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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. I apologize for my over-kill speech. 'Having a bad day. Which calls for chilling and avoiding Trump Trash. Fatty's gonna be a prison wife within a year. Red Pill is the Esperanto of sexual theory. Sweet.
  2. "I am incapable of making a declarative sentence." Crying about the made up in the shower "wall" is a loser move. Hope you can pull something in China.
  3. An average 50 year old woman is still getting a dozen hits a day on her ad. You? No way. I liked the old Red Pill of moving past the anger phase and into IDGAF. This whiny, leg-clinging hoping someone else is unhappy is a downer. It's just self-defeating bitterness. You're also obsolete. No woman on the apps will even respond to someone describing themselves as a "moderate", since that's code for Trump Trash trying to pass as a centrist to get a date. In your native land, you are a sexual untouchable. Your comical fealty to that gold toilet owner who wouldn't hire you as a bell hop amuses them. Are you broke too? Probably. Brutal Red Pill truth: Nothing is more pathetically beta bux than moving to Thailand to pay to get laid. Anyone here talkin' that religion sure aint living it. It's just a puffed out chest bit of bluster for dating market losers and has-beens.
  4. Doesn't a GF budget line item come with country living? Is anyone out there in the hinterlands (not sticks) living solo?
  5. My wife is in a very long-term recuperation from a couple of huge medical issues. Her immune system took a beating when she got here and she maintained a steady bad cold for 6 months+. When she finally got well enough to think about a little travel, we went to Luang Prubang and she caught dengue fever. 3 weeks in bed. We're off to BKK to put out another health-fire. Wellness-wise, the trend is my friend, but I wouldn't mind catching a break at some point. This is a roundabout way of explaining why you see me here so much.
  6. "The Wall" = completely retarded revenge-fantasy for losers who really aint doing so good themeselves either. Face it: You're old You're broke You're ugly You're bitter You're obsolete But: You're in the right country for that.
  7. I have no problem as such. I am gently making fun of you for believing in: Mensa This blowhard.
  8. Agreed times 100. Backing out the high end places along Suk Road, Indian food is at its peak in England. Have had the hottest curry on earth at a place in New York named (or course) Brick Lane. We split it 4 ways with a pile of garlic nan.They have to make it wearing a gas mask:
  9. -Wanna get a room and show him your MENSA membership card?
  10. if I never call the sticks the sticks again after this implausibly stern upbraiding, would that make your day? Also, the term hillbilly: thought up in New Jersey by a booking agent for The Carter Family. So neither pro nor neg-hillbilly, just something catchy for the concert poster.
  11. Being gay used to be in the DSM5 too. Who's more nutty than shrinks?
  12. No wait, it's also a colon health sanity option after that double burger I had at Duke's last night. Gonna try out this place for the first time tonight: https://www.boundingoveroursteps.com/aum-vegetarian-restaurant-chiang-mai-thailand/ Myanmar tea leaf salad? I'll def be laying the one-piece Lincoln log tomorrow morning.
  13. You need to smoke a lot of pot. Immediately. This fever will pass.
  14. If I could pay them to be actually into me, I would. In a heartbeat. But I tried (and I tried) and it was alway like when Wiley Coyote gets the birthday cake with the suspiciously large candle. Money only greases the skids when (unprompted) groinal dampness is already present.
  15. I quake in fear at Danish tyranny. No wait, I don't -that's just you. I'm lately owning little and loving life. Do you think I could pull Danish? Like, and old leathery one in Hua Hin?
  16. And then again, he turns into Marcel Marceau when it comes time to name who "they" are. It's like dealing with someone who never heard of the concept of the money shot.
  17. Gotta be an age gap thing. Great-looking women who are hot in bed and into you, might happen 4 times at the high end of most male experience. Most guys are lucky to even be with 10 women in their life. And that includes handies. From fatties.
  18. Alway worth a re-post and a laugh: https://igotstandardsbro.com
  19. It was alway brutal trying to get laid by good looking women. There was a golden window of '73-76 where feminism and promiscuity intersected, but idiots like me killed the golden goose.
  20. This wake up call-thing? Has it ever even remotely played out, like say ever, in the history of recorded civilization anyone saying, "wow, thanks for that wake up call"? Or "whatever your wake up call-thing is, I'm going to get right on it"? Is a "wake up call" any better than its retard cousin, "creating awareness"? Isn't the wake up call more of a little testosterone bump for the wake up call-caller than anything useful to the wholly disinterested wake up call-ee?
  21. Yeah, I am one. And my ilk is largely a PITA. Me? I do my best.
  22. "Why aren't all policy decision processes available, at all times, for my amusement?". Relatedly, in a wrestling bout between Jesus and Superman, who would win?
  23. In Chiang Mai, you'd be a gated community. Take a look at 66 Realty for options.
  24. So as I understand it, you are relentlessly scanning the horizon (on my behalf, no less) for danger from: - bad puppets -shadowy employees -"China". And that now leaves me free to just eff off and do nothing, while you do all this heavy lifting? Thanks!
  25. "Shadowy employers that I alone can see".
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