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Posts posted by 4.real

  1. For all of you that think this is an 'urban myth'..

    Do you really believe that the youth of Pattaya are happy to see fat, sweaty, aged foreigners walking hand in hand [grasping tightly for fear of escape?] young thai females?

    Do you not think it most likely that the one time of the year they can inflict urine,filthy water and god knows what else on them in the name of 'fun' they will not take advantage of the situation?

    Last year I saw a large tanker refuelling the drums of pick up trucks..

    I had seen this tanker earlier in the year on my estate emptying cess pits...


    Urine in water pistols ,sewage water [why use water you have to pay for?] in all weapons.Pick-ups with drums refilled from tankers that usually empty cess pits.

    Drunken beer soaked foreigners reeking of serious B.O .playing cowboys and Indians,thinking they are Rambo'

    Thai teenagers that throw ice and filthy powder at all foreigners .

    And you wonder why I have no intention of participating in this 'festival'

  2. Urine in water pistols ,sewage water [why use water you have to pay for?] in all weapons.Pick-ups with drums refilled from tankers that usually empty cess pits.

    Drunken beer soaked foreigners reeking of serious B.O .playing cowboys and Indians,thinking they are Rambo'

    Thai teenagers that throw ice and filthy powder at all foreigners .

    And you wonder why I have no intention of participating in this 'festival'

    • Like 1
  3. I never go to the bars and live in a quiet area of Pattaya.I play badminton and meet many people who also do not drink including well educated females.

    I play golf occasionally .

    I am quite happy here.

    There is the xpats meeting and bridge clubs and quizzes in different places some tennis players play regularly if any of these are of interest.

    I retired at age 48.

    there is no stress [biggest cause of illness] here.

    • Like 1
  4. If it wasn't for the English speaking people of the world half the world would now be speaking only German and the other half would be speaking Japanese..

    You would not be allowed to speak against this and all books in any other language would by now have been burnt.

    PS The English language has more words than any other language; many of the words have come from other languages

    And what poetry and prose can those words produce.

    Take for instance Betjeman's simple line.'Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough;it isn't fit for humans now'.

    French comes second with only one third of the number of words.

    I am not 'arrogant' about the fact I speak only English.I have tried many times to learn other languages and fail miserably.

  5. Phyathai Hospital in Sriracha is my winner. Best service and price I've had at any Thai hospital.

    I have to disagree with that. See my story here if you want to know the details why.

    I went there with a stomach bug.With no questions asked i was placed on a bed and given a test for prostate cancer.

    Only when having to pay [considerable ,can't remember exact] I was informed that the prostate test did not work as i had not eaten anything recently.


    Obvious question before giving this test should be 'Have you eaten anything'.

    I was still charged for this 'test'.

  6. In every country I have been to the natives consider themselves superior beings to any visitors.

    I have no problem with that.

    It can only be a problem if there is some truth in it.

    I wonder why 'racist' is such a derogatory term in western countries.

    Read from page 17 first in a booklet banned from sale in Britain.

    ...google...internet archive free download the longest hatred ...

    look for the link that mentions Jane Birdwell.

    You mean the Jane Birdwell who wrote an anti-semitic rant that when distributed by Kevin Quinn, a member of Combat 18, caused him to be convicted of distributing racist material in the British Courts?

    Probably, although I do not know Kevin Quinn.

    Perhaps you could explain why he was convicted and for what reason?

    Read from page 17 ..the chapter on the real reason for coloured immigration to Britain..perhaps then you will understand why successive british governments since Macmillan have made racism into almost a capitol offense.

    Churchill stated in parliament around 1954,'The biggest threat to Britain ,at this time, is the prospect of mass coloured immigration'.

  7. In every country I have been to the natives consider themselves superior beings to any visitors.

    I have no problem with that.

    It can only be a problem if there is some truth in it.

    I wonder why 'racist' is such a derogatory term in western countries.

    Read from page 17 first in a booklet banned from sale in Britain.

    ...google...internet archive free download the longest hatred ...

    look for the link that mentions Jane Birdwell.

  8. Accusations of Hitlerite and Nazi have been used for decades by the British government to shut the white british workers up should they attempt to speak out against the vast numbers of illiterates imposed on their communities since the 1950's.

    All done to destroy white british culture and power of the trade unions.

    It has worked so well that to be named 'racist' is a bad as being named a rapist.

    The Japanese were cruel during the war,No mention of the atrocities of the Mau Mau;Stalin was the worst criminal but only hHtler is used as an example.

  9. two days should be enough ,even for the many young thais who fill their weapons with urine,sewage water and other filthy stuff..

    I stock up for a couple of weeks here in Pattaya and do chores around the house.

    I did note ,last year a large tanker on Sukhumwit refueling pick-ups with a sign on the side.....

    ....'WE EMPTY YOUR TOILET'....

  10. Ask her to post you a photo of her holding something [ blue umbrella or similar]

    If she drinks or smokes [either] leave alone.

    A friend arranged to meet a 'girl' at her bar [she claimed to be the owner] at 9.30 pm.

    I told him it would be a scam .He waited a couple of hours and she turned up when he asked to check bin.

    I understand she was much older than her photo.

  11. I put up a post re this before finding this report on Page 2.

    My lovely neighbour died some 3 years ago and her husband [ both european] has given me her car [13 years old in his wife;s name ]..

    It has been parked in their drive for 3 years unused.

    What forms do I need to transfer ownership to my thai wife and are there any back payments I must make?

    Thanks all ,in advance, for any response.


  12. Last time I tried to insure after being abroad for 5 years I was informed that I had lost all my no claims bonus.[too long away].

    The cost was prohibitive..

    Once you could insure for a brief period but now they will only sell insurance for one year.


    You could try to pay insurance by installments and merely not pay any more installments when you leave Britain.

    II is possible they have closed this loophole.

    If you are over 60 you can obtain a 'free' travel pass which allows you bus,tube and rail free within the M.25.

    You can also travel free on any local bus route anywhere in England.

    You will also find ,should you buy a car , that it is impossible to park anywhere for free in London.

  13. You can ask at the electric company to take the money direct from your account.

    My elec is still in the last owner's name but I asked if the bill could be paid from my account and they said yes.6 years now.No problem.

    • Like 1
  14. Oh Wow!! My weakness, WW2 Military history !

    Will try to get up there Sunday if not monday morning to pick up:

    The Last Flight of The Luftwaffe - Adrian Weir

    Fighter Pilot - Paul Richey

    Aircrew - Bruce Lewis

    Bomber Boys - Kevin Wilson

    The Big Show - Pierre Clostermann I have already it is a great book about a top scoring ace in the RAF

    I might turn up just to see you trying to pick them up...

  15. Plant Bouganville [as I have] by your outside fences/walls.I also have an alarm I rigged up which will only go off when certain doors are opened in my house.

    Sensors were set off by geckos so are no use.

    I have also rigged up a switch in my bedroom which will set off the alarm should I hear anyone in the house whilst in bed.

    I would not swap my house for any condo.

  16. What so many contributors [all involuntary] and brainless ones do not realise is that they have paid twice as much for National Insurance as they believe.

    The clever mandarins who drew this up after the war [not the elected government who were as much use as the committee of a working man's club ] The permanent civil servants made the payments appear to be divided between employers and employees to purposely hide your true payments.

    The employers contribution ,roughly half the fee,would be used by the employer when assessing the cost of employing a worker.

    The total sum of 'employers contributions' would also be used as money lost when the trade unions sought a pay increase...

    In other words .You, the employee paid BOTH sums

    they also the put a cap on the amount you had to pay from your salary..

    this was roughly the equivalent of what a middle manager would pay thereby decreasing the amount that the top earners would have to contribute.

    All of us now of pensionable age had to pay 44 years contributions into this scam.

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