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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. I'm in that range too, so at 70, that means I have one in the bank per year. I hope I can keep it up.
  2. Do the South Seas Islands (including bound to disappoint Easter Island), Aquire a Bruce Springsteen-level (ish) flat stomach, be able to read Thai at the old Buddhist scroll level. So really, that's all doable in a year or two without breaking a sweat. 10 years out puts me at 80. Calculators give me another 8-12. I'll prob still be in Chiang Mai.
  3. Average sex acts per year by age: 40-49: 63 50-59: 38 60-69: 25 70-79: 11 Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-017-0953-1 And, if you haven't seen it, The Female Delusion Calculator (how rare a Han-som man you really are): https://igotstandardsbro.com Also, The Male Delusion Calculator (why you will never be happy): https://malerealitycalc.info https://malerealitycalc.info
  4. Yeah, like a J.Conrad or a B.Traven? It could happen. It's more of a young-thing, like when we all listened to Dark Side Of The Moon 200 times. But you were born old. And very sensible. Except when it comes to rural Asian dating.
  5. What about hate-watching? I've seen Sex In The City 2 at least 10 times. It is a Red Pill masterpiece. Or something to show people when they ask you why you moved to Thailand to have sex.
  6. This joke indicates that you are so old that it's really only a theoretical proposition at best. Full disclosure: I went to Butlins to see The Battle of the Meatloaf Tribute Bands.
  7. Sisaket is a good stop off. Some old Khmer ruins (viewable from afar), and the wat made out of beer bottles. Here's Sisaket's abandoned movie theatre and a great site about abandoned movie theaters in Thailand and Laos. I have been to about two thirds of these theaters back in the day. http://seatheater.blogspot.com/2010/03/sisaket-rama-sisaket-thailad.html
  8. Love that stretch of train to Ubon. Very bare and etherial landscape. 'Can't recco the new Laos train. Hard, thin seats, squat toilets. Massively packed out with Lao people so you need to book in advance (in cash, pristine bills only). Myanmar wins it for old trains through beauty. I'm sorry to see that a lot of day train options, partic going south, have been cut back. I did the jungle railway down to Singapore twice. It's a lot less jungle-ish these days. Best long distance bus ride: Hue to Vientiane. 24 hours back in the day.
  9. Yes and no. A film, a record, fashion was radically diff in 1980 than it was in 1950. Something from 30 years ago today (1995) is much more samey in comparison.
  10. So who's King Bogan these days? I need a laugh.
  11. Thank you, Ian Anderson.
  12. Yes, yes you were. Me? No genius either. On everything from race to gays to capitalism, people were much more traditional. And traditional is always code for stupid, but respectable.
  13. An 80's-dumb show 20 years later. In the country that held on to Minstrel shows to the end. 80's was peak Oz interest in the states, from Olivia to that shrimp "thrown" on to a barbie. So peak stupidity and peak Oz interest made for a mentally relaxing decade.
  14. I like how he implausibly whined that Washington DC had fallen completely into a ruin like out of the Walking Dead since he left. As I understand it, it was 100% ghetto-free during his Kim Il-reign. The drive in from the DC airport is perfectly benign. His sense of completely made up aggrievement knows no bounds.
  15. But people were dumb as rocks back then. Look at TV from that era, say Kath and Kim where you come from. Music took a steep dive too after Post-Punk.
  16. Stickman's Reader's Contribution section has a good multi-parter about PI. The guy keeps complaining about hard-hearted Korean ownership and a lack of old-style Mamasans. And that the women want to be gone by 3 AM at the latest.
  17. Oh Bangkok has a single private room for 500 baht a night. And they'd discount for a month. It's a marijuana-heavy environment. great area to eat out in cheaply too.
  18. Bless Residence on Soi 31.
  19. My second post here was can you live in Thailand on $8K a month? Like, what would that be like? Tremendous anger. One guy said I'd likely end up kidnapped or (real quote) "with a bullet in my head". More outrage than usual from the English. It's against their religious to ever state a number.
  20. It's magic fairy dust to make problems go away. I thought I was going to have to border bounce this weekend, but my elusive TM30 finally materialized out of the blue. I thought: Hong Kong or Medan? It was great to have options, instead of just taking the bus to Huay Xai. I miss the fun I had with no money, but not nearly enough to live like I have no money. Money puts a spring in my walk.
  21. Try it and see if you like it. Responsibility should be what happens to other people, not you.
  22. Nah, I'm taking the decade off.
  23. That life phase has come to an end for me. If I want to help the world, I'll toss The Red Cross some change.
  24. What I am hearing here is a high sincerity factor, but a low hotness factor. Whereas most guys would be more than happy with the reverse.
  25. I give you a lot of credit. You go to hard places, have learned some Thai, and a fair bit about the culture. You are a Thai-oholic like myself. I greatly admire (but would shoot myself in the head to avoid being) the modern day Robinson Crueso's here who end up happy in Roi Et. You sound like you will eventually join their ranks.
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