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Posts posted by JetsetBkk

  1. ...Hold down the "Windows" key on your keyboard, and hit the Pause/Break button. This will open "System Properties"...

    Thanks for that tip! So much quicker than the right-click on My Computer (which is usually buried under several windows on my PC).

    I just checked mine (2 GB RAM) - it was set to "Custom size" 1 MB. So I changed it to "System managed size" and it was doubled to 2 GB (had to reboot), with a recommended value of 3 GB.

  2. I haven't noticed any problems on my 4 Mbps TT&T Maxnet link recently, but there may be a problem with some places in Europe:

    Hi jetset.

    Does Maxnet have a site in English?

    I couldn't find one.

    If not a rude question, what deal did you strike?

    cheers :o

    Here's a bit in English :D , but I went to a TT&T office to get signed up years ago: http://www.maxnet.co.th/product_Indy.php

    At that time it was 1,000 baht a month for the "Maxnet for Home 512/256" package. It has been upgraded to 4,096/512 in stages over the years.

    Here's a pic of what's available now:


    I guess I'm on the bottom package now.

  3. address in thai is optional, i always use english for my address. no problem...

    Depends where you live - in Bkk you may be OK but, in the sticks, parcels addressed in Thai are more likely to arrive.

    ...@jimmy: as far as i know, when they not at home, they just try another day but they charge you 30-50 bath storage fee....... if the package is big and cant fit into the mail box.

    They put a card in my mail box if the parcel has to be signed for. I then must wait until the next day before going to the local post office to pick it up. No storage fee.

  4. You can also do a online scan here: trendmicro

    I just tried that one. It was very quick - about 30 minutes in total for both Program Files and Windows - so about 6 times quicker, and has a nice user interface.

    However, it didn't report the files that Kaspersky always reports. This may be because it's cleverer than Kaspersky or maybe because it's not so clever :o . The files that Kaspersky always reports are from SysInternals (reported as "not-a-virus:RiskTool.Win32.PsKill.k") and a program called cmdow.exe (reported as "not-a-virus:RiskTool.Win32.HideWindows") which can be used to manipulate other programs' windows. So maybe the TrendMicro scanner knows they are not real viruses and doesn't report them.

    Unfortunately I don't have any real viruses on my system to test the two online scanners.

  5. ... Whenever possible I email my address to the sender first, written in Thai. They can then just print the address off and attach it to the parcel/letter. They always seem to arrive quickly this way and very rarely are they tampered with.

    My Christmas cards arrived on Christmas day - all with printed labels of my address in both Thai and English that I'd emailed to the senders.

    [some parcels may have been delayed because of a small problem that you may have heard about at the airports. :o]

  6. ...scanning went fine until it start scanning "win rar" files.( I have about 6 GB of them ).

    I could see the speed of scan slowing down. :o

    Besides, I went through some "antivirus" review website and most of them give "kasperky" thumb's up,why?

    Well, I'm no expert, I just follow what most other people do.

    Thanks again. :D

    Ah - I would rarely scan Rar or Zip files, especially if they are huge. I would let the "on-access" scanner of my normal anti-virus s/w ("avast!") deal with them as and when I actually opened them.

    If I get a warning when extracting stuff from Rars or Zips, I may do an online scan after deleting the offending file, just to be sure. But even then, I usually scan only the 'Program Files' and Windows directories with the online scanner, so that's only about 5 GB each. It still takes an hour or two for each.

    I don't think there's any point in scanning Rars or Zips if they are just sitting on a hard drive with no program accessing them. I have about 25 GB of compressed "utilities" on a hard drive and did scan them once - it took quite a while, but Kaspersky didn't "freeze".

    Yes, Kaspersky is one of the best. Maybe because he's in Russia - lots of bad guys there writing viruses to order! :D

  7. I use "avast!" free version, but I also do a Kaspersky online scan - which takes a few hours - if I discover a problem has been reported by "avast!" or any other anti-malware product that I run.

    I think Kaspersky finds more viruses than most, but there is no free version - hence the online scan when appropriate.

    The online scanner shows which file is being scanned - maybe you could give it a try to find out why it is taking so long.


  8. It always amuses me when someone says a laptop is ugly. How can a computer be ugly? Are you going to use the computer or hang it on the wall to look at? Actually it's usually Apple fans telling how beautiful their computer is. :o

    The phrase "carved out of a single block of aluminium" springs to mind... :D

  9. There is nothing strange about the number of people died,

    All things considered, the number of deaths is less than one might expect in a very crowded third world night club fire. Or perhaps were some of you taken in by the thin veneer of Bangkok and lulled into thinking that Thailand was something other than a relatively insignificant third world country, imagining Thailand as country where workplace safety is an issue of concern and where corruption is not rampant?

    Funny how that once the work permit restrictions were eased and the majority of Thai toilets were replaced with high rise commodes, so many of you rushed to live and work in Thailand, even after the far, far worse Kader Factory fire had clearly demonstrated the complacency within the government towards workplace safety. Tragedies such as this fire occur on smaller scales throughout the Kingdom on a weekly basis and yet one rarely hears even the briefest sigh of discontent from the ex-pat crowd. But once the same thing happens to a place frequented by ex-pats and other wealthier Bangkok denizens, the wailing and hand-wringing becomes deafening. But in the end, the rose is still the rose, and nothing will change.

    Your 'Custom member title' is "Curmudgeon" - very apt. Quite an obnoxious post.

  10. I find this thread amusing because I have been on several occasions provided with a phone number by a Fuji girl and by Svenson girls by simply sitting at my seat. And I have received far more numbers from these two establishments than any other.

    My modus operandi is this:

    1. walk into shop

    2. order food

    3. receive out of the blue a telephone number on a napkin with a quickly scrawled message

    4. smile


    5. Wake up and change underpants.

    • Haha 1
  11. Wasn't it in Thong Lo (or certainly near there) that an entire city block of small-scale merchants were wiped out of business a few years ago - their little stalls, full with merchandise, smashed to bits by a hired mob(?) If memory serves, the local man who hired the mob was a massage parlor tycoon, and got off unscathed....

    Chuwit Kamolvisit: Thug, MP, ex-MP, 3rd in Bangkok governor elections in 2004 and 2008. Lovely chap.


  12. He seems like he was a great guy - done for assault a few times...

    Apart from the assault on the pensioner, when else was he "done for assault"?

    If you'd read the second of the two references in the post you're replying to, you'd've see that he was also fined £2000 for assault in 1995.

    Thanks RW. I did read it but clearly the last paragraph about the 1995 assault didn't register.

  13. This guy also says people were firing fireworks inside.. its a shocking video so you might not want to see it.

    that video is disgusting. the cameraman is a despicable human being. youtube should take that down. you can literally see people dying in that video.

    is that the kind of stuff on thai tv now?


  14. I don't believe there is only one exit out of Santika, the entrance. I believe it's true that people were not aware of the exits. ...

    BBC News report at 2 pm from Jonathan Head: "staff knew of other ways out, but not known to the crowd...". Also: "30 bodies not identified".

    This story now relegated to about the 5th item.

    Be careful, people - you're on your own out there, whether you're eating, drinking, walking, driving, shopping or sitting on the beach: keep your wits about you. You're not in the West any more.

    LoS - "Lack of Safety"

  15. I'm still waiting for the report to come around again so I can listen to it ...

    The 5 am BBC news had another live report from him. This time he said some clubs have "no fire safety preparations at all". (I think he meant to say 'precautions', but maybe not). I must admit that I have felt more than a little claustrophobic in some of the basement dives that I used to go to.

    Anyway, this is no consolation to those affected.

    RIP all the victims.

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