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33 RPM

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Everything posted by 33 RPM

  1. having recently had 2 previous car rental experiences at the airport, neither pretty has anyone had experience with a crowd called Yesaway thank you.
  2. Thanks to you all, , have ordered a mower, a raptor / briggs and stratton engine i had a "very old " mower decades ago in Aus with a B & S motor it ran for nearly 30 years, admittedly they are most likely chinese made now, so i hope i get one that actually works ill post an update when it arrives as to its perceived value
  3. i hope a few members have a lawn mower, or know what machines actually are worth buying i have 800 sqm of lovely lush noi noi grass that is a pain to whipper snip every week i have found a genuine ? honda mower for about 30 k, ouch. the other contenders are generic brands that have a honda motor around 15 k and a daewoo for about 10 k your thoughts , comments, suggestions appreciated...
  4. Thanks, one out of two aint bad...
  5. Are these available in Thailand anywhere Thanks
  6. Just wondering if anyone has seen, or uses these eyedrops if they are available anywhere in Chiang Mai.. Thank You
  7. i thank you all for your insights and suggestions i am aware of the mechanisms in place in Aust and have those bases covered like most things in life, its a judgement call ill just have " to choose wisely "
  8. Why ?? i know the money in the Australian Bank IS guaranteed the way the account/s are set up t
  9. i wish to transfer a substantial amount of money from my Australian bank account into My Kasikorn Bank account here in the order of $ 700,000 AUD for a housing project my question is, is that money safe and guaranteed in Kasikorn bank ? i read sometime back, that only deposits up to an amount of 1 Mill THB ?? was guaranteed.. is that correct ? if a bank is not a safe place " lord forbid " to park money what other institution is safe in your learned opinions.. Thank You.
  10. i am having installed in a few weeks 2 large round porthole feature windows . the frames are coming pre coated in white from the factory. i am wanting to spray paint them a more suitable colour, either a red or a dark blue the product that is supposedly suitable is a Nippon Paint Pylac 1000 has anyone had experience with this or any other product suitable for spraying over pre finished aluminium frames or other pre painted / coated metal products any recommended products, experiences welcome. Thanks.. 10072021_31342Imagec1_002.webp
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