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Everything posted by malone99

  1. easy brother. 99.9 empty bs threats. just in case, archive your chat history. case closed, don't worry.
  2. yor holiness just forgot to mention lao kao moonshine... ????
  3. so according to your definition, if you have sex with a 19y old thai person, you're a pedophile. what a load of bs. it's very simple. sex with children, pre pubertal is pedophilia. sex with a minor is not. in many cases it's not even illegal. age of consent and in some countries age difference are key factors. that being said i don't condone older men having sex with minors.
  4. finally, as in the last in a number of supplements he takes... on a scale from 1 to 10, rate the benefit of your post. it's people like you, who make forums like this suck.
  5. you already said you don't want to see her anymore. so who cares.. (answer is probably yes, but you won't find out for sure) just move on and quit sending money.
  6. well, that's the difference. guests you can tell to f off. how hard to understand. in Germany asylum seekers can be declined, rape or commit numerous other violent crimes and still stay, live on social welfare and don't get deported. nice.
  7. russians for the most part bring their families or at least bring their own wifes/girlfriends. most are easy going. and talk about obnoxious... never seen the polite brits, amis and germans misbehave, right? alright.
  8. still an odd 'hypothetical' question. just avoid it by not overstaying. at all. and sure not by 90+ days. there is hardly a justified reason anyways.
  9. Interesting. But from personal experience i know from 2009-20011 it was possible to stay in thailand only from tv/exemptions/extensions.. and it was just go get the sticker/stamp, no questions asked. They started a bit later making it hard... And then harder and harder..
  10. Yes, and i estimate after 6 month ppl start running into problems. Only die hard thai fans did the thai pass nonsense. So u go figure. But since you're a know it all, Why not start a one year guaranteed stay in thailand or money back business? But then again, you more strike me as a talker... Otherwise I would be a customer and promoter, if the fees are fair..
  11. Not a math issue, its thai Immigration practice issue
  12. With covid extensions even 2 years straight w/o leaving the country. Now is see where your confusion comes from. Brilliant.
  13. 555 Great point. That's because for the last 3 years almost everybody was either in or out of Thailand. Sure not hopping.
  14. As i said before, i never said it was an official rule. And it's not just ppl staying in thailand for many years. It was already a problem long before covid.
  15. Even applying for a tourist visa in a neighboring Country is not a walk in the park anymore. And after you did that twice + extension u gonna run into reentry problems. Not sure why you pretend it's all not a problem at all. U can read d stuff like that in this exact sub forum for years.
  16. I never said there was an official rule. Metv is a completely different thing. But for many it's a reality, that there are being denied trying to enter Thailand. Not just at poipet border. Or is that also incorrect? And the reason told is always the same: stay to long in thailand And telling them there is no official rule has sure never helped.
  17. That is bad. So what is the general opinion here, for how many days per 12 month you can stay in thailand on tv or exemption, until you run into problems? (poipet excluded) I still think after 180 days it gets critical. probably an interesting question for many, not just me..
  18. Naja, for many years now there have been reports of ppl being denied entry or a tourist visa with the reason of 'not being a real tourist'. That's certainly not new and happens not just in poipet. Times where you could stay for a year or years in thailand on tv or exemption are long gone.
  19. Also, I think I've seen immigration officers counting when paging through the passport
  20. Yes, but most cpuntries consider being in a country for more half the year your primary residence. That has consequences i.e. where you file income taxes. I thought, that's how thailand sees it anyways. And there is also some logic to it, imho. I'm in cambodia right now, and thought so long as in don't cross 180 days per year i should be fine.
  21. So they count back the days one had in the last 12 month, and not per calendar year? But still, 4 month? I thought you can stay 6 months or exact half a year but not a day longer... (within a twelve month period)
  22. It looks like immigration officers will not check the requirements, but leave that to the airlines to check documents prior to boarding. So for the moment it's just for travellers coming in by air, i guess
  23. i can get the copies right next to immigration for 3 baht? you think 3pm is a good time? i thought best is early morning... thanks.
  24. hello, thank you. "form landlord signs about stay".. not sure if i understand. you mean my landlord needs to sign this form? afaik, the last time i went for extension (2019 or 2020), i told them where i live and they checked in their system and gave me a slip, stapled in my passport. is a mask mandatory?
  25. Hello, I need to extend my visa in a couple of days. Do i still need (like in covid days) fotographic proof where i live etc.? Or just a passport photo, money and filled out extension form? I'm sure my landlord reported me, so that should be in their computer system... Thanks.
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