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33 RPM

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Everything posted by 33 RPM

  1. Experiences / Recommendations for Car dealers in Chiang Mai that would stock a range of used BMW and Mercedes Cars Thanks.
  2. They were the " rage " bank in the 80's and correct, all the pretentious <deleted> in suits of the era, just had to be seen in their car with a sunroof, im sure 90 % of them cursed the damn things for 9 months or more of the year
  3. Seeing the car in question is less than 3 years old i would hope it does not leak on the 5 days a year it rains And thank you Richard, appreciate your suggestions
  4. Apart from buying a black car which hears up like nobody's business, so many BMW and MERCEDES have a Sunroof just to add am extra 10 degrees or more Its crazy, well in this climate , it is to me. if any of you own a BMW or Mercedes, do you know , or can it be done to retro fit something to shut off the Sunroof, and have you had it done, Successfully ? Yes i know i can visit a " dealer " to ask, but i might try here first
  5. Thanks, ill call in to have a chat to them...
  6. No Bill, no option it is a used car that is black and there are no weapons in the glovebox 1 out of 2 aint bad, thanks LS24
  7. i may be purchasing a car that is black. i do not want black, but i have no option i want white Is there a competent business in Chiang Mai that can do a re spray to make the car a white version Thanks.
  8. Job Done... and with minimal confusion.
  9. i doubt the " unusually bleached " would appreciate what i want if for its for use in giving some stainless steel a rusted appearance
  10. Thank you all, a pharmacy is the clear winner.
  11. i need a small bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide Where is a likely place to purchase it. Thanks.
  12. i have a piano and statue that i would like to cover, especially to keep them dry, when it rains, and to provide protection from the sun they would need to be made to measure any suggestions for a shop / business that could make these Thanks
  13. Chiang Mai Doi Saket cannot answer monthly consumption as the house is new, pool pump not operational yet have 2 energy efficient cassette air cons in main kitchen living area 80 sqm approx, which have needed very little use these past 2 months im primarily wanting to generate enough power to run pool pump 1.8 kw one cassette aircon and the usual suspects, fridge. some other electrics etc and have reserve to send to the battery. as for battery prices coming down, i wish they would as well, but from what i read, with the ever increasing demand for lithium, the battery prices are not going to drop in price any time soon
  14. Having read sapperrests post and replies from a few months ago im most interested in getting a solar system with battery for home we are at the end of the line and the voltage fluctuates down to 180 volts or less options to remedy touted are connecting 3 phase to the house at a cost of approx 300K or the other option nay well be solar yes i realise the " package " is going to be quite expensive. any recent real life experiences with a solar setup , id like to hear of, or recent recommendations for a company who can provide quality products, for a fair price Thanks.
  15. Recently had quite a bit of sandwash edges installed either side of tiled walkways it was the wrong colour and no one accepts the mistake, long story , but its done ... i read a post a few years old now, about some success that someone had painting their existing sandwash with what looked like great results.. has anyone done this recently, how was the finished result ?? Thanks.
  16. It seems the "recommended " clinics are all west = south any experiences , recommended medical clinic east of town im in the Doi Saket area and would like to find a good general doctor out this way
  17. Thanks all for some good ideas to hunt down i managed to find this place which stocks Zillions of plates, saucers bowls etc, and for everyday knockabout use they are just fine might be worth a visit if you need any decent quality product and very acceptable prices https://www.google.com/maps/place/รังษิมา+เซรามิค+สาขา+กำแพงดิน+เชียงใหม่/@18.7787234,98.9873588,1325m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m10!1m2!2m1!1scrockery+shops+chiang+mai!3m6!1s0x30da300bc9174de3:0xd0da2b9f0cf84a5b!8m2!3d18.7780724!4d98.9959209!15sChljcm9ja2VyeSBzaG9wcyBjaGlhbmcgbWFpWhsiGWNyb2NrZXJ5IHNob3BzIGNoaWFuZyBtYWmSAQ1jdXRsZXJ5X3N0b3JlmgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVVEyTjNaUFJXNVJSUkFC4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11c1sdlvpf?entry=ttu
  18. Thanks for some most interesting ideas and suggestions when i lived down south, Hua Hin area, there was a huge crockery store on the highway that literally had 100' s of thousands of items plates, saucers from 15 baht upwards i bought dozens for plant pot saucers and some for normal use i now need some more, for both plants, and cat food plates
  19. apart from the very " limited "plate sets ive been able to find at HomePro, Thaiwatsadu etc, where can i buy a quantity of loose plates, not sets... not melamine, but cheap saucers , bread plates, bowls etc i need a decent quantity is an outlet shop somewhere that sells a big variety of these.. Thanks
  20. Thanks, ill have a good look around Baan Tawai i did visit there a few weeks ago, but almost everything was shut
  21. I had some recycled teak, audio equipment cabinets made down south. i would like to have a TV cabinet made from similar, somewhere up here suggestions as to where to go looking ., im in the Doi Saket area Thanks
  22. Looking for a store who does good quality work, for made to measure curtains and blinds for fitting out a new build house happy to support a smaller business, not the off the shelf products from homepro, index, etc. Thank You.
  23. i need some motorised outdoor blinds an quite a few made to measure indoor roman blinds one " recommended " retailer came in at 25 % more in cost for the motorised blinds than the same size i just had installed in Hua Hin.for exactly the same product Any recent experiences with retailers and / or suggested places to get a quote from, greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  24. In a previous life i did a LOT of timber work both inside and outside, in Melbourne using a huge variety of timbers the various water based decking oils worked a treat they would be perfect but i can find nothing remotely similar here as a lot of the pieces are indoors and ive given them a few coats of boiled linseed oil already with no issues ill keep on keeping on with the same oil. Lazada seems the only place that has vendors with it in stock Thanks all..
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