problems you might have once you push the I agree button and give us your money. The main thing is how does it come out in the wash, ie when you step up to check in or get on the plane does Air Asia ask you for your COVID info, does that determine whether you are allowed to get on the plane or not in the case of a domestic flight? What more do I want? Thats all I've said it. You gave me an answer, thank you very much for that. You're done theres nothing more I want from you. If you don't mind I'm interested and hoping to hear what others have to say. It may be that some people have been asked to prove that they are COVID free to get on an AA plane. It may be that 3,4,5 others on here, like you, were not asked. Its easy to take a screenshot of papers? Well what if those papers say that I am positive for COVID? Then oh darn, I won't be able to use my ticket, will I? No, I'm not willing to pay for a ticket and only maybe I can use it.
  13. If anyone else has any experience with Air Asia asking for your COVID papers or not asking for them, I'd love to hear about it and where and when, especially if it was out of Roi Et in the last month or so. Thanks.
  14. Yeah, AA's customer service was not too great in the past, now its non-existent. I never did have any problems with outrageously late flights or anything else, but yes, you'd often as not have to wait half an hour 20 minutes after the scheduled departure time on the Bangkok-Roi Et route. I've flown them from Don Muang to various places in Indonesia and back here a bunch and Nepal several times and they did what they print on the can, no issues, I was happy, its the best value, but I draw the line at not opening any communication lines, thats a bad precedent for me to support with my buying their tickets. Update: I just went through the steps of booking a flight with AA and when you do that you reach a step in the process where they ask you to agree to something that says you understand that your ability to get on the plane is still contingent on whatever the COVID decrees are in the country of boarding and exit. I don't know what Thailand's policy is regarding domestic flights, I suppose I should research that, but what you read everywhere all the time regarding international flights of course is that you have to at least have a negative test result within the last couple of days before your departure. One guy in this thread says he didn't have to show COVID documents, but as we know, in Thailand they enforce rules sporadically sometimes selectively for various reasons. I'm not saying I don't want to hear what people's experience was, to the contrary, I really appreciate that, but there may be info that is more conclusive floating around regarding what Air Asia's rule is. So, ya see, this is what i mean though about not liking no contact info, you have to try and guess what it is you need to do, kind of ridiculous, but what choice apart from the bus do you have? Bus would not be bad if it weren't for the complete mess that the Morchit central bus station area is in and I think now they don't take you any further than Rangsit, so your taxi fare into Bangkok plus 1,000 baht for the bus ticket must now put you into range of what it costs to fly Air Asia from up country. But I don't know I haven't taken the bus to Bangkok in about 4-5 years.
  15. I used to fly Air Asia from Roi Et to Bangkok pre-COVID19, and need to get to Bangkok now via that route, but put off by the utter lack of information on the website and how there is no longer any person you can text or call at Air Asia. Even the robot text bot is broken. So I really would prefer not to fly with them, it seems they have become very poorly run, so I don't feel they deserve anyone's money if they won't discuss anything with anyone. But I still think I would prefer them to the 8 hour bus ride from Roi Et. I was looking at Air Nok's website and it seems a lot more inviting, canary yellow and more things to click on but alas when you go to punch in your flight dates nothing happens, the interface which is in the form of a drop down menu calendar thingy where you click your departure return dates is completely unresponsive. What is up with that, anyone know? Are the lights on at Nok Air but no one's home, are they still in business? I remember they were patching some of their older planes wings together with duct tape about 8 years ago, seemed bad, but I'm not aircraft repair expert, maybe its worth a gamble? Also my main question that I cannot find an answer to anywhere regarding Air Asia is, are they requiring COVID vaccinations or negative test results for flying domestically, that is, for flying within Thailand? The only info I could find on Air Asia anywhere about this was on their website but it was for Malaysian domestic flights and you had to be triple vaccinated or something just to board a flight within Malaysia.
  16. However, Anutin promised about a month ago that recreational use was going to be made explicitly illegal within the next few months. I would not be surprised if there was another flip flop before too long, some kind of ranting and raving about foreign tourists abusing their priviledges (can't even spell the word to save my life: privelidges, privelridges, previleages, privelidges, I give up) and flocking to Thailand to smoke pot.
  17. At this rate candy will look way too expensive, but children mistaking food for drugs only ever happens with ganja so that we can conveniently ban it. Yaba, carry on! And without hitch Thailand's drug of choice! Paint thinners, raspborry, strawbeery and lemon lime glues for the snifter? Bring it on! How about gas huffing!? Sure! The doctor's commitee are probably more worried you'll get addicted to foreign beer brands. Ganja? What kind of dinosaur is that? I don't know...
  18. I'm like you kind of a born again weed poetaster/diletant if you will. I will go at length here about you question and related tangents because i like to write but if you don;t want to read all of my <deleted>, I'll cut to the chase here and say in a word that I would recommend the Thai landrace strains that Green Grow is selling online for home delivery to everywhere, this is some of the best pot and cheapest i've had in some time. It doesn't taste or look good at all it smokes a bit raspy and the Thai stick regular (not the squirrel tail is a bit damp but it seems to have dried out a bit more or o got to section of it that is drier, but its all still smokeable but the effects i think are dynamite. I used to smoke back in the day when it was tough to get exposure to many different strains growing locales etc but I was in Northern and Southern California and it was always my impression that certain 1/8ths that I got were Indica/Sativa mixes and other times I was told by the dealers who were often just other college kids trying to make rent money not really proper gangsta dealers or what have you that "I got the kind Indica, or I got the skunk, 30 bucks an 1/8!" I recall skunk was said to be a hybrid and that was very widely available in northern California during the 80's. As I recall there was really not much of anything else unless you were really hooked in with the drug elites and then I'm sure you could get all kinds of exotic stuff but i was one of the nerds and turds as they used to call us. But I can say i like the thai stick and squirrel tail muc more than any of the sins bud. These are pretty much pure sativas, so id on't know maybe you would have wired effect, i don't hink so though I thinks its worth giving them a shot and they are only 169 and 179 per gram so its not much to try it out. I really don;t have any interest in the other stuff any more given the high price. I' like to grow them but looks like this is all getting shut down and I'm not about to do any of it if it means getting sent to prison and they will do that to me, not to you bmaybe because you might kiss up enough to save yourself i won't. I'm quite ADHD so speedy things, meth and dexedrine and the like always made me a bit calm, focused and sleepy and calming things like pot wired me up for a good 5-6 hours usually and still do. That said some rather bad pot like the badly cured Colombian that was all you could get in Los Angeles for months at a time in the 70's had a heavy grogginess effect on me, probably some bad pesticides and weed killers in the mix with that stuff not to mention mold and it just generally being stale old <deleted> mixed with dirt and i once got a few rusty nails in my bag, haha and seeds galore. Anyway, I had my best pot experiences with skunk, I liked to write or just take very vivid day dream journeys in my room after work and by the time I was 22 or so I worked it out that i did not like hanging out with other people when stoned that much, I felt judged and looked down on by most others when getting stoned with them which may actually have been insightful as much as it was a bit of paranoia though at the time i felt it was just sheer paranoia and i began to dislike smoking pot and i quit for decades with no interest at all in smoking even though most of my friends back home smoke at least some. I understand better now what a lot of the people i used to hang with are like and they were mostly not very cool or kind people, things go down and you see how people really are when it gets down to it and you realize you weren't being paranoid after all that some of your best friends end up being just utterly fecked selfish people. But some of it was a bit of paranoia the weed added and that was often skunk. We were involved as well with music, being in bands and all of that so there was a lot of activity my own and my stoner buddies so skunk the indica sativa hybrid definitely even for non-ADHD types was not couch lock stuff by any stretch. So I think it would be a likely fit for what you are saying you're after, not couch lock stuff and definitely not some wirey weird stuff from Nigeria. I have never experienced pot as you describe, that Nigerian bud, though I have read that there are some African strains that can have quite a nasty effect and as many excellent ones too like Durban Poison and Malawi. There's a chapter in the book Phikal or it might be his other book Thikal by the great psychedelic drug inventor and chemist Sasha Shulgin where he and his wife smoke some Congolese strain at a fellow collegaue's party and they are thrown into some hellish experience with really terrible amnesia and confusion and some other things. And that is coming from a guy who experimented on himself by ingesting probably 1000's of different chemical compounds over many decades some of them quite bizarre and unpleasant. Shulgin came out of his experience with Congolese pot feeling like he never wanted to try any kind of pot again as long as he lived, that the experience was the worst and most terrifying drug experience he'd ever had, so it would seem there are some weird strains out there though of course they are rare. I really wonder if he didn't get dosed with something, the description really has you wondering, it doesn't sound at all like he smoked weed all by itself, like they did to him what they used to do to us all the time in LA in the 70's the LA pigs and the narcs and all the creeps we have in America spiking the pot with <deleted> back in the day, even sending some people I knew into the loony bin with PCP in their pot , I know I got bonked over the head with that once and maybe another time and most people growing up back then who smoked got dosed with a gust of dust. You had to pay your dues if you wanted to smoke back then thats for sure. As for now and here, for what might work for you, I have bought a gram here and a gram there of a few different things since this sort-of legalization or whatever it is kicked off in Thailand. I was really drawn in by the relatively cheap price of local landrace strains and most interested to start there. I always heard back in the day about how amazing Thai stick was and only once got ahold of something that turned out to be nothing special and indeed by 1978 when i remember i had it, that Thai stick thing was pretty much over with. So i went with that last month intrigued to finally maybe try a decent thai strain and bought some of that last month and I am really impresssed by the two strains of Thai pot i got from the online Green Grow shop in terms of the effects, they are very pleasant and light if I just have a few hits or psychedelic as hell in a good way if I have a few more hits. I'm really happy that I can just have a nice mood booster or go into outer space if i like. 4 hits of the regular Thai stick after a few glasses of cheap red wine and a few stiff glasses of Sang Som Thai Rum on the rocks later on, and i can go on a serious journey listening to Anthony Braxton records or Sun Ra or latter day Miles Davis, the 70's evil funk period stuff and you are fully interdimensional with that combo running. Or a few puffs of the squirrel tail with out any booze and I feel very social and completely ungrumpy about my wife's often irritating challenging remarks, nagging etc. I just feel happy to be with her and she makes me laugh rather than my saying, "What are you talking about..." or "What?!" all the time. Comparing it to the skunk the squirrel tail is very etherial, focus bringing and not as sedating but yet I do not feel wired and also it is very strongly a mood booster and i kjust simply feel happy and smile which is not normal for me and I feel no grogginess or heaviness the next day as i used to always feel with any kind of pot back in the day in California even the nice skunk bud we had. I also got some Wedding cake and Alien OG too though tjose are sai to be more indica and those seemed more like Cali sins bud to me but because they were so expensive I am taking my time with them and the jury is out though I have t say I am not particularly impressed with either so far, they don't smell or taste like any great shakes there is no cake flavor its rather run of the mill earthiness. The thai stick and squirrel tail both just really agrees with my constitution it s really a shame that this coming crashing down in Thailand, I dont think that we are going to get to have legal recreational pot, this country is way too authoritarian, puritanical and conservative, it never made any sense to me at all that the legalization of pot was happening, then it seemed to be happening and then not and it would seem it would not be very soon. It is so disappointing. Thy're all down in Thailand with just being turned into robots attached phones, they don't want to go back to the past a Thailand as part of the greater Hindu Kush where weed is native and played such a central and positive role in so many south asian civilizations as we all know they don't even care about being Buddhists in thailand anymore so they dang sure ain't gonna go back to hemp and cannabis.
  19. Who cares? Why is this news? Why would you expect anything different? Yeah, we know he can do anything he wants! Get out of my face!
  20. Yep, same here, bill was up one thousand baht from the usual. Normally during hot season its 500-700 baht more, cool season the same but that amount less. I'm not doing anything different to make it higher and if anything it has been unseasonably cool weather, so I often don't need to use air-conditioning at night for example. But of course there was no news about that, its more important to keep banging on about various sundry imaginary problems we are all supposed to be having so I'm probably just a conspiracy theorist and my electricity isn't more expensive its just me, and perhaps I should go back to Germany and see a therapist if I don't like it.
  21. Wow, thats amazing, I thought there had to be additional duties on items which if I were to buy direct from the factory I would probably be looking at 100-200% duty charge. There are some things on Lazada I see as advertized with the before tax price anywhere else. They do tell you directly free shipping. A bit difficult to believe still, but those items have customer reviews and look like they are from legit sellers. Might be worth calling Lazada to double check.
  22. Its par for the course, garden variety Thai upper class hypocrisy and condescension. The doctors are speaking for the interests and well being of their patrons, the Thai upper classes among whom are people made wealthy via tobacco, alcohol and pharmeceuticals. I'm not sure the doctors realize the misplacement of their expressed concern in saying they are concerned about the children and youth of Thailand. Its also that they seem to need to take the opportunity to finger wag and cop the we know whats best for you attitude. They also don't know anything about anything and don't want to. They are never going to try smoking cannabis for themselves or discussing with many who think its ok, no its their social-cultural programming to have an aversion for cannabis, thats for low level people, criminals and foreigners and the discussion never even begins. They clearly are not that concerned about anyone's well being either apart from their own and others like them "well educated" professionals, successful people, though I don't think they realize that.. All the dangers and obstacles to people's lives that doctors and the government never mention, you never come away feeling anything different than they could care less. At the bottom of it, in Thai culture what the society and other people go through is of zero concern. You look out for your own and your clan and it stops there, so its is just a bunch of foam and irredecendent relections to say how they are concerned about the youth of Thailand. Anyway who would ever say screw the youth and the children throw them under the damned bus, though thats closer to the truth, I used to work at a major university in Thailand working with researchers helping them get their English grammar in order, and the kind of concerns with public health in the many papers I read and worked with the authors on did not often extend to things such as the deadly air pollution, agricultural poisons that are decimating people in the countryside, or the way government regulations consistently block the possibility of prosperity and instead protect the elites from having to compete. People like these doctors just do what others around them are doing so that they can keep there jobs. Thy just say the right things they think others expect them to say and thats about all there is to it. What they think about cannabis has no meaning because they dont think anything, they are just toeing the line. There are these narrow ranges of research topics with the same foregone conclusions about cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity and diabetes, little to nothing else as far as public health. The university which is very much a major medical university in Thailand seemed to me to be a mill for these kind of prohibitionists at the expense of a wider perspective at all the problems that would affect young Thai people and the population in general, one that should include concern about people's prosperity and reforming government that blocks and obstructs that seems to think that is what legislating laws is about, to make obstacles for people.
  23. Its an attack on the tourism industry. They know it will put people off, its the same globalists that brought you everything else that's ben going on since 2020 financial crash. What d'you think they'd like you running all over the planet while they have to make sure you're up to date on your boosters? You make it so hard on the poor dears at City London and Blackrock et al running off to Thailand. You'll stay in your coffin, own almost nothing and be on anti-depressants.
  24. Are people in the ministry trying to run hotels and unable to compete? Is this their way to try to screw things up for their competition? As is par for the course this is not the whole story, but thats the only thing I can guess that makes any sense. You would think that hotels charge what they have to charge to stay in business or otherwise make it worthwhile to carry on, I would think that doing that would be difficult enough. So, would they actually listen to a committee of busy bodies who don't run hotel businesses who could care less if the hoteliers do well or not telling them how to run their businesses? If I ran a hotel I would hardly pay them any mind "Eh?! Whats that you say? Listen, come back tomorrow, I'm busy!!" Your hotel failing would be a lot scarier than most penalties these buffoons are going to try to cook up. Though you have to ask would or could they just snatch people's hotels from them, cancel their permits or certification or whatever they need? In any case seems the game is trying to make matters more dificult than they are for the tourism sector. It sends a negative image to the world and image concious Thailand being what it is they certainly must be aware of that. They want more hotels to fail so they can buy it them up for themselves on the cheap and change the rules back later.
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